Map pictures in loading screens and more tips

I thought about idea to add map pictures as the background of the screen and tips on every loading screen not only while generating a map.
I also have some ideas for more tips. Here they are (k-killer, s-survivor and new one which is for b-both):
- S - Hiding in one place for a longer time won't give you anything. Crows will be flying above you which give loud notification for the killer.
- S - Have you successfully unhooked yourself today?
- S - The Entity awaits.
- B - Trapper is NOT Jason Vorhess!
- B - Complete in-game tutorials for both Killer and Survivor to learn new things. After completing tutorials, there are rewards waiting for you.
- B - Endgame collapse is activated for 120 seconds after opening the first gate or closing the hatch by the killer. If Survivor is in dying state or hooked, the endgame collapse timer will be slowed down. If the endgame collapse is finished, all Survivors will die by the Entity.
- K - Breaking pallets encouraged.
- K - Please the Entity sacrificing people of the fog unless you achieve Disgraceful Defeat
- K - Vaulting windows takes a lot of time but in some situations this is helpful to catch Survivors faster. Vault wisely!
Payday 2 player?
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Your idea is very similar to Payday 2 that's why I asked.
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There shouldn't be a map picture on the loading screen.
It would allow people to close the game and avoid the match, where DCing on loading in is better penalised.
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@anarchy753 I don't understand it cuz there are very little DCs. Do you DC from azarov map cuz of pallets? I understand more the fact when you are hillbilly in a hospital.
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I don't think they could mention Jason. Or acknowledge that Trapper was inspired by Jason.
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yes yes yes!! The concept art they have on their website! And obviously it would need to be a randomized slideshow just so the players don't know which map they're going to appear at. 3 seconds isa too short. 8-10 seconds would be better
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Of course they can.
Taking inspiration from something isn't against the law as long as the work is your own, which the trapper is.
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@lazerlight @Fab nice improvement and I like it
@Kerbert don't you see similarity between Jason and trapper? Of course there are some differences but still some people could make him look like Jason like @SkeletalElite mentioned.
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Canada acknowledges that Trapper is a unique character. It's why Trapper has his Canada mask. ; )
Voorhees is spelled like that. Not Vorhess.
Some other, more specific tips:
Ghostface: Remember, there is a .3 second cooldown for discovery progress, try to account for that!
Legion: You cannot down survivors while frenzied. Don't even try to.
Freddy: You can confuse survivors by almost completely charging your teleport then canceling. Most survivors will run when they see the gen spew blood, and may run right into you!
Huntress: Remember, healing survivors have a bigger hitbox from normal!
Wraith: Try to hide your approach as you shimmer in the fog in a way survivors can see you.
Trapper: Try to hide your traps in tall grass or bamboo to catch unwary survivors!
Trapper: Try to make your traps seem random. If they're predictable, they will not always work.
Billy: Remember that you can turn sharply when you're just beginning your chainsaw sprint!
Hag: Survivor traps disorient survivors: try not to teleport all the time when in a chase, as they may accidentally run to you in the confusion!
Nea: Try not to reveal what you are to survivors.
Doctor: Survivors will try to stay in madness one. Raise their madness so you can take advantage of your afflictions!
Stuff like this. ; )
Post edited by Raven014 on0 -
@Raven014 sorry for spelling Voorhees, just thought I click twice 'o' cuz sometimes I get this problem. Those tips seem to be great and I could write in the beginning of wraith's tip that he can be difficult to be seen while invisible but still survivors can still detect you. Nice idea. Hope this discussion will be accepted by devs and maybe they could improve it somehow.
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I hope so. Seeing the same tips gets boring. Getting some jokes in the tips might be nice for a surprise laugh.
I think they should remove the how to play against a certain killer tips for survivors who have played longer than two hours, since that can give away the surprise sometimes.