New status effect for the plague.

Well, as many of you know, the plague is one of the lest played killers. Shes power depends too much on the survivors, and the one hit team is not a big deal for survivors. Now that they are adding the new oblivious status effect, what about adding this effect to the full sick survivors. You are about to drop a ptb, let us try this pleas.
I don't like that, what she needs imo is a rework to her power
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She doesn't need a rework, just more ways to get a corrupt purge
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True, but still her power even with purge just feels underwhelming, she is pretty much a fully auto huntress
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That's why she has a timer and decreased range on this ;)
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The range is meaningless as you can just throw up completely over walls and down davids who forgot to dead hard... I have downed alot of davids who forgot to dead hard
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What are you talking about, Plague is not as slow as huntress, can injure several people at once, throw over obstacles AND has quicker cooldown AND does not have to "reload" hatchets... Corrupt purge is very very good, but sadly survivors deny you this power easily
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Thats exactly what Im talking about. Ive p3 her playing only herself and I think that survivors need more reasons to clean. I think being oblivious is the perfect thing, as if they 4 are sick, then they have a hard deal
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That would actually be really nice. I was also thinking to make surivors want to cleanse, being broken should give a debuff to doing gens. Or even make it harder to see around you like vertigo when you're actually sick or something.
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It could work, but imo it needs an additional condition, like only when repairing gens or cleansing totems, otherwise it would be too strong.