Gotta rant at the devs a little....

So why is it..despite tons and I mean TONS.. of community feedback and ideas...trapper is so far on the back burner to be fixed up? hard is give him 1 more him rearm traps without picking them up..and use lockers to reload I dont have to waste 3 gens just getting a grid just so it can be disarmed and I'm forced 5o pick them BACK up...and arm them somewhere else..trapper is one of the most desired killers for improvements to my knowledge so why on earth is he lower priority than other killers who are less in need of help??..I just want to play a killer without feeling like im freaking handicapped ffs
old DS (I still have nightmares) took 3 years to be nerfed, and a few weeks after this nerf they released a more broken perk called MoM, so don't expect much from these devs
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I'm not trying to be an ass but I love trapper but hes so unfunny at high ranks due to gen speeds and bad maps
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Pretty much what he said. He's not getting anything anytime soon. Same with Legion, he's even more in need of fixes but since devs "just" updated him ... hE Is sURELy oKaY
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Honestly, probably because he is far from the worst. Sure, he has very little pressure and his power has the most counterplay of any but he can stop a loop and make a survivor move from stronger tiles. Doesn't make him good but at least he isn't the Wraith or Legion you know?
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When I play trapper at red ranks I just forget about getting kills and just play for fun and to get some nice plays with the traps. When I get genrushed in about 3 games in a row I just equip NOED lol
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But it's not like they dont have simple ways to improve him...
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I cant bring myself to run noed
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It's just frustrating
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lmao they watch otz and say "trappers OP let's just leave him"
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It was argued back then that MoM was made to get sales going for Ash's DLC.
That's frankly why most people bought his DLC if you want me to be honest. But hey! If that was their plan, it sure did work...
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Hey I like Ash...and the Evil Dead franchise! I bought his dlc for him only...though, for both Leatherbutt, and Ashy Slashy, they gave them one perk that everyone wanted. Though MoM was nerfed and BBQ is still the same basically. Everyone runs it for them blood points.
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Unlike other weak killers, Trapper indeed could be fast & easily buffed. No idea why the devs aren't fixing him since it would only take such a small amount of resources.
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Like, YOU personally may have bought the DLC for Ash, but lets be honest... Most people buy Ash for the same reason people buy Leatherface... Cause of the one perk they come with that's OP or Meta.
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Watching his Trapper games is really interesting
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Have you spoken to 51% of the player base to confirm this? Otherwise your anecdotal 'fact' is worthless.
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What else did people buy him for, for a Survivor that's literally the same as every other shmuck? All Survivors have nothing unique about them except their perks, its kinda obvious what people bought him for.
Most people who bought him didn't even use Ash lmao, they just leveled him for MoM and back in the dumpster he went, i'm glad his perk got nerfed, because people actually used him more after that.
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You see how much work he have to put through in order to win those games as Trapper though? He's sweating in how hard he's trying. The results from all that effort shows but he doesn't have an "easy" time winning.
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Yo, I've only read myths about those in old wiki and old posts, that sounds ridiculously hard for a killer bro, oh and I seen they used to recover from exhaustion, while running!? i like survivor but that's just OP.
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no need to talk about ds, hitboxes have yet to be fixed for 2 years now
old ds was a big problem but the devs are showing that they really dont care and i was going to make a post almost like this but talking about things the yavoid doing for no reason at all
I.E. They avoid anything that has to do with fixing the hitboxes and think that the connection is the major issue when its not the only one because even though it plays a role in it doesnt mean its the issue , hitboxes by themself are broken enough and dedicated servers kinda ######### those even higher then before making huntress have a 50/50 iri head, hitboxes have been ######### but the devs make no effort to fix them and its pretty ovious too with how much its not talked about unless you get hit by some bullshit ingame while playing or streaming
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Honestly not just trapper, A lot of the Killers could be in much better spots if they had some add ons as base or just even some number changes in their powers.
The only reason I can think of is that the Devs don't want to change too much at once. Most changes wouldn't take long at all but the Devs are notoriously slow at Changes to the game no matter how simple.
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If I remember right Trapper performs well as a killer (from stats they published some time ago), so they probably think it's not an urgent matter.
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Trapped is ok, he could def. need some work though. His biggest strength is the unpredictability of trap locations, that makes him fun, although ‘Small Game’ renders his power almost obsolete. As many others mentioned, without addons for more traps, extremely difficult higher ranks.
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Simply put: Priorities. As other have mentioned, he's far from the worst right now. He's on our radar, but we'd rather focus on more pressing issues (e.g. nurse add-ons) before looking at the Trapper again. There's a ton of things we'd like to do, we've just got to pick and choose what we do in the time we've got.
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You say that but you don't know what they have to do in order to do that, what work goes into it and what balance considerations they have. With that in mind, they have priorities, those take precedence. We literally just got a complete rework of the weakest killer and are getting dedicated servers and a new dlc chapter in the next couple of weeks.
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It is going well. I can't say when it will be ready though.
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Is too difficult gives 1 or 2 more trap in his hands?. I see, you need 3 years for that, GG WP.
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You've clearly never worked in technology. You don't just do stuff because you want to. And the Devs don't decide the priority of work.
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I figured I do seem keen on nurse...I know you cant share details but I will say this..we both know that your quest to bridge the swf gap is going to make survivors better overall..theres simply no avoiding it..I want to have faith in you guys and to a sense I do..but freddys blocks going from his best addons to useless frankly has me feeling you'll do the same to worry the two will conflate and cause nurse to be a stressful character to learn in exchange for sub par performance against the newly empowered survivor kit..I dont feel that would be fair especially to people like myself that push to master her on console where she gets no representation hardly due to further increased strain..I know I likely will not be answered and that is have rules to follow but please do remember this will you..? It would mean a lot
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So many people commenting on things they have no knowledge of, and no experience in. I make no comment as to what and when Devs should do anything because I'm not a Dev, i work in a factory and thats where my knowledge is. I imagine 99% of people commenting here either work in a different industry or are still at school. If you came into my work and starting telling me how to do my job because you think you know better you'd get told where to go. So how about supporting the Devs since clearly we all enjoy the game and personally I think they've made leaps and bounds in term of improvements over recent years. Never seen or heard such an entitled community before. Give them love and support, it's a much more productive environment. @Peanits you must have the patience of a saint dealing with this forum! Loved alot of the recent changes, the Freddy rework was top notch and super stoked for stranger things! Keep up the good work Devs!
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Honestly just run devour hope and camp the totem.
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I think giving Trapper just one additional trap in his basekit takes... 5 minutes of coding at most? U should always push in those quick tasks between your high priorites
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I do run devour just because I love the perk..but camping totems doesnt win games
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Couldnt have said it better myself sir
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More of this WE THE COMMUUUUUUUUUUUUNITY HAVE SPOKEN entitlement. The forums are not a design committee.