Does SWF Actually need a Nerf?



  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    A 50% survival chance would be soo much fairer, afterall "2/2 is balance"... Not.

    Survivors win by reaching their goal, getting out. Killers reach their absolute goal by killing 4 survivors, thus preventing their escape. As a side note its funny that only killer goal is considered vague so people push for that " doing 50% of your goal is balanced"-crap

    Survivors want that sweet 50% individual survival chance...

    Toss 4 coins at the same time. Do it once or as often you want. Tell me how often you get 4 heads. Thats the chance for an absolute killer win.

    It takes all 4 survivors failing their chances for the killer to absolutely win.

  • OsamaAndKnuckles
    OsamaAndKnuckles Member Posts: 3

    The problem with a extremely sweaty swf is that only 5 killers max can even have a chance at dealing with them, bit thats a whole other discussion on killer balance. Also the game just isn't balanced around swf I mean what's the point of perks like bond and empathy if you have coms.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Just make solo players opt for voice chats then boom. problem solve. the devs don't have to waste extra resources and time on making sure that perks that are pointless to run on SWF because voicecoms give them for free, to be at least decent because they decided not to play with a friend over coms.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Should Killers auto de pip? It should be balanced around piping, not kills. Also, can you try to be civil.

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    I agree with the OP for the most part. As he says, if the strongest killers go against the strongest survivors over hundreds of games, it should eventually average out to 2 kills and 2 escapes since that is how the developers have decided (in its current state) this game should be balanced.

    That said, it's important to point out that this means that the strongest 4-Man gen-rushing SWF, all Rank 1s, all with utmost experience on looping and dragging out a chase as long as possible, all fully focused on escaping with the maximum number of survivors (so no unnecessary risk-taking or other foolishness that may unnecessarily endanger their personal survival rate), all communicating pertinent information to each other to maximize efficiency - should, on average, have only 50% of escaping against the strongest killers.

    Hopefully this doesn't even need to be said, but this 50% escape rate of these strongest SWF also doesn't mean only against the strongest Nurse, Hillbilly, or Spirit players, but also against the strongest Trapper, Leatherface, or Doctor players (or any other killers.)

    Which also leads to the idea that if these same teams of Survivors should not play in such a way, but prioritize "fun" (or "socializing with each other") over "efficiency" and "maximizing their time and skills to fulfill the game wincons," of course, that means that they should be slaughtered by the strongest killers 100% of the time, and therefore should no longer have any effect on the balance of the game, since they are no longer playing as the "strongest survivors."

    So, the OP is right. If the strongest 4-Man gen-rushing SWFs are getting more than 2 Escapes on average against the strongest killers (whether it's Trapper or Leatherface), it most likely means that this game is not balanced and a fix should be prioritized.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    Sure, SWF doesn’t need nerfs. But then many other areas of the game need buffs. The fact of the matter is that the game is not balanced around communicating with other survivors. Also comparing the game to shooters is not logical. This is an asymmetrical 4v1 MP game.

    Also basing balance around kills is equally nonsense. If I kill two people at red ranks that’s almost guaranteed to be a depip for me because I play weaker killers. I like to use Trapper. I enjoy Fredward. I have fun with Wraith. But SWF destroys these killers.

    Lastly, why the idea that a survivor who died automatically had a bad time? I die as survivor a lot but still pip and still have a good time. You can do other things and pip but end up dying. As killer if you don’t get kills you don’t pip.

    And with these weaker killers on these doodoo maps, sometimes the only way to get kills is to play in a manner that those SWF will get salty about 😆

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157
    edited August 2019

    If you are sweating your ass off but you have 0 chances of winning, perhaps you should pick either a different killer or get better. Killer is power role but it's rough and can be stressful against equally skilled survivors. It's not gonna be easy, playing killer isn't meant to be for everyone. I played Evolve in GB ladders with top tier players, if you think playing killer in this game is very stressful then HA.

  • KillingInstinct
    KillingInstinct Member Posts: 272

    So you basically said, that if a killer gets too good at this game, they will make sure that queue times get increased? bruh moment

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    @SureSpear Like they aren't doing it now anyway??

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    So if dying as a survivor isn't bad, then surely by that same logic not getting a kills as a killer is not bad either.

    So there's no need for you to get all sweaty playing like a jerk to get kills.

  • SureSpear
    SureSpear Member Posts: 211

    Exactly. So what is a nerf gonna do besides make that more common?

    Face it: playing survivor is a team game. The reason SWF is so "broken" is because it provides a covenient method of communication, no more no less. If more people in solo got their teams in chat, solo would be just as "broken." Four minds are just better than the one. If you think you're playing in to SWF, don't ever ever ever tunnel, keep your patrol going, and try and figure out if anyone in the game is outside the chat. If they are, use them to your advantage: there's a chance they'll lead you right to the swf gen team.