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The Weakest Killer, How Do We Buff Him?

DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

Hello, it's me DoomOrb and I'm here once again to talk about the weakest killer in the game. Yes' I'm talking about Leatherface.

Now you might think Wraith is the weakest but I would disagree. But if you want to argue about that, please go to my other forum post to do all of that arguing yourself there. Because this forum post is for a different purpose.

Now back to Leatherface.

Leatherface is currently in my eyes the weakest killer in the game.

He has a standard movement speed of 115% movement speed.

An Instadown that when he charges it slows down more and when he goes to a frenzy the distance is already too much that you won't really catch up.

The Chainsaw hits multiple people so that's the good thing.

When he bumps to an object he suffers a lot more for it and ends up loosing the survivor for it, unlike Billy that only looses a bit of distance but can be regain thanks to his movement speed.

Leatherface, like Billy can break pallets with chainsaws.

And that's about it. Leatherface in general doesn't have much going for him aside from being the best basement camper in the game. No one can challenge him when it comes to camping. But he really doesn't have much chase potential, or map presence. He barely has an area he can protect and he has no tracking.

Leatherface is almost the face of a bland killer due to how bland he feels. Sure he has an instadown, but that's really all he has.

Now how to buff him? Well there are a few tweaks I would say that would make him a lot better. For one side when he's charging his chainsaw, make him not move so slow when he's charging it. Another thing is when he does bumb something, let his bumb time be less so is less punishing, and increase his acceleration speed a bit more to make his frenzy more of a threat.

These small changes would make him a bit more viable and would move him to at least mid tier. Playable enough to be viable.

But what do you think. As always your opinion is always welcome here.

With Love, DoomOrb



  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Give him a little chainsaw sprint which is faster than walking but way slower than hillbilly. Like make his chainsaw able to continue for as long as you hold it down. Massively reduce steering but have add ons to increase control.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    @GrootDude me too

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Imo a decent way to buff/rework him is to give him the option to 1 or 2 hand his chainsaw.... 1 handed does 1 quick slash that takes slightly less time to charge then 2 handed but has a longer miss cooldown....and 2 handed does the charge we know today.... numbers need tweaking ofcourse

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Are you sure about that? Last time the developers shared data on killer lethality. The Clown and Legion (before his rework) was the least lethal killers.

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272

    Chainsaw on unhooking attempt:

    Unhook Immunity

    Unhook Immunity

    Borrowed time


  • StupidButTru
    StupidButTru Member Posts: 366

    I don't know about that most leatherface just get right behind you rev up the chainsaw and insta down, don't think he needs a buff unless they take away the one shot down capablity

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    I think that due to him being a licensed killer, he has to resemble the killer from the movie... aaand if you've seen the movie, you know that his current design in game matches his character in the movie.

    His first few kills playout just like insidious basement camping; later he kills franklin by jumping out from nowhere, then he chases sally forever, trailing off as she dives into a convenience store. I think the devs capitalized on that, but ultimately, I think leatherface was leading her there. Anyways, she's chased by him again later, and he bumps into something and instead of running around what's in his way, he just attacks what he bumped into, it's kinda funny - the movie illustrates weird behavior really well. But, sally ends up getting away by jumping into the back of a car, and leatherface shamelessly, knowing he won't catch her, chases the car swinging his chainsaw.

    Speeding him up during chainsaw sweeps works, but to add some map pressure, maybe they could make his chainsaw sweep last longer. Either base it off of a power bar like the legion has, or make it so he stays in his sweeping animation until it's cancelled, or bumps into something. It can be balanced by increasing/decreasing sensitivity of turns the longer he spends in his sweeping animation. When his power ends, depending on how long he was in his sweep, he has a cooldown period where he can't use his chainsaw, or has a long tantrum

    Make his perks increase the acceleration of the sweep, or modify what the chainsaw can go through - it's a heavy chainsaw so maybe a pink addon could allow him to destroy pallets without being interrupted. The increased or decreased turning sensitivity will ultimately force him to stop so he can't abuse it too much.

    They could also give his chainsaw latent effects like, when a survivor is being chased by bubba and he's revving his chainsaw, they randomly receive skill checks, and if they're missed the survivor is hindered briefly, or they're forced into first person view.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    I rate the naked killer. add Ons are never considered in this.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    Not a bad idea. WoulD make pallet eater more threathening

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    There is a link up there to send you to my tier list discussion. Go there if you want to talk aBOUT who is weaker.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    Yeah no kidding. Freddy's rework took a very long time

  • Neonova
    Neonova Member Posts: 11

    Rank 1 LF main here. He does not need a buff. He is great at locating, and downing. The only buffs I would do are. Chil/AWC Increase movement speed by 5% decrease Chainsaw charge slow by 25/50% and than reduce his bump penalty from 5 seconds to the amount of time left in the charge. As you swing for I believe 5 seconds meaning hitting right away will cause you to suffer the full 5

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    Your thoughtful buffs has been valued greatly. Thank yoU foR your time.

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    The Idea with him is that he could take down multiple survivors, They should have made it once you down 1 person with the chainsaw, its basically a refresh on the amount of time you have while chainsawing, So that why you can get more distance and maybe get a couple people down in 1 go

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,140

    Have you seen play with your food on him?

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447
    edited August 2019

    They have to be really careful about buffing him because I’m sure if they aren’t careful he’ll just be a more viable hook camper. They need to find a way to buff him while making less effective a hook camping.

  • Cayde1342
    Cayde1342 Member Posts: 96

    As a Legion main I can say that if anyone deserves to be relooked at it's him

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    It doesn't help that a LOT of his add ons are just Billy's and don't give him useful stats.

    He basically NEEDS charge time or movement speed add ons to be able to use the chainsaw at all.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    Yes, but that's just with a perk. Remember, I'm looking at the naked Leatherface. No add ons and no perks.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170
  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130
    edited August 2019

    I tried to optimize a build around PWYF after ghost face dropped using furtive chase + PWYF + infectious fright + knock out. My plan was to hook the obsession, and return when unhooked to get a PWYF stack as the new obsession ran away. I'd tunnel the unhooked, then...

    • see if infectious fright proc showed where the new obsession was, if so, I'd leave the downed surv with knockout active, then go after the new obsession to collect PWYF stacks to help land chainsaws the rest of the survs, causing a snowball.
    • when infectious fright failed (it did a lot), I would pickup the downed surv. If they had decisive, they'd become the obsession, and I'd chase to collect PWYF stacks. Otherwise I would just hook them, then look for the other obsession.

    Ultimately, this build didn't work because it needed a really specific set of events to happen; it worked a few times but GG'd the match when I couldn't find the obsession. Ultimately, PWYF was too hard to use imho.

    Also, I don't know why, but the speed from PWYF doesn't help much unless I'm using chili addons for acceleration. Unfortunately, double movement speed addons and 3 PWYF stacks doesn't do anything, really.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243
    edited August 2019

    Full addon rework could help a lot. Muffler on LF? It's almost like they weren't expecting to get the license and just slapped some ######### together. Don't even get me started on chili.

    Slight increase to chainsaw frenzy movement speed. Could slightly reduce Beasts Marks add ons to compensate as his speed is quite effective with this add on.

    I find his power is ok with Tuning Guide + Beasts Marks and is fairly fun as it requires steering the saw in loops. The other ok loadout is Tuning Guide + Primer, this isn't much fun since you just dry hump a survivors butt and press saw.

    I think his penalty for hitting objects is fine if the power is slightly increased. This will reward skillful play and punish potato play.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Uhhh he has literally nothing to help with Locating. So at best he's exactly as good as other M1 Killers at that.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited August 2019

    No. Maybe getting an insta down when the stars align isn't the standards we are going for. In order to get a down with the chainsaw you need to be withing 0.906 meters of the Survivor when you start reving. And they need to not be within 3ish seconds of a window or pallet.

    By comparison, Hillbilly can instadown you cross map, AND loses less distance when charging the saw AND has a ton of utility from it AND has a much lower cooldown when hitting something AND accelerates instantly AND is considered to be one of the most balanced Killers in the game if not the best balanced.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Also breaking a pallet with his saw shouldn't stop him. shOUld just keep goin

  • StupidButTru
    StupidButTru Member Posts: 366

    Exaggerated Leatherface's chainsaw moves side to side and he gains a boost while reving and capable of downing multiple people, if you think that needs a buff then you can't have one shot capablity with the buff it's just not FAIR.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170
  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    Really his speed just needs tweaking, the chain saws 1 hit is a very powerful tool but the resource cost to use it is just too high atm.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited August 2019

    Honestly, I don't find Leatherface the worst killer. Because he at least have insta-downs when Survivors are in dead-zones (no windows / pallets near by) and also he is the best Camper of the game.

    Wraith on the other hand, I found him the worst Killer right now (without add-ons). He can sneak to people sure and camp as well, but unlike Leatherface, he don't have insta-down, he is worse camper, he has worse chases and longer overall.

    But still, Leatherface for sure need some buffs or something new to do to make him better and more fun to play. There are so many killers that needs help :/

  • Neonova
    Neonova Member Posts: 11

    Bbqc is his perk, designed for him. He can locate technically better than almost anyone else besides freddy nurse and trapper as they have it as a part of there kit. If you remove perks those three (to my knowledge) are the only three with locating. With perks bubba is best.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I still think, that Wraith is clearly the worst killer in the game, but LF needs some tweaks too. Maybe give him no penalty on his movement speed while charging his chainsaw, but dont allow free movement while sawing, something like that.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Perks are not Killer specific. I run BBQ on a lot of Killers that aren't leatherface.

  • Neonova
    Neonova Member Posts: 11

    Than no killer besides freddy, hag, doc, and legion have any form of location. This is a battle of semantic anyway so I don't see the point.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    edited August 2019

    Look, i'm not trying to crap on your idea but...

    Like you said Leatherface's chainsaw takes down more than one person. While billy only can get 1 person with his.

    So if Leatherface hits a wall his cooldown is justifiable. What I do agree with is:

    After He Hits a wall aka Bumps it increases his movement speed for a few seconds like The Wraith.

    The slow movement speed while charging is on every killer with a charging ability:

    The Shape: Moves Slower when Charging E.W.

    The Pig: Moves Slow when crouched and Charge time is a bit long

    Billy: Moves Slow when charging his chain saw

    Wraith: Moves Slow when uncloaking

    This combats the OP-ness of the Killer.

    So to combat charging movement speed here's the Buffs that is actually needed for him:

    -After He Hits a wall aka Bumps it increases his movement speed for a few seconds like The Wraith.

    -After he hits a wall, he gets a better recovery speed. (For chainsaw to go down)

    so if you hit a wall you can still catch up and try to strike again with the chainsaw.

    (I'm not saying buff his chainsaw charging time neither because... I'm pretty sure there are addons for that...)

    But, those are my thoughts.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Those Killers as well as Plague and Clown have direct forms of detection.

    All stealth Killers are good at tracking due to survivors not knowing to go into hiding.

    Nurse and Billy also can find people easier due to them having less time to hide before they get there.

    Trapper gets information from his traps being either set off or disarmed, same as with Hag and Freddy in that sense.

    That leaves Leatherface, Spirit (unless she uses specific addons) and Huntress. All other Killers have something to help with tracking,

    speed, stealth or direct tracking.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    I'd argue naked clown is worse than naked leatherface because at least with leatherface if you catch someone in an open area you have a better chance at instaDowning them

  • Neonova
    Neonova Member Posts: 11

    What does clown have for tracking? Also there is a difference between "Oh hey I found a survivor" and there is a survivor at the gen inside the lodge atm. Speed is not tracking, stealth is not tracking. Things like bbqc are tracking.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Clowns bottles make people scream. So you can throw them over cover to check it faster than walking over there.

    And even though it's not direct Speed and Steath DO improve your ability to find Survivors and thus improve tracking. Something like BBQ is obviously way more effective than speed at that sort of thing, but Speed is extremely important.

    If someone has 10 seconds to hide they can pick a further and more effective hiding spot. While if they have only 2 seconds to hide then they are far more likely to be caught out in the open. And if they don't even know they are supposed to be hiding in the first place then they are certainly going to be caught.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    Make him so he doesn't slow down while charging the chainsaw like billy, he keeps his movement constant while leatherface becomes a turtle.

    Plus rework some of his addons, show them some love.

    Boom now he is a solid mid killer.

  • Neonova
    Neonova Member Posts: 11

    I have to ask are you just going to continue arguing this and never budge at all?

  • Volkain
    Volkain Member Posts: 7

    I know exactly how to fix leatherface.

    We buff Nurse and Spirit.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Perfect. I can see it now:







  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    They also need to be careful because they need to find some way to buff him in a way that takes more skill to use him. As far as I know he already is very strong at low ranks, so just buffing his power seems like the wrong way to do it. I wouldn't know how to buff him though. Not at all. I feel like this is a particularly tough one for the devs. He might be fine though once all maps are reworked that need reworking, when there are more mindgameable loops, thanks to his instadown ability.