Time to add a being chased indicator to survivor portraits on the HUD?

Seems like a really easy way to help balance the solo vs swf experience.
Basically similar to the entitys arms around the obsession portrait indicating when they are chased
No need if you play against wwf or with somone you know this alredy.Devs got great idea with this entity arms when i chase obsesion so every one got free info.And now you want give survs even more free info!? No!
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I agree. that would only enforce genrushing.
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This "free info" you're so keen on protecting is available to Survive With Friends using third-party communication (voice chat).
They can have it, but not solo survivors?
As the killer, you're fine with being weaker than SWF teams? (Because the devs will not buff killers to be balanced against SWF if it will hurt solo survivors.)
It sounds counter-intuitive, but it's good for killers in the long run.
- Imagine playing any competitive game with two opposing sides.
- The side opposing you can cheat and use an exploit to have an advantage.
- The devs cannot patch this exploit out of the game because it would upset a large portion of the player base.
- Now imagine that the devs CAN make your side strong AF to help counter these cheaters, but they won't because it would make you too strong against the players who AREN'T cheating... You still follow?
- Imagine the exploit being made part of the game so that the cheaters no longer have a real advantage over the non-cheaters.
- Now that the other team is all on the same level, your team can be buffed up to fight them in a more balanced way!
Stop shooting yourself in the foot!
(PS: I also think a special survivor icon should appear when near the hatch. This lets my teammates, huddled at the exit gate waiting for me, know that I've located the hatch and that they can leave. I'm sick of dying to the End Game Countdown because they wait until the very last second. I'm injured. I lost the killer. He's over there looking for me. My teammates don't know this. They're waiting for me to come running to the gate with the killer in tow so they can maybe take a hit for me or just t-bag when I go down in front of them. I die needlessly. Would NOT be an issue with SWF voice chat.)
Post edited by Nos37 on26 -
You've completely missed the point. The devs are trying to balance the game by bringing the solo experience up closer to the swf experience.
The game is impossible to balance in its current state since SWF is much stronger then solo. If they can get solo and SWF closer they can then adequately balance survivor vs killer as a whole.
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It seems like you dont understand how Balance works.
SWF gets way more info than Solo Survivors. IF the amount of information is the same, it can be balanced around this. Currently, there is no real Balance possible, because you cannot balance the strong and the weak Killers all together, same goes for SWF and Solos. Lets say you buff all Killers to work vs 4 man SWFs (not gonna happen, but just imagine). Solos would be screwed. But if Solos have 100% the same information which 4 man SWFs get, you can actually do this.
The idea given by OP is not new, but it is actually really useful. Instead of guessing if someone is going for a Save, you can see the Icons - 1 Survivor being chased, two on the Gen. Ok, so you might want to leave your Gen to go for the Safe.
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The problem is that the game is not balanced around that amount of information.
Yes, obviously you can lessen the gap between solos and swf that way, but it'll boost balance in favor of survivors a lot. "Current status hud", ping-tools, default VC ingame, lots of possible (good) solutions. Even a killermain like myself can see that.
Another huge factor would be the devs habit of only doing one thing at a time:
Imagine having to play unadjusted killer for X months with all survivors you meet having the power/info potential of a blendette depip squad. (Start at X=1 and increase it, let's see your "thats unbalanced bullshit" tolerance)
Third problem would be how to buff the killers, you see the threads in the forum, not even the killermains are united in how to approach this. "Killer mechanics" , each killers "ability and addons" , would the devs dare to tweak perks or survivor stats. This step is a clusterfuck in the community, imagine it happening for the devs.
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"Even a killermain like myself" reads only half of what I have written. I wrote once the gap is closed (information given are the same), it can be balanced around that.
At the moment you cannot get a 100% balanced game. I mean, it will not ever be possible to be 100% balanced, maybe if Nurse gets removed, because you cannot balance any abilities to the Nurse Ability. Like, Trapper will never be as effective as Nurse, so 100% Balance is not achievable.
But the only thing that helps currently with balance is changing Survivors. But you cannot simply buff Killers to SWF-Level, because Solos would be screwed. You cannot balance on Solo-Level either, because than SWF would be way to powerful.
So IF the gap is closed, THEN all Killers can be buffed to SWF-Level. But I doubt that this will happen.
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When playing killer I would also appreciate the hud showing who I am chasing as sometimes it can be difficult tracking who is mad, who is sick and sometimes, because of lack of information, I will accidentally tunnel (or accidentally not tunnel) someone.
Balance is baby steps. Reducing the enormous solo to swf gap is a prerequisite of tackling survivor to killer imbalance.
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This is the most important thing what is needed for solo survivors. And the best part: it doesn't buff swf groups at all.
Anyone who is against that is 100% biased towards killer, no doubt.
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I always for changes that make solo closer to swf. As a killer, I also often would like to know, whom I'm chasing. Little hook icons near surv portraits also would be nice, for easier reminder, what hook stage it is.
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Your argument hinges on the fact that all swf squads are 3/4 man pro squads.
Which is like, 2% of games.
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A chase indicator is a great way to help bridge that swf and solo gap. Peanits himself said he likes the idea and wouldn’t be against its implementation so maybe we will see it one day?
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And right after, tons of threads about the "genrush problem" because 3 survivors know they're safe to do WHATEVER they want.
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Good idea! The indicator could be similar to the entity claws around the obsession, but would be a smaller, different icon that only appears while in a chase.
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Ok so I believe the best way to balance this game is too buff solo survivors to the level of swf, and then buff killers acordingly, and I’m pretty sure that’s what the devs still want too. So this would be a great way to start that process.
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You don't have to be a "pro" survivor to scream and yell when the killer's chasing you. I've watched plenty of casual streamers in SWF voice chat. Happens every time without fail.
Post edited by Nos37 on1 -
The idea is to bridge the gap between solo and swf, and THEN buff killers to be able to keep up with SWF without throwing solo players under the bus. Try thinking of the bigger picture for once
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It might sound stupid ... But can we get ping system like Apex Legends has? You can ping that here is generator, i need healing, killer is there etc. etc. Pings would not spawn on a map, and can be obstructed by environment ... I mean. As others said, without good info for solo survivors, game cant be balanced around SFW and gen rushing. Because solo survivors dont have as much of an advantege.
Or simply add in-game voice chat or normal chat? Would work too? With chat message shortucts?
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That wastes a whole perk slot
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Just run Bond, Empathy, or Alert, jeez. There's a already a free chase mark notification with the obsession. Considering information is one of the most valuable things in the game You should have to sacrifice a perk slot in order to gain such information. SWF break the game using third party equipment which is why they are hated, just as a 5 blink nurse is hated.
Otherwise if this change is made than Surveillance should be made baseline
I'm pretty sure everyone would enjoy basekit Surveillance on a Nurse
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Yes :)
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SWF is not cheating get over yourself or GIT GUD!
HUD icon that show someone Healing, breaking a totem, working on a generator etc could be beneficial to both sides.
It would be worth testing in a ptb.
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Maps can be used to ping things with certain add-ons but the ability to shout out locations wouldn't make sense unless the killer was alerted to you shouting.
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Honestly Indicators of every survivors current actions would be a huge step to closing the gap between SWF and Solo.
Sadly, I don't think we're even close to seeing an attempt to close that gap yet if ever.
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Except your post specifically says "weaker than swf" and "cheat or exploit with voice comms to gain an advantage".
Heavily implying they're good swf.
Because as we all know, most swf teams, in voice, are not pro swf teams and will not make a difference wether or not they're "cheating".
Which is what I was referring to. The fact that your entire post was based on all swf being "pro" swf.
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Which again would make SFW in advantage. Because of third party. It cant alert the killer as it would be disadvantage again.
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@Carpemortum If a killer was legitimately wallhacking, but still couldn't catch survivors because of being outplayed at loops, that killer should not be banned for cheating?
Why does the performance/outcome of the cheat matter if it's still a cheat?
Survivors With Friends using voice communication have an advantage over solo survivors, regardless of what they choose to do with the information they share.
This HUD chase suggestion could be fully implemented and I could STILL have useless teammates wetting themselves in the corner while I'm being chased.
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"Oh my gawd AHHHHHHHHHH Nurse get away from me!" is the same as saying "The Nurse is chasing me go do gens".
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Which is why it's inherently a poor idea. At most, give maps longer use and the ability to set beacons by default but that's all.
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Not even. The entire point of these kinds of changes is to establish balance between both sides, which is ultimately beneficial to both Killers AND Solo's. So even a 100% biased Killer main should still want changes like these to go through.
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So in-game chat or voice-chat ... Otherwise the SFW will always be at advantage.
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When it comes to ally tracking we should be giving them as much free info as possible.
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I'm not opposed to that. SWF will still always have an advantage anyway tho, just because typically they're people who already synergize well. You'll never achieve true equality between solo and swf.
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Swf can have an advantage, it's fine. But the current gap between solo and swf is just way to big. We need to close it in order to have a more balanced experience. Otherwise it will get only frustating for solos or only frustating for killers.
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Good thing you have 3 more.
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Yes please. This would be such a great change to close the gap between solo and swf survivors.
The only thing I fear is that it could hurt stealth killers quite a bit, especially Myers and Ghost Face. But they do get hurt a bit by swf that way, and it would allow the devs to maybe make some small adjustments so they don't get hurt by that anymore.
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The entire point of the upcoming changes is to bring solo players closer to SWF without solos having to waste perk slots to get info that SWF get for free.
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I can agree..if it makes more killers red rank viable..we are already biting the bullet on swf..what's a little more for progress?
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Absolutely no, haha. That's way too powerful for when playing survivor unless it takes up a perk slot, and even then I feel like that would be too strong of a perk unless it specified in a case and more so goes off every 30 seconds or something. Bond and Empathy exist for tracking chases
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To anyone who disagrees, can you please just use your imagination to see how many changes the killer role will undergo to become stronger?
If this change were to go out, they would HAVE to buff killers to compensate. When you think about the possible changes they can make to killer, doesn't it get you excited? Also, it would make the game more balanced overall!
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Sure, if Pallet/Gen Break, Weapon Wipe, and Pickup speeds are all buffed by 75% to make up for 75% of the Survivor group knowing they can blast off on gens with zero risk.
Seems fair to buff Killer actions by 75% in order to combat 75% of the Survivor team getting a buff (100% if there is no obsession).
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just go away with ideas that only benefit one side of the player base...
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And you wonder why SWF can be powerful...
This notify-the-other-survivors-that-I'm-being-chased is only a PORTION of what SWF using voice chat can share. Here's 10 more:
- The killer's identity upon being spotted by the first survivor (free Object of Obsession or Alert without using a perk slot)
- Which pallets have been used up (free Alert or Windows of Opportunity without using a perk slot)
- Their general location (free Bond, Empathy, or Aftercare)
- The general location of hex/dull totems, as well as the ocassional trap/mark/snare (free Small Game)
- The general location and completion of gens (free Rainbow Map)
- The general location of the Black Lock (hatch) once spawned and located by the first survivor (free Map with the Black Cord add-on)
- The general location of unopened chests (free Plunderer's Instinct)
- The killer's proximity to the hooked survivor (free Kindred)
- The killer's general location (free Spine Chill or Premonition)
- The exit gates' location(s) (free Wake Up!)
If you're worried about what 4 strangers can do with just the being-chased info, imagine what coordinated teams of 4 who play together consistently can do (reach red ranks as killer and you won't have to imagine).
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It's been confirmed by the devs that once the bridge has been gapped, all killers will be buffed accordingly.
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Giving us chase indicators or a built in Kindred are the easiest quick-wins for closing the gap between solos and swf.
If I play swf, I'm not capable of relaying accurately the positions of the remaining gens, the killer, the hex ruin, the exit gate or the hatch unless they are in a really describable spot - the main building or the shack. However, all levels of swf can say, I'm being camped, I'm being chased or come and get me. Even at my swf level, I STILL feel like I am cheating!
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Way too much info for survivors, this can be abused by swf as vocally describing an area is quite difficult but pinging a location will make it way too easy. You can easily ping hex totems too which is a straight nerf to killers
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And the context of the two differences is my point. The message may be the same, but the application and skill is not. The "communication is killing us tryhard swf" are not that common.
I can say "shes chasing me clockwise about 40 meters from the killer shack" and if I/we are not good players, it wont do ######### to the outcome of the game.
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Most solo games go better than any swf games I've played. I'd rather play solo.