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Best order to level killers

Member Posts: 6,556

Considering we are expecting an influx of new players with the stranger things dlc. I think it makes sense for us to colectively think of a "focus on this" list.

I created one for me about a month ago, which was about a few weeks after I started playing the game. I only made an actual list for killers, survivors I didn't...I just went for the "meta" perks expecting to end on kate because thats the survivor I wanted to main.

Here's my list with a small explanation of why they are this high or low on the list

(Assuming you have every killer unlocked)

1- leatherface

Barbecue and chilli is one of the best perks in the game and pretty much fits in any build.

Also, learning leatherface means you learned the basics of almost every killer

2- Hag

-hex: ruin, to slow the game down just a little bit. It's an amazing perk, specially at low ranks. Gives you more time to try stuff out in the early game.

3/4- Hillbilly or Spirit(can' decide the order)

You want to unlock enduring with billy and spirit fury with spirit.

That's a combination of perks that most killers can use, making them very versatile.

Spirit in particular will teach you how to not just use your eyes. Good thing to learn early on.

5- Clown

Pop goes the weasel is another great perk that can go in many killers. It's better in some, but certainly viable all around.

Bamboozle is good too, but it's a crutch perk, try not to depend on it.

6- legion

Get discordance, one of, if not the best, detection perk. Literally slap this perk everywhere.

7- Pig

Make your choice is the main goal here. But surveilance can be pretty good depending on the build aswell.

Some killers make great use of make your choice (including the hag, but ruin had priority)

8- Doctor

Monitor and abuse is one of those perks that you can, but won't, use everywhere. But it is great on the right killers

Overcharge is niche, but it can do work too.

9- Trapper

Brutal strenght, not amazing, but some killers make great use of it (like freddy, since everyone kinda drops the pallet early against him these days)

10- Ghost face

Gonna be honest, not really sure which perks are good for ghost face, I just know that his perks are great on the next killer, so I put him here *shrugs

11- Nurse

Best killer on pc. Hands down.( you should probably not play her as your first or even third killer)

Nurses calling = wall hacks, and wall hacks are amazing.

And thanatophobia has a few niche users coming right up.

12- Plague.

Get that infectious fright and corrupt intervention for the other killers. Not amazing, but we passed the "amazing perk" phase.

13- Freddy

His perks aren't super great. They are very specific, but can do wonders when they work.

14- Michael Meyers

To be honest, he should probably be higher, but I got his 2 good perks on the shrine, so Im not sure where I would put him... but certainly above the last 2

15- Huntress

Lullaby is the one good perk she has, and it's not really worth using since it usually vanishes before it has any major effect

16- Wraith

As much as I like playing mr bing bong... no one needs his perks, you'll just poison the bloodweb. level him last

So... thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 1,352

    You made a pretty good list, but there are a few things I disagree with.

    My first issue is with Hillbilly and Spirit's placement. Enduring and Spirit Fury are a very strong combo, but similar to how bamboozle can teach you bad habits and stunt your growth as a killer player, so can this combo. Running enduring, however, helps teach new players that eating pallets is preferable to respecting pallets. I'd leave Hillbilly at #3 for this reason, but Spirit can go elsewhere.

    Ghostface's placement seems like it was shoved in there. His perks are okay, but they aren't better than Nurse's (with 3 valuable perks) or Plague's (especially since corrupt intervention can be very useful). I'd honestly put him right under Freddy or Myers.

    Everything else seems fine to me!

  • Member Posts: 8,756

    I'd put Doc, nurse and Myers higher on this list, due to Monitor, nurses calling and STBFL. The spirit fury/enduring combo is Abit overused imo. While you can score hits through pallets alot of the times, this combo just teaches you to RELY on those hits instead of learning how to play your character to get hits normally.

  • Member Posts: 651

    This shouldn't even exist in a competitive game.

  • Member Posts: 6,487

    Dead by Daylight isn't really much of a competitive game, despite it having ranks. Probably never meant to be.

  • Member Posts: 6,487

    Why is Bamboozle a crutch perk? It just helps shorten certain loops.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    "Bamboozle is good too, but it's a crutch perk, try not to depend on it." Wut? I've seen some people claiming NOED was a crutch perk, but that's a new one.

  • Member Posts: 6,487

    Maybe he means that it allows them to not have to mindgame certain window loops. But it's much more than that, being able to get rid of the ridiculous window loops found on some maps, and to force down pallets faster in loops like jungly jyms and killer's shack.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @ad19970 I have no idea. Bamboozle's major use is to shut down braindead loops early, where you otherwise would have been forced to run around the same building 3 times without having any chance to do a mindgame.

  • Member Posts: 6,487

    Exactly. Though those loops shouldn't exist anymore after the map reworks. Probably will make Bamboozle less of a useful perk then.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    If you wanna focus on getting Bloodpoints fast, BBQ is one of the best perks out there since it potentially DOUBLES all BP gain from there on.

  • Member Posts: 16,594

    You are giving the word "Mindgame" here. Bamboozle is exactly that - it gets rid of the Mindgame for the Killer.

    Bamboozle is helpful for those Bullshit Loops, this is 100% correct. But this is the only use where it is really needed (like the Ironworks-Window or the back Window of Torment Creek). You dont need Bamboozle on other Structures, because you can mindgame. Like Shack or Jungle Gyms, those are mindgameable. But with Bamboozle, you only block the Window, force the early Palletdrop and thats it. Not gonna say it is not effective, but you dont need any Skill to do this.

    Also, this is something OhTofu made a video about (if you are interested, it is quite recent, you will find it on his channel, it is about Bamboozle and Spirit Fury), window plays are better for Killers than Pallet Plays, because (safe) Pallets need to be broken while Windows can be mindgamed.

    So yeah, I would not say that Bamboozle is needed.

  • Member Posts: 16,594

    BBQ is really good to lower the Grind. I am using BBQ on Killers where I would normally not use it, just to shorten the grind until I have all Perks on them. BBQ being the first Perk to get is not a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 272

    Wraith and Ghost face have one perk which works well on Nurse (Shadowborn, I'm All Ears).

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    I'd recommend beginners aim for

    • Unrelenting - Beginners WILL whiff their hits (and it does not need unlocking)
    • Bloodhound - Makes chases MUCH easier until you get used to scratchmarks
    • Ruin - Because new survivors will not hit great skill checks
    • B&Q - For points

    I'd suggest they stick with the first two perks until they are comfortable enough to play without them and then drop them for:

    • Nurses Calling - But don't try to PLAY Nurse
    • Enduring or Discordance

  • Member Posts: 4

    I'm new to killer myself and started with Hag due to her having both Ruin and good map presence.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    You're right. Spirit fury is kind of a crutch.

    Ghostface is there to give nurse Im all ears and trembling tremors. So I would still keep him before nurse.

    I got stbfl on the shrine, so when i made the list a while ago I ignored meyers, Im more than ok with him going higher on the list.

    I might be a bit bias against the nurse since the few games I played with her were terrible...but at the most, she goes after legion and ghostface, because discordance and im all ears are great on her. I wanted her to have access to make your choice and monitor aswell, which is why I put her that low on the list.

    It stops you from learning to mindgame some windows. Its amazing on the infinites, but thats where you should be using it, not every window.

    You are not wrong. But bbq is still useful and doubles your bp every match, which potentially cuts the grind in half.

    Which is why gf is before nurse.but tremors and im all ears can be used by other killers.

    Who else uses shadowborn? It's so niche that it's not worth to get before other perks

    Unrelenting is free, so thats not a problem.

    Shadowborn...while I agree it will help early on, it will be unnecessary very fast. And then it will just be there...not letting you get discordance or something else.

    I don't know... but I do agree on the replacements, they are solid.

    And thats perfectly ok.

    I debated if hag or LF where the best pick for going first and settled on LF, because bps speed everything up. Hag was the first killer I played aswell, shes so much fun :)

  • Member Posts: 1,711

    Just this list shows how ridiculous the grind is. A new player needs store spend over 50+ hours (probably 100+ hours since they are new and bad and can't earn a lot of BPs per match) before even having 1 reliable strong build..

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    And in the beggining that will be enough. Since the survivors also don't have that.

  • Member Posts: 1,711

    What do you mean with survivors? You need to unlock the perks aswell

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I mean neither killer or survivors would have a decent build early on. Which makes it fair.

    I still wish the grind was less grindy, but it's fair on both sides

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @Aven_Fallen Thanks for mentioning the video, I've watched the first 6 minutes where he talks about Bamboozle.

    The first thing, where we agree on: Bamboozle is great to shut down braindead, but very strong loops. There are several badly designed maps where this perk is a great help. (And if the survivors run BL, there are even more maps where you really want to close a certain window.)

    The next thing: Shack and most jungle gyms are not mindgame-able as long as the respective pallet is still up. If the killer tries to do a mindgame and successfully lands a hit, then simply because the survivor messed up. If the survivor positions himself correctly, he is safe. That changes when the pallet is destroyed. That's why you want the pallet to be gone. With forcing the survivor to run the shack/jungle gym a certain way, you also force them to drop the pallet early. Here Bamboozle can help you save time.

    Bottom line: Bamboozle is nice-to-have for jungle gyms, but a really great help for badly designed buildings. It also depends on the killer, of course. No need to run Bamboozle on Trapper, for example.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    If the devs continue to rework maps in the current pattern, then we are looking at only 2 maps per year being reworked.

  • Member Posts: 8,756

    The reworked preschool is now one of my favs. I actually used up my preschool map offerings.

  • Member Posts: 6,556
  • Member Posts: 6,487
    edited August 2019


    I guess it could be considered a crutch once there are only mindgameable window loops after the map reworks, but even then, when you mindgame on a loop there's always a chance you get outmindgamed, since it's always also quite a guessing game. Bamboozle can just help you get an guaranteed hit at those loops instead of only taking the chance to get a hit against it. Not that it really maters. It's just a perk.

    To be fair, once the infinites are finally gone, Bamboozle will probably see much less usage anyways. It really would only shine on killers shack and the few jungle jyms that remain (of which I hope there will be a limit of how many can spawn on a map). Bambbozle and maybe even Spirit Fury do feel a bit like a bandaid fix to the badly designed loops we've got right now.

  • Member Posts: 6,487

    Well I hope not. To be fair there was only one Badham map and they had to create five of them, changing the layout as well. So that probably took extra work. With other maps, especially the original ones, of which there are already five of each realm, all they need to do is alter them without completely reworking them. Make some of them smaller, and give them more mindgameable loops and less safe. Their layout doesn't need to be changed.

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