Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Time to add a being chased indicator to survivor portraits on the HUD?



  • Member Posts: 613

    An entire balance point of DbD is that Survivors are suppose to give up perk slots to have that information. Survivors are suppose to make due with a lack of information from the start or gain it at some cost be that perk slots or an item. Information is one of the most powerful things you can have. That's why there are so freaking many Survivor perks that offer information.

    Being able to have that information for free is the problem and is why SWF can be so strong. If you just give out that information to everyone, then that instantly makes a dozen or more perks worthless and just as bad or worse than Left Behind.

    Not only that, but you know Killers wouldn't get any form of buffs to balance that for ######### months or at least a year. If at all to be frank.

  • Member Posts: 839

    Just because the devs are slow to make balance changes doesn't mean they shouldn't make any at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    As I previously stated, the devs have confirmed that there will be buffs. Changes such as this will be implemented at the same time as or quickly after the solo buffs, everyone in this community seems to think the devs won't balance changes for a long time just because DS wasn't changed until quite recently.

    One case where something took a while doesn't mean that everything similar to that will take a while, that's like saying "Planes have crashed in the past, therefore every single plane is going to crash", it's a pretty silly way of thinking about things.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    Well then you obviously haven't played high ranks where the rest of your team are blendettes who hide when they aren't even in the terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    But waiting months for "balance" when youre getting stomped isnt a nice forecast.

    Imagine horde had godmode for 6 months on a pvp server. (Yeah obscure WoW reference)

  • Member Posts: 613

    That isn't what I said. They should in fact balance the game the best they can, but they need to focus on the real problems.

    If SWF is out of balance because of the information it gives. You don't balance the game by giving them even more information. That's like putting gas on a fire in hopes it burns itself out. All that would do is make things worse needing even larger Killer buffs, who would then take even longer to put in place.

    You need to focus on the problems first, cure the disease. Then deal with the symptoms and even things out.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    What you don't realise is the devs are giving the info that SWF has to solos. Look at the title of this discussion. Does that affect SWF in any way? It only affects solo players, SWF gain nothing from it.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Any mechanical info the game gives you reduces the information swf have to think, ask, receive etc.

    Asking for current status or action becomes redundant an allows for quicker strategizing.

    it might lessen the gap between solo and swf, but ANY BUFF to solo is also a buff to swf.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    How is adding a chase indicator to the HUD a buff to SWF? Because it tells everyone else that they're in a chase half a second before they can just say that they're in a chase? It doesn't change the info that they are given whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 613

    To use what SWF supporters have been saying. Not every SWF group goes tryhard and doesn't tell each other every little detail. So having the game tell them that itself turns even the most casual SWF group into a powerhouse. Not just SWF, a pure solo group would now have that information with perfect detail making even the worst Survivor teams tip the balance of power.

    You don't give booze to a drunk. You don't add fuel to a fire. You simply can't fix a problem by making it worse. Bringing solo up to SWF levels only makes things worse in the end. If you do, then you need to bring Killers even HIGHER than that! But Killers already are in a decent spot. You can't really buff Killers that much or the game becomes unplayable.

    It's called power creep and that doesn't fix balance problems, it instead causes more of them.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Just to make sure:

    "Raising solo to swflevels by providing information" is a good thing for solos, I can agree to that. BUT it changes the core balance of the game.

    There'd need to be a lot of perk changes, general killer buffs AND individual killer buffs (theoretical example: gen regrssion is doubled, trapper now has 12 traps and can carry 3 by default, wraith has X.... And so on)

    As already mentioned, solos arguably need that boost, but killers cant wait 3-8 months for compensation while enduring playing against "only swf".

  • Member Posts: 27

    There's already tons of in game mechanics that already give us this information, mainly the entity claws around the obsession and survivors becoming infected by the plague. Any decently skilled survivor should already know the signs needed to see that the killer is busy, pretty much every killer that doesn't have an instant kill power will already give this information by damaging a survivor, which every player is able to see. Giving survivors more information on when someone is being chassed could seriously hurt the little strength that killers such as the wraith or most other 2 shot killers have

  • Member Posts: 869

    I kind of agree with you. SWF is the most powerful side in this game. And since they can't nerf SWF without adding more suffering to solos, they could give some more information to solo players. What I mean as some information is the information that SWF group on comms already have. Then, maybe they could finally give the killers more tools to deal with a well informed group of survivors, without being called "OP".

  • Member Posts: 869

    Exactly my point. The killer has that little of power over solo survivors mostly. That's why it is so frustrating playing as solo survivor, or against SWF groups as killer. Wouldn't it be nice to have solos to SWf level, then buffing killers accordingly?

  • Member Posts: 816

    I still stand by what I said. I play both as killer and survivor, and I prefer solo. This would ruin playing solo if it's forced upon solo players, that's how I feel. I like not knowing where the killer is all the time, and if I always knew who was in a chase it would feel like I knew way too much about the killer and remove some of the suspense that actually exists.

  • Member Posts: 824

    Whats this talk about being unable to nerf SWF without nerfing solo?

    Plenty of games buff or nerf you if you're in a group. Why can't DbD? Oh yeah because it takes them a year to fix one character LOL

    But really, why can you not nerf just SWF? Add a restriction limiting perk amounts when in SWF. Apply a flat speed penalty, etc etc. There are ways.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    People always just scream you can't punish me for wanting to play with friends

  • Member Posts: 230

    What doesn't everyone get about dead by daylight being a non-competitive game? there is no leaderboard.. if there were, it would be totally skewed because it would be reflective of people's individual experiences, not their skill..

    understand the term RNG... many things in the game are based on luck. there are luck offerings in the game.. luck has huge affect on your particular game. sometimes you are lucky, sometimes you are unlucky..

    being that the game is non-competitive, it's meant for people to have a good time.. if you as a survivor have a good time pretending to be a boulder for 12 minutes per game, knock yourself out.. if you have a good time rushing gens and running out of the door with no points, run swiftly and repair quickly my friend.. if you enjoy doing absolutely nothing but practicing moonwalks and spinning in circles, the only way you'll vomit is if it's a plague game so spin happily homie..

    until there is a way to actually make this game competitive, understand that if you are playing it that way a lot of other players out there think of the gaming experience you are providing as the most boring game they've ever played and not fun at all.. in the same sense, when i make a safe BT save and get 2 stacks for the price of 1 because the killer wants to camp, many people decide instantly that I somehow "farmed" them and decide not to pull me off of the hook ever because i'm not playing the way they like to play.. that doesn't make either side "stupid" or "ignorant" or any other negative verb, it only makes them "incompatible players".. it also adds a bit of random to the game keeping the game from becoming "too boring" i mean "too easy"..

    nobody needs more information that provides them the means to make the game even less eventful and more unfulfilling than the majority of them already are.. the game is literally designed for people to be discovered by a killer, get chased, get hooked, provide teammates with altruism/benevolence, and then it's the next person's turn..

    those are the game's scoring events that make up 50%+ of each player's score.. most immersed teams have no concept of this which is why they have a bad rep.. they make games boring.. their play style causes people who wouldn't normally die to get taken out immediately for legitimately no reason, hence the semi-popular practice of mori'ing the blendettes and making sure where possible that they have the worst gaming experience ever.

    hope that helps.


  • Member Posts: 3,275

    I think having HUD icons that indicate "this survivor is getting chased" and "this survivor is working on a gen" -- that only your fellow survivors can see, of course -- would help to close the information gap for solo players.

  • Member Posts: 869

    I am curious how would you nerf swf without nerfing solo? Giving perk restrictions wouldn't help imo. Cause the real power is the key information they tell each other. Like killer is chasing me, I am working on this gen, etc. how would you prevent that?

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I think it's a good idea. I would also like to see hash marks by survivors indicating their sacrifice progression level and a pop up indicator when totems are broken.

  • Member Posts: 824

    Removing perks was one example but it would help immensely against many SWF groups. Sure they rely on comms for info, but that frees up perk slots for chase perks and second chance perks. Remove some of those and you’re off to a start

  • Member Posts: 184

    I like the idea with the chase indicator. It's very simple and effective.

    What I like to say is that other games have also opportunities for solo players to give simple information in easy way. For example Overwatch have this quick message system, where u can easily say "Need healing" "Ult is ready" or "rally urself". So why shouldn't DBD use such message systems as well?

  • Member Posts: 869

    Still didn’t see any actual new solutions in your reply. And about your one suggestion, I don’t think it would keep the survivor experience the same. Also they could always try to join lobbies simultaneously which creates a lot of lobby dodging, therefore adds more time to q times.

  • Member Posts: 824

    New solutions for what? SWF using comms? How are you going to create a solution to something you can’t prevent? lol

    You can’t prevent someone from using comms. So you nerf them in game. Idc if you disagree. It’s still a solution; and unlike preventing comms, one that is actually possible

  • Member Posts: 869

    I never said prevent comms. Plus the point us you can’t take away that power from them. I simply asked since you are so eager to nerf swf without nerfing solo, I wanted to know what are your solutions for that. Aside from perk reduction, which I think won’t work

  • Member Posts: 824

    You said their real power is communication, and asked how I’d remove that. You can’t remove that. It’s built into the system on consoles and there are third party apps on PC.

    So again, nerf in game. Less perks, speed penalty, etc. These are ideas that would work wonders. Personally idk how you can say less perks wouldn’t work, it would make a huge difference. And wouldn’t effect solo in any negative way.

  • Member Posts: 3,271


    Survivors will just go back to lobbydodge until all their mates are "just 4 randoms in a lobby" …

    Happened before, will happen again.

  • Member Posts: 549

    This isn't as related to the op but I see a lot of talk about swf having voice chat. Sure, the solution is to add in-game voice chat available to all survivors in the lobby. But then, annoying-ass people will have lots of background noise and it is really distracting.

    The solution to this is make the in-game voice chat PTT only. There should not be an option for an always-on voice chat.

  • Member Posts: 162

    Voice coms is not an EXPLOIT in my opinion , notice : if it was most streamers and youtubers would be banned

  • Member Posts: 824

    So you’re saying killers will mostly get lobbies of solo survivors as SWF scrubs waste hours of their time trying to cheat the system? Wow even more reason.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Do you ever play as survivor or SWF. If the answer is yes, then it must be my experience only. Cause, when I play in a 4 man SWF group less perks literally don't effect me at all. I even try different builds for fun. But when I am solo I need almost 5 perks to barely survive.

    Also, no it wouldn't take hours to get in a lobby with your friends separately. But it would kill the fun to constantly try it. So it is bad for game experience in general.

    And I must underline, I don't support in game voice communication at all. And I said the real power is information which is not necessarily comes from voice communication. The op is about giving an information through out HUD. That is what I meant as an example of information.

  • Member Posts: 869

    If you think killers are in a good spot, why oppose to survivor balance. Because killers are not in a good spot facing against a well organised group (not necessarily SWF). Most of the killers don't have enough map pressure to prevent gen rush. I agree killers don't have to be on same tier, but on the other hand it is annoying to be able to play certain killers on specific rank range. Right now, when I play killer, if solo group comes to my lobby, its great. It could be challenging sometimes, but most of the time I get 4k. Because they don't know if I chase someone or, if some one else going for unhook, or if I am heading to their location, etc. that gives me the time I need for map pressure. But against an organised group, playing most of the m1 killers is a real psychological challenge. Maybe its just me.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited September 2019

    "An entire balance point of DbD is that Survivors are suppose to give up perk slots to have that information."

    This goes along with my idea that the more members of an SWF group there are, the fewer perks they should begin the match with (they still have all 4 of their perks equipped, however, they are locked at the start until their team dies off).

    Even with this method, a full team of 4 starting with three of their perk slots locked is only half of the 6+ perks they get for free from using voice chat.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    "As already mentioned, solos arguably need that boost, but killers cant wait 3-8 months for compensation while enduring playing against 'only swf.'"

    So, solo survivors are just your punching bag after you get stressed out from SWF?

    This will only cause solo survivors to find others to party up with (meaning more SWF for you to deal with) or to stop playing altogether.

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