Nerf Ruin or Remove it

Every Killer has it.
Or at least there should not be affected all survivors.
Ruin is fine
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Can we nerf or remove tool boxes as well?
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Ruin can be really frustrating at low ranks and can be considered op but once u reach red ranks u will know how much ruin is important for killer lol
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“80%+ of Killers use Ruin because we need it!!”
”80%+ of Survivors use self care. Obviously it is OP if that many are using it, please nerf!!!”
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Hitting great skillchecks is not that hard. Finding hex totem is even easier.
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Nerf pallets or remove them. Every survivor uses them.😁
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The only issue I have with ruin... Are my random potatoe mates. They can't hit skillchecks, so all 3 run like headless chickens around the map and can't find it. Instead of accepting that they can't find it and try to fix gens... They continue searching and I'm just sitting on my 2nd Gen watching these chickens doing the the 3rd or 4th round... Ofc We all die at the end, what else can you do as solo survivor? Just accepting the defeat. So frustating.
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"Nerf ruin,is op" "it would be op if you couldn't cleanse it,but you can,you have,and you will" "SCREEEEEEEEEE"
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Anyone who asks for nerfs to Killer perks you can turn off, perks you can permanently deactivate, is lazy and refuses to get good.
No need to listen to them.
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This perk is so easy to counter it that even tapping a gen counters it
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Somebody released he's inner clown.
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I guess you aren't high rank, are you?
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Someone can't hit skill checks
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I know you're new at the game trust me once you get more experience ruin won't be a problem.
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Please replace NOED with Ruin for the exact same joke.
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Nerf or remove toolboxes then.
Or you could just get good at powering through Ruin.
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I love this memes, this was the only reason i did this post xD
And stop describing people as beginners, i got red ranks too often.
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Grabbing my popcorn
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So you made a bait post for the memes?
Next time post it in Off-topic and you will get memes
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oh i did not know, i am new here ✌️
I also did it due to the flamers and wannabe heroes 🤷♂️
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Who runs ruin in 2019 anyway.
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nah ruin is basically a waste of perk slot on high ranks it's like it doesn't even exist
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Let's remove adrenaline and toolboxes den
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Because everyone in high ranks can apply pressure so they have no need for it
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Bro ruin skillchecks are so easy. Even if you can’t do them consistently you can just gen tap or power through. Most of the time it’s better than wasting your time looking for the totem, especially if the killer is extremely defensive over their totem.
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Ruin op? Didn't know a Hex totem that only last 10secs in a match was overpowered?
Seems like someone doesn't know how to do gens with Ruin up. I bet you're one of those players who actually gen tap as well.
This is a player that for sure doesn't play killer at all or else you would understand how fast gens actually really go before the killer could actually play the game.
If you play killer then you should understand that it's pretty much needed to slow down the game so that they can actually have time to do stuff and apply pressure.
If you think Ruin should be nerfed, then gen repair speed should be heavily nerfed because there are some killers in this game that don't apply pressure like some others do.
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The op doesn't understand this game or probably doesn't play killer at all.
If the op is tired of seeing Ruin every game then imagine how the killer feels about Adrenaline, DS, Borrowed Time or Balanced Landing.
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Oof. Imagine wanting to nerf the only perk that gives killers a chance. What rank are you, OP?
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Guess what?
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Ur hard pressed to find Surviviors who run self care anymore XD.
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Think about why Ruin is so common. Then come back and apologize for how wrong you are
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It was a bait post
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I'm stealing that.
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Never understand why survivors ######### about a gimmick perk like ruin. If you can't hit greats, take a toolbox or Prove Thyself to get gens done faster. Recently, Pop Goes the Weasel has screwed my game over more than ruin ever has. They're not going to nerf/change gen repair speeds--that's probably we see it every game. Gens get done too fast.
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Its a bait post
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I know but regardless there are survivors that do ######### about this perk and I just don't understand why.
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Because they are newer players, so they are bad at hitting great skill checks
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I suppose I was talking about higher ranked survivors. Newer ones, sure. ######### I remember Ruin and The Doctor together would be the end of it for me lol.
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Most of these posts are made about new players so please don't laugh at them/insult them instead try to calmly tell them why they are wrong and how their opinion will change.
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NeRf or rEmOve toolboxes. See how this works?
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What is the problem of you all?
It was a joke, but now i had time to think about it, you jerks.
Before the Hag was implemented there was no RUIN, so i think you want to say that every killer had no chance..?!?!?!?!
I dont play with it, because i dont have it and I kill everyone so often, it is too easy.
I dont need it.
It is obvious that noobs need this, I would never take a luck based perk, it is a waste.
Just find a survivor and hit him two times or chainsaw him dead.
You all do like you were the pros of DBD like no one.
There are games where ruin - especially with randoms - takes several more minutes. It is absolutely luck based. Sometimes i get no Checks - well
BUT if you get a Check at the beginning of the circle and every 2 seconds you fools cannot tell me that you got them all.
It is annoying.
This isnt unique anymore.
I dont want any tips how to counter them, I know the perks and totem... or wait... the game!!!!
So shut up.
Shut the ######### up.
P. S. I am not triggered, i just hate you all
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I mean I didn't play the game at that time, but from what I heard it wasn't really that well balanced back then.
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This game could not be balanced because there are 4 vs 1
At the beginning it was not balanced but it was also easy for the killer, as it was easy for the survs (without ruin)
Now it is just filled with 1000 perks and it is easy for the killer as it is for the survs (because of ruin)
There is no difference.
i just want that time again were everyone had other perks not the Fated Four (Ruin, Nurse, etc)