Ideas for a Possible upcoming Clown Buff/Rework

Balancing Ideas:
Afterpiece Tonic:
- -While Reloading The Clown emits a 1-2 Meter aura of afterpiece tonic gas intoxicating all survivors around him, the gas cloud it creates lasts for 1.5 seconds and can be extended via add-ons.
- -The Slow lasts for 0.66 Seconds Longer (Ether 5 Vol% lasts 0.16 seconds longer Ether 10 Vol% now only slows for 0.33 seconds longer and Ehter 15 Vol% is 0.66)
Jack in the Generator:
- -When walking up to a Generator The Clown is able to rig the generator placing a "Jack" in it, taking 3 seconds to rig.
- -If a survivor starts working on that generator the "Jack" goes off blocking the generator for 3-4 seconds, releasing a cloud of afterpiece tonic and notifying the killer.
- -Max amount of Jacks placeable is 1
Do you like these suggestions, give me your feedback in the comments, just please keep it civil and I hope you enjoyed this little suggestion blog I whipped up.
Edit: My friend (Primus) made a short blog discussing how each add-on would be changed if these changes were to actually happen, here check it out
To be honest I really like the ideas. But i see the potential problem with Afterpiece Tonic - you would have to lock reload action, so clown cannot stop it on his own or activate it half way trough reload or give it a cooldown. Otherwise clown player would be running around, just tapping reload button to release cloud around him at all loops.
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Generator should not be blocked but i agree with the rest of the suggestion! Honestly though i really hope for an ultra rare addon along the lines of - the entire fog on the map (ie the whole map) is gassed, slowing down survivors (the slow is less effective however) his bottles however, would be stronger and take the gas up to full strength. ie all survivors would be slower during loops (maybe by 3/5%) and be coughing the whole match.
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You're suggesting that a killer with literally no map pressure should waste time on a generator based trap that'd not do anything in the long run?
I mean, its a cool idea and all but the Clown still have to waddle all across the map to get to a triggered trap and if you cannot find anyone straight away, there was literally no point in going there in the first place.
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Well it looks like an idea that could be polished up. Trap could be passive added to kicking a generator if those 3s is too much.
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The Cloud could be set on a cooldown so that it isn't spammable, not really sure how long it would be.
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Do you have any better idea that wouldn't break The Clown's concept completely?
Shall he roll up in a ball and roll across the map at ultra speed?
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I like the idea, but it just sadly wouldn't be fun at all for the survivors.
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Since everything the Clown got for himself are his bottles of gas, then that's what should be focused on. Improving those that extra step, so his chase game gets even better.
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You can improve his chase game all you want, that still isn't going to fix his main issue, that being a lack of map presence. The "Jack in the Generator" could give him a little help when it comes to slowing the game down, while also making him a bit more dangerous to face when the generators start popping.
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Gas doesn't do ######### if the Clown is there to capitalize on it. If anything, your idea of Jack will just make survivors pop the trap and just afk the duration of the blocked generator. The gas itself won't scare them off. If a trap triggers on the other side of the map you cannot capitalize on it and thus, you've wasted time setting it up.
No, let him cut down chases even faster and generate map pressure that way.
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A good Clown can already cut down chases easily if he knows how and where to throw his bottles, while yes his slow could be stronger, like I already suggested, making him end chases is not going to fix anything other than making it extremely cancerous to go against him. I'm asking for a buff, not something that makes him the bane of any survivor's existance
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I think it's an alright set of ideas. I think the real issue here is that Clown is so hyper-specialized into Chase, that he suffers for it. This idea brings in a small bit of tracking and stall, even if minuscule it'll help, and the numbers can be tweaked. I still wouldn't mind seeing his self-slow reduced by like, half at least, but overall not bad.
Right now if we were to buff Clown to be a decent killer without adding more to his kit, he'd become actual hell to verse. A killer can't be so hyper-specialized, because that puts them in a place where they're either garbage or too stronk. Are the Jack-in-the-Generators a bit weak? Maybe, but they add another element to his power that can be tweaked and altered, rather than just hoping that you can find the magical balance of a hyper-specialization.
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This guy said it all...
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Why not give his bottles 'generator damage' abilities? So he doesn't have to actually go to a generator to kick it, but he can just throw his bottle at it from a distance. Maybe not the equivalent of a full kick (at least not without add-ons), but something where it regresses while the gas is in play unless a survivor's actively working on it.
Wouldn't fix him entirely but would give him a LITTLE map pressure.
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Maybe something that Corrodes the gears and wiring of a generator. Could be a good concept but very situational. I’ll think about it. Anyways, still great idea.
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I rather like the idea of being able to rig a trap on a generator. I think the effect should be the same as a bottle exploding but it should also show the clown any survivors auras effected by the gas for 6 seconds. It would be a small buff, but still a buff.
I would also like to see it so whenever the Clown lands two direct bottle hits against the same survivor within a 45 second window, the survivor would get exposed for 45 seconds. That would increase the skill cap on the killer and also punish survivors more heavily for hiding in areas that the Clown could body block them in.
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Maybe not a 45 second window, maybe 5 if you want it to be fair, other than that, decent idea.
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Lol, a 5 second window would almost be pointless. Think about it. 45 seconds is already a pretty long time for one chase. If a killer didn't even have an ability, more often than not the killer should be able to land two basic attacks in that time. If the killer is committing to landing bottle attacks instead of just hitting the survivor, there has to be a reward worth the risk.
I'm sure you've used the ultra rare add on that makes survivors exposed when you land a single bottle attack before. That is a pretty amazing add on, but I don't even think that is terribly overpowered. It's not too easy landing bottles against competent survivors. If a survivor gets hit with 2 bottles then they deserve being exposed.
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45 seconds is just way long. Any braindead idiot could hit two bottles in that time. If it takes around 2-3 seconds to land a single bottle, then landing two is mostlikely going to take 6-7 seconds, because of the short cooldown and clown's slowdown. Maximally 10-15 seconds to hit those two bottles would be fair to apply the exposed status effect.
But let me propose something different, instead of a Bottle Toss (Direct Hit) putting the exposed status effect on the survivor, why not give it the same 2 second (Maybe shorter) stun that the Doctor's Zap has?