5th perk slot

What do you guys think about the killer having a 5th perk slot? Since he/ she has to go against 16 perks, what do you guys think?
Been suggested many times, would be nice. That or prestiging should unlock a 5th perk (Like ruin, baked into the game since it is pretty much mandatory given how gen rushing working in the high ranks).
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Personally i think that every character (both survivor and killer) should only be able to put teachables in that 5th (or 1st) perk slot. As "character passive"
But that would probably meta survivors... Well, I "guess" that meg and blendette wozuld strill rule as meta queens then.
But as already said, much discussed topic because of the amount of perks, but often dismissed because it'd mess the current balance up withoutreally changing the meta.
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The idea of having 5 perk slots for all characters has been often discussed, but I've never heard anyone suggest it for just killer before.
Since the start of the game, killers have been balanced around 4v16. Killer builds are more powerful than survivor builds to compensate for that. Just because the numbers are smaller, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's unbalanced. I think a 5th perk slot for killers would make them way too powerful, and mess up queue times even more than they already are.
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While I think that survivors are a bit strong right now, especially if the killer doesn't run Ruin, this is the wrong way to handle it in my opinion. Perks like NOED, Devour Hope and Haunted Grounds require survivors to keep track of what perks the killer is running in order to eveluate wether or not he might have one of them. This would be a lot harder with a 5th perk slot. Also, 4 perk slot just feel slick and wondering what to put in them figuring out the best builds can be pretty fun while I feel like you could just stuff any good perks into a killer. I mean, just imagine a Hillbilly with BBQ, Ruin, Enduring, Spirit Fury AND Whispers. I think that the game should be balanced around everyone having 4 perks. There are a lot of other ways to buff killers.
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It wouldn't really mess with queue times. People will play regardless of the 5th sloth perk or not. In general the addition of a 5th perk slot would just have to be tested. As far as the game being balanced as 4 against 16, that isn't really how the game works in terms of perks. Most killer perks are not stronger than survivor perks, they just affect a part of the game survivor perks usually don't. So, strength wise all perks are in theory supposed to be of equal strength insofar as what part of the game they influence.
What makes killers strong enough to deal with 16 perks with only for is that they have a base power and increased base stats compared to a survivor. Adding a 5th in my opinion would not help or fix the balance of the game to make both sides more dynamic and competitive. For killers it would just be to have ruin in every build. For survivors it would be to always have something like Wake Up or Self Care. A slot for something that would be useful to you no matter the main build.
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I get what you're saying but I think you misread the OP. They're proposing a 5th perk slot for killers only. And I wasn't saying that killer perks are more powerful, I said builds, which includes base powers.
What OP is proposing is a significant buff to killers. Killers don't need to be buffed as far as queue times are concerned, because the balance is already off, and even more people would play killer rather than survivor if killers were given such a huge buff. So yes, it would affect queue times, but I'm guessing you only said that because you didn't realise we were talking about only killers getting more perks and not all players.
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I didn't misread. I just can't think about certain types of changes in the mindset of killer only. Doing this with only killers doesn't make the game change very much on paper imo. It just becomes a dedicated Ruin slot which arguably already exists. Any other perk outside that isn't exceptionally great. My position hasn't changed much from when people first started suggesting the idea years ago. Only thing that changed is that killer perks and powers got much more conditional and far less universally useful.
Adding slots, but still having killers unviable in their base kit means the outcome isn't very different from what we have now. It would make Nurse, Spirit, Hag, Billy, and Myers substantially better, but they are already good to begin with. It does less than nothing for say Legion or Leatherface. It just gives Doc an extra meme slot, etc.
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I would say the 5th perk slot should be only for techable perks because idk if it would be strong if you could have a 5th perk that isn't a teachable.
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If its for both sides then ok but for killers only nope