Do we have way too many perks?

Sometimes I feel the game would be a lot more fun and balanced if we didn't have so many perk option, the perk count is over 120 and it just seems like too much to me.
I think a limited, and lower amount of perks for both killers and survivors would make things more fun, balanced, fair and all those good thing that make a game enjoyable.
Just my opinion. What you guys think?
The more perks the better in my opinion. I only wish there was a way to "mark" favourite perks or save personal "builds" so you don't have to search the perks you want to pick all the time.
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Yes, imo we have to many perks. The reason is that the devs are forcing themselves to create 3 new perks per character.. Every time.. If you look on any dlc, you will always see 1-2 perks per character and think "well this is so bad, they probably run out of ideas here and just did something to keep the rule up".
Imo they should stop with the 3 perks per character mentality. They should only add perks which are actually good and worth to use and not just gimmicky or a different version of already existing perks (for example well make it and auto didact..).
Also it's just more work for the devs at the end of the day cuz they will have to rework those underwhelming perks which costs time and money.
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I feel like it makes the game more fun. There's a use for almost every perk, and having less okay-ish perks would make people's perk loadouts staler than they currently are. Removing No Mither, Flip Flop, Shadowborn, ect would make some people have less fun with the game.
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In my opinion we don't have enough perks, and not enough perk slots.
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Yes, we do. I don't think the game was designed to scale the way that it has. It's very unfriendly to new players.
Insert my usual criticism of the oppressive perk grind here. I'm so tired of repeating it.
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I agree, I think the game was not designed to grow the way it had, and now it got out of hands.
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It only seems like too many when a) you have to grind a hundred new perks to get the one you want and b) most of them aren't ones you'll ever use due to having better options elsewhere.
There are a bunch of really good perks, and then a whole mess of mediocre/situational ones you might not use. And when you try different builds for variety, you realize you no longer have Lithe or We'll Make It or whatever you took off, expecting it to work from practice.
I do like having lots of options, and lots of new perks to play around with for different situations, but at the same time it takes forever to get what you want after you prestige/new char release. So yes and no, I guess.
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We need more perks. Triple the current amount.... at least.... to start
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Having the variety is what makes the grind fun, you can try out soooo many possibilities.
It would be very nice to favorite perks so you can find them easier or something though.
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The new Bloodweb will make the grind better ma fellow friends.
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We dont have enough good perks.
I would use Thana,
but the numbers are just trash.
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I dont think that there are too many Perks, but too many useless Perks. And especially those are getting more and more with each Chapter.
Just taking a look at the last 3 Chapters and Stranger Things (useless = not close to Meta):
Darkness Among Us:
Survivor: Distortion-->useless, Aftercare-->useless, Breakdown-->Useless... All of them are quite nice, but no Meta Contenders. Distortion even got nerfed with the Buff to Lockers in regards to BBQ.
Killer: Discordande-->okish, maybe Meta Potential on some Killers, Mad Grit-->useless, Iron Maiden-->useless... While Mad Grit and Iron Maiden have their use, using it on Basement Bubba or Huntress does not make it up.
Demise of the Faithful:
Survivor: Head On-->can be fun, not Meta, but I would not say its useless, Poised-->useless, Solidarity-->useless... Two Perks are 100% Useless, Solidarity even has Restrictions. Head On is not Meta and far from being the best Exhaustion Perk but finds some use.
Killer: Corrupt Intervention-->really good, Infectious Fright-->only good on Nurse, Dark Devotion-->useless. Here is one good Perk, but two Perks who are not good or situational. Infectious Fright being good on Nurse is not enough to call it a solid Perk IMO.
Thrilling Tremors-->nice, but not good enough, Furtive Chase-->useless, Im all Ears-->maybe useable on Nurse. I would say that all 3 Perks are not good enough.
Stranger Things:
Survivor: Babysitter-->useless, BT in bad, Camaraderie-->useless, Second Wind-->useless, Better Together-->okish, but better Alternatives (e.g. Bond), Fixated-->Quite nice, but Restriction of only usable when uninjured for the Walking Speed is dumb, more of a learning Tool overall, Inner Strength-->Potential to be Meta.
Killer: Surge-->Potential, Cruel Limits-->highly situational and out of Killers Control, Mindbreaker-->Not good enough.
So if we look at this, from 12 Survivor Perks, only two can be really used. 10 are useless and will most likely not find many Spots in Builds. When it comes to Killers, it is a little bit better, but still abyssmal. 3 out of 12 Perks are okish or usable, the rest is not really worth a Perk Slot.
It is quite clear that not every Perk can be Meta, because if this would be the case, there would not be any Meta. But some Perks created are only meh. And it is questionable if it really makes sense to go for Perks, which are not even really worth using. on the other hand it is easier to create weak things and buff them than the other way around.
I would be very happy for an Update which only covers Perks so that many of those useless Perks can either be improved or made Basekit (e.g. No One Left behind could easily be Basekit for Survivors, while Stuff like Monstrous Shrine can be Basekit for Killers).
Regarding Perk Slots:
I am thinking that a fifths Perk Slot would make Sense for Killers and Survivors. Except for Nurse, Killers have problems with Perk Slots. LIke when I run Billy, I can go well with that Build: BBQ, Ruin, Enduring, Spirit Fury. Now I want to run PGTW, so I either have to remove my other Slowdown Perk, one of my Chase Perks or the Tracking Perk. Same for Survivors, some Perk Combos are solid, but require a lot of Perk Slots. But maybe going for Combos instead of single Perks which are just strong could change the Meta a little bit.
But in reality it will probably not be possible for both sides without getting Builds even stronger than they are currently.
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There are just so many perks that can be combined in one. There are many perks are just better/worse versions of other perks which doesn't even have a better/worse use in some situations, they are straight worse in any sutiation. There are so many ideas how to change perks and so many ways to make them good, but nobody wants to, just let the meta be the same for years until devs release some rly good new perk. Old perks aren't changing that's the problem too. There should be at least 3 perks reworked every month to keep game fresh and new. Look at the meta of other games. It changes every month or season (rarely). In dbd meta changes once in 8-16 months. I know there still be people who play only best meta perks but there is no point in getting rid of them, just let them enjoy the game, but pls change old perks. Also I don't like that devs prefer to create a new perk based on an rework idea of the old perk (Enduring and Pallet Breaks got itself into new perk Spirit Fury).
As the post above said, new Nancy perk allows you to see your teammates aura when they are downed, and allows them to see yours when you are repairing - useless. Useless why? Because we already have Bond, which is just best teammate aura reading perk, works always and has a great range, why create other teammate aura reading perks if they are too situational when we got Bond which is usable and good in any situation?
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I don’t think there’s too many perks, but I do think there is a great too many needlessly situational and heavy requirement perks in the game.
Left Behind is literally a waste of blood points. Monstrous Shrine is effectively worthless.
Perks like Buckle Up and Boil Over could be so good if the former didn’t have a distance requirement and the latter was the survivor equivalent to Iron Grasp.
No Mither - the “hard mode” perk has way too many cons to really consider giving it a go outside of memes. Built in stealth and blood point bonuses would really elevate that perk.
Solidarity and Flip Flop are needlessly held back by restrictions when they shouldn’t be since they already require a situation to happen - find another injured teammate to heal while injured and the killer leaving you on the ground for a while.
I understand some perks are designed to be specific or for beginners, but a lot of perks just can’t measure up to the solid and consistent use of perks like Self Care, BBQ, DS, etc.
Maybe perks can be reorganized into major and minor skills. Like you can have 4 major skills and 2 minor ones and minor skills could be the really situational perks like Open Handed that are hard to justify a place in the big 4.
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- There are not too many perks
- there aren't enough powerful perks
- they are fixing the grind, read the Bloodweb changes Dev Update
- Every game has a grind, it gives a sense of accomplishment, not everyone gets tired of grinding after 2 matches. And i Oop-
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the problem really is the grind its waay too much and its still gatting bigger every chapter 6(9 for ST) perks at a time