How much offten do you see Clown?

Clown is from my experience the least Killer I play againts. So rare to face one. Do you have same experience or I am just unlucky?
Maybe 1 out of every 50+ games
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I mean Doc got his detection ability and a inconsistent anti-loop. With some builds he is at least fun to play sometimes.
But Clown is just boring. He got good anti-loop but thats it. Not more. Nothing more.
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I play Clown all the time kappa
But seriously I want to see more Clown and he needs a buff.
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Sometimes I see them a couple times a day..most days..nah..kinda like doc like the others mentioned..both need some love
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From what I see from you guys... Its not just me lol. Sad.
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I'm currently rank 4-5 right now on survivor and yeah, I see Clown maybe like, 5% of the time. He's so rare that when he pops up I'm sitting here saying "how do I play against this guy again?"
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Thought Clown was only a myth. Never encountered one in the wild.
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i usually see him when i happen to scroll my mouse over his picture in the killer menu.
other than that... not really
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Lately i have faced many clowns and legions at ranks 16/17 (I love this error with pipping)… I think i have broke a few of tchem...
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I don’t think it’s because he’s a bad killer but rather his kit just isn’t very fun to play imo.
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Almost never,but idk maybe it's cuz I'm a rank 15 pleb
I'm so tired of Huntress though I'll take Clown instead 🤡
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Basically once every 50 survivors games.
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I haven’t seen a clown in ages. Most killers I play against are billy/huntress/leatherface & spirit.
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Very not often... plague too...saw legion once today so that was cool. He was very underranked for that match...
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This is why Clown should really be at or near the top of the buff/rework priority list. You know a killer is bad or boring when people don't even bother to use them. These forums would catch on fire if they put current Clown into a PTB. Imagine if Freddy had to reload his snares after every 4th one, and occasionally they just exploded in his hand.
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Funny this question popped up. I actually faced two Clowns this evening, which admittedly doesn't happen often.
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I just got my clown to 50 today, so your welcome :p
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Surprisingly I see him a decent amount. They never do well, but he isn’t the killer I see the least. That honor goes to Wraith. I never see Bing Bong anymore.
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I see laughing boy occasionally. Its Docs and Wraiths that don't cross my path much.
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The killer I see the least is Bubba.
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There are bigger chances to see a unicorn than a Clown, especially in high ranks.
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I barely ever see a Clown
Which is a shame, I actually like the Clown but he really needs some buffs
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Lol true xD
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You know Nurse isn’t getting a rework right? A rework means changing the entire power and what it does (Freddy and Legion). Nurse is just getting add-on changes like Trapper, Wraith, and Hag did. Maybe a SLIGHT adjustment to her power like how Hag and Trapper set traps faster than they did before.
People throw around the word rework and don’t know what it actually means.
I don’t see Clown getting a complete rework. Just slight changes.
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What's a "Clown"?
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Well, devs said Legion didn't get a rework, he got an "update".
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All I know is that they butchered Legion. It’s where they belong though. Legion is the most mistake in this game.
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Damn, you the real mvp. 🎊🎊🎊🎊
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Weakest killer? Ehh...Leatherface, Wraith, Legion, Doctor, and Trapper are pretty bad. Clown is bad don’t get me wrong but not as bad as those five.
Clown is boring though, I’ll give you that.
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I P3'd my clown because he's my second favorite killer to play but he has GLARING problems that prevent him from being more effective than other M1 killers. I hope they give him a QoL update.
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And how did it go for these two Clowns?
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Hag also has the highest killrate, that makes her the strongest killer in the game ? Or Trapper is now stronger than Nurse and Spirit because he has a higher killrate ?!?
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All the time i play him. Thats pretty much it
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I see him almost never. On the rare occasion I do it's because he caught me and is now staring me down while throwing bottles at me because he knows he's never gonna catch anybody again.
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This 100% kill rate doesn’t equal how good someone is. We don’t know how it accounts for DC, etc
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I play Doctor a lot myself, he's just really, really, difficult to play sometimes
I mean you can have a great blast of a time if you keep getting lobbies full of players that camp pallets and allow you all the time in the world to just shock them, walk to them, hit them, and repeat for the entire game
Or you'll just get lobbies where people spread out, the map is huge, and you really got no chance. It's very difficult to play him at times, same with Wraith
I can't tell you how many times I've shocked survivors but they were still able to vault. It's actually an incredible rarity at this point
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I never said Hag is weak, I said "do you consider Hag stronger than Nurse because she has a higher killrate than her ?" Or that Trapper is in top 3 ? They don't matter that much when there are so many factors that affects a match, like players skill, survivors greed and maps. By your logic, Nurse needs buffs because she has one of the lowest killrates in 2 put of 3 platforms.
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That literally has no connection in our discussion. I said you shouldn't review a killer's strength based on kill rates, not when they are including all ranks.
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I've only seen one recently
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One got a 2k the other a 1k. Though in their defense one was on Haddonfield and the other on Fractured Cowshed.
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Well, because Nurse has one of the lowest kill rates in 2 out of 3 platforms, then I will start to ask for Nurse buffs. And because Trapper has the third best kill rate, I will start to call him top tier.
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Yeah...and Nurse has the one of the lowest kill rates on console due to bad frame rates but since Trapper has a higher kill rate on console does that make him more optimal? He has an even high kill rate than Spirit and Myers but that doesn’t make him better.
Hag is not better than Nurse. Ever. Period. I like Hag but a great Nurse is unbeatable, you can always beat a Hag. Hag is top tier, but not Nurse tier.
Clown needs attention and QoL buffs no doubt, but he still isn’t as trash as Doctor or Leatherface. At least Clown can do something about loops. Even if it is minuscule.
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I don't clowning around, I just said that stats aren't as reliable as you think they are. Not when even Peanits said to take them with a grain of salt.
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I mean isn't him being the most boring one subjective though? I wouldn't mind bigger changes than just increasing slow down or increasing the effect duration, but I find him very fun to play as right now regardless if he is weak or not.
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You do know that a bunch of players are on console right? It’s not only a PC game. You have to take console into account because they have a large say in the community. I’m tired of PC players having a “holier than thou” complex.
Clown struggles. So does Leatherface. And Doctor. And Wraith. And Trapper.
I’m not saying Clown doesn’t need changes, he does. I just don’t think he is the worst. He is better in a chase than killers like Doc and Leatherface.
Also don’t say that Clown has the lowest killrate across all platforms as an argument when you said you don’t care about console. It’s hypocritical. Trapper has a large killrate across all platforms but he is still trash. Spirit wasn’t even on the list but she is the second best killer in the game. Even the devs said take it with a grain of salt.