I'm new, and wouldn't have bought DLC if I knew killers can take off 2.5x lives with a dumb offering

Oshirigami Member Posts: 33
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

The first 20 hours I played I didn't run into this, and liked the game enough to buy a few DLCs. Then my experience with the game was largely ruined and I regret buying the DLC when I ran into Ivory Memento Mori and realized nothing actually matters.

I don't care if it's "rare" and not even close to being in every game. It ruins the games it's in. It's so stupidly broken, and completely outclasses all the other offerings when it comes to ruining a single player's game. Instead of needing to be downed and hooked 3 times, you just have to down twice and hook once. That's ridiculous.

Remove it from the game. Ebony Mori, too, that's even more stupid as it makes the game almost 3x easier.



  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Why not complaining? Complaining is the only wax to show the devs what is wrong

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited September 2019

    Not everyone who disagrees with you is bait.

    Edit: the comment I was responding to was deleted, so this comment no longer makes any sense..

    Post edited by brokedownpalace on
  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Woah now, let's not go crazy. There is absolutely no balance to an Ebony Mori. After getting hooked ONCE, the next time you get found, you're basically dead. No amount of insta-heals, keys, or BNPs will ever be equal to that

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    yeah, but there is plenty of posts about the mori already. This guy seems to be missing the point that it is an asymmetrical game. The killer is suppose to be at an advantage. Also, it's not like you see them every match. He is just mad that he lost to something the developers implemented in the game. Could they be tweaked? Yes. But the OP is literally crying to remove it from the game because it makes it challenging for him. There is a difference between complaining for a gameplay perspective taking in both sides, and crying because you lost to something.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited September 2019

    Maybe the ebony mori should be changed so you have to hook every remaining survivor at least once before you can mori any of them. OR, once gates are powered you can mori anyone you hooked once.

    For example, you hook Claudette, Meg but not Jake. Dwight is dead. Jake DCs or uses a key. You can now mori any of the remaining survivors.

    Another example: you hook all three except Jake again but now gates are powered. You can mori any of the three you already hooked but you cannot mori Jake, UNLESS you hook him and down him again before he's able to escape.

    Edit: fixed the first scenario

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I don't agree with that. Just because "it's the killer" doesn't mean wins should be ez af just because of an offering. It's a pvp game. When winning gets unskilled and feels unfair a lot of people will drop the game. Noone likes to play a game expecting to lose every time no matter how skilled you are.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Are you sure about that ? What if you play in SWF with 4 red instaheals and each time you get downed 1 of your buddies runs to you and fully heals you. If killer really wants to kill only you then he has to go through 11 health states before he can kill you with a mori while there can always be at least 2 survivors working on gens whole that time.

    Now you'll say how that never happens and yes you are right that doesn't really happen but that doesn't mean it can't happen. So no there is something more broken then mories and it's extremely coordinated SWF of goo players, playing with red instaheals and not making mistakes.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    You don't lose every time due to a mori. Most of the time, it is skill related. The chance of coming across a game where the killer uses a mori is realistically 1/10 chance. It's also not an easy win for the killer. Good survivors don't exactly go down easy. I've had games where we four man escape at red ranks and the killer couldn't even use their mori. Once again, if you have a problem with people using offerings for an advantage, which was a mechanic put in the game by the devs, maybe this isn't the game for you.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    Moris are a fair mechanic, or rather, they give the killer an edge against survivors for once.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    This would make them almost useless, they have already been nerfed into a position where they are now viable wihtout being OP. it shoudl stay that way

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I'd trade all of those insta heals for an ebony mori's to be gone, and as a killer I'll take them SWF's with insta heal med kits. If I'm gonna be a toxic killer with an Ebony Mori vs a SWF group who all brought insta heal Med kits into the match, might as well bring Franklin's while I'm at it. And that's only if they can do the heal before I pull the Mori off. Especially with me smacking it out of their hands with each hit they take.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited September 2019

    Nah. I have no interest in debating you because you come into topics and cry "bait," though.

    Edit: I see your comment was deleted. 🤔

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You know there is a cooldown before any action after you hit a survivor ? During that time any other survivor with red instaheal can come around and fully heal them without giving a damm about your Franklin's demise. In situation I described you'll get to use your mori only on that 11th down you know, since each time before that survivors have time to fully heal the downed person with the insta heal.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    I'd take it for sure. Moris should only be allowed after the second hook, the current system is flawed.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    In that case, those survivors are not doing gens, and I don't really care now do I? Since one is down, and the other just lost their insta heal med kit from the swing, and have to pick it back up, which I recover first from btw. So that means it took 3 survivors on coms, all not on gens with an ultra rare add-on, to stop me from taking down their friend. No wonder I've never not gotten at least a 3k with an Ebony Mori.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    hmm, sounds to me like you dont want to show yourself up. If you have opinions with no factual basis behind them then fair enough, just dont @ me when trying to defend it. and no, i didnt delete the comment, i stick by what i said. it sounded like bait, and moris arent OP. if u want to discuss it further then fair enough if not then i guess i know what kind of person you are ;/

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    You just described a situation where there is a 4-man SWF team so coordinated that one of them is always in the right place when the killer goes down, 2 people are always on gens, and then entire team dumps their insta-heals into one person to troll the killer..... yeah you're right. That has never and probably will never happen XD

    Nice hypothetical though

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Moris are fine.

    But Ebony is way too powerful. But if you use it you'll probably depip and get ######### for bloodpoints, so I never use it.

    That said, got into a game agaisnt LF recently, he had an ebony. He killed one guy earlier in the match and he killed me after the 1st gate was opened.(sadly I ran towards the wrong one, or it would have been a 3 man escape)

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Did you even read what I wrote ? I said that only 1 survior is following and other 2 are doing gens until you go down and then they switch. Meaing that your FD only forces the current first instahealer to go pick up his friends instaheal so that other don't have to waste time switching so you helped the to be more efficient.

    You won't get to pick up anyone until all instaheals were used so before you get your first hook you need to go through 10 health states and almost all pallets on the map while at least 2 survivors are constantly working on gens. Yes that is very unlikely but still possible if survivors play their part perfectly.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Oh no, @Dr_Trauts has an unfavorable opinion of me! Whatever will I do?! 😭

    Also, there are no facts here, it's opinion. Balance changes = opinion. Your comment was basically "I don't like your idea because it's balanced as it is now." Not a fact to be seen.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Moris are one of a few things that are still not fixed. Killers can end the match super quick, but if they do they probably depip and the survivors too.

    Additionally there's the fact, that pipping means nothing in DbD. No rank rewards.

    Moris are just bad designed for both sides.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2019

    So instead of actually engaging in a debate with me, you resort to childish sarcasm. Very well done. If you want to have a debate about balance them please be my quest, just stop with the childish attitude please as its just quite boring honestly and wasting both our times.

    EDIT: and FYI, i didn't delete the previous comment as i stated earlier, it sounded like bait and i stick to that.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    And you're saying that moris are instant win which is not true. You can still get looped for 5 gens mori or not. You can not find the person you want to mori until you've one hooked everyone and then all gens can be already done. People alway claim how broken mories are but never take into consideration how inconsistent they can be.

    Mori only makes matches more tense since survivor's death proces is halved but that doesn't take into consideration so many variables that actually decide the result of the match.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    It's ironic that the person who entered the thread crying "baaaaait!" is trying to lecture me on how to properly debate. Also, this conversation could have ended with me telling you I'm not interested in debating you, but instead you chose to insult me as a person.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Also I never said YOU deleted the comment. But it's now gone lol

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    So you're saying that one survivor is chasing me, chasing someone else, and is waiting to bust out the insta heal. Like a survivor who makes a ton of noise that you can hear with a proper headset trying to come for a flash light save. While two others are always on gens during this little tussle, between two friends who want me to smack both of them and get rid of their insta heals super early. This is also not considering what killer I might be, and if I have the ability to insta down, or not.

    This is a pretty crazy hypothetical for sure. I mean I guess it could happen. Will it? 99.9% chance says no it won't but that 0.1% maybe less, sure it could. I still have a way to combat it by playing smart and using my ears for when the person goes for the insta heal, especially knowing all of them have one.

    I'll still trade you, you can have all rarities of insta heals, and all purple and pink keys. For the Ebony Mori's to be gone from the game. They are not fun for me as killer, and not fun for me to go against as survivor. It's usually a slaughter fest as survivor, and a ridiculously easy game as killer.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2019

    and yet you pursue on replying to my message, YET AGAIN. and YET AGAIN, you add nothing new to the conversation. the reason i say its bait is because its his first post on the forums and instantly starts crying about eboni moris being over powered, and fair enough, when you first start playing the game, pretty much everything the killer has is overpowered. But if you look at it from a viewpoint from people who actually somewhat understand the game, its very balanced. Now im going to leave it here, if you do want to debate the topic i would be more than happy to, but if you want to continue raving about how i entered the thread and how to "properly engage in a debate" then i quite honestly cant be arsed. If you want to get your opinion across i pass the reigns over to you, otherwise, so long.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    That example was one of many that can be done about powefull surff survivors could potentially use. I think that strong toolboxes are by far the worst you can face.

    I'll make you a better deal. Let's change survivors main objective in a way that it can't be done sooner then at least 8-10 minutes or add second objective to achieve this goal. If we'll ever get any feature to make games last longer I don't really care about any item or offering killer or survivors have. Actually I love all of them, they make matches more diverse which is what I enjoy.

    What I don't enjoy are matches that can last 6 min and less. Then we can rework mories to work for example for only death hook.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Ehh I mean it's possible for both sides to end the game in less than 8-10 minutes. Had games were a Hillbilly just wrecked 3 people in less than 2 minutes in. He just happened to chainsaw right on top of someone at the start, chainsawed the other right after. Hooked them both, and then the third got chainsawed when they went for the save and I was the last one left, got spotted and it was GG

    As killer I've also ended matches within like 5 minutes. I watch Monto and he somewhat frequently ends matches in less than 5 minutes especially with basement builds.

    It happens for both sides. Gen Rushed, or just happened to catch survivors in bad spots. Majority of games don't go like that for either side though. There is a middle ground, and that's where I believe the game currently is.

    If you are really that afraid of SWF, dodge lobbies that are obviously SWF. There is no punishment for doing it.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Ofc but that takes incredible amount of mistakes from surviors. Killer can still play decently well and still get genrushed if he's not part of the meta. Making games last longer for both sides only makes them more enjoyable. Mori can be a problem yes but there are other problems more major imao.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    The only thing survivors ever had that was on par with an Ebony Mori was the ORIGINAL Brand New Parts where you could just pop gens like it was nothing and end a game in like 2 minutes.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    I should have been clearer. What I meant was that the closest thing to a mori on the survivor side is a key. (because both end games prematurely)

    Both sides have a lot of bullshit that needs to be dealt with. Number 1 on my list is moris and keys.

  • phantasmal
    phantasmal Member Posts: 144

    Moris would literally be pointless then. All you would skip is the walk to a nearby hook which would take less time than the mori animation itself.

    Moris are perfectly balanced in a game where all survivors use optimal perk builds and all run red instaheals. The problems is that you can run either without the counterpart being present in the match, which leads to either the killer or the survivors getting ######### on.

    And yeah, red instaheal is def the counterpart to moris. A mori is essentially -1 hook state while a perfectly timed instaheal is essentially +1 hookstate

    Moris are def not going anywhere as there are several achivements related to them as well as dailies AND the game is called Dead by Daylight. Learn to accept that you can and supposed to die sometimes.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    It does take a lot of mistakes. But you know some killers also make mistakes. Most of the time when I do get genrushed it's because I took too long chasing a survivor in areas I shouldn't have been chasing them because of the loops/strong pallets. When I should have been protecting my gens, or at least pushing the survivors towards a certain part of the map. Too many killers see 2 to 3 gens pop off at once and go...here we go again. Without realizing that the survivors had free reign to repair them due to their own placement on the map.

    Now it's not always the killers fault, I'll recognize that, you get unlucky at times. Perhaps at the beginning while patrolling you didn't find anyone before it was too late. But those are so rare I think in over a thousand games, I've only had like 1 game that, that has happened. Anyways, I do think that they should have different gen times depending on the killer. Nurse = faster gen speeds, Wraith = less. Call it a stat difference. That would help with the time issue for the lesser tiered killers.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah, with a lot of luck they'll finally be nerfed into the ground before the many new players join the game with Stranger Things. Moris are just so unhealthy for this game, it's insane.

    Honestly, if many new people will join this game with Stranger Things but then leave the gema very fast, it really is time for the devs to think about what is causing people to not enjoy this game. Especially survivors, since killer que times seem to be much longer than survivor que times in my opinion. Pretty sure Moris is one of those problems, and camping is another one of those problems.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    This is getting carried away from my original idea to show that surviors have strong stuff too xD. I agree that such matches are rare but the same can be said about mories. Everyones experience is different, I for example didn't see a mori in a while but that can change really fast.

    Overall even if they can be still a little overtuned I don't find them too problematic. Maybe it's just bias or lack of matches facing them.