The Tunnel Vision is real!



  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    It is an issue for the person who just wants to play the game. Tunneling people out of the match is one of the shittiest things you can do to someone.

    true.  people can poo-poo the experience all they want but this type of behavior will ultimately thin the population over time.  it makes the experience of playing 100% worthless and a waste of time.  not fun, zero points and de-pipped.  when a couple games are stacked like this, guess what?  
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    This is clearly a "git gud" issue for survivors, not a balance issue.

    Don't do dumb rescues you aren't prepared to risk skin for.

    If I do a dumb rescue, I do everything I can to get in the killer's way and take the hit. But if the guy I rescued bolts in a direction that makes it impossible, I don't blame the killer for taking easy prey.

    This is the only game I've ever run into where making the right choice is demonized by certain members of the playerbase. It boggles my mind.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    Yeah it definitely feels weird when you have 3 other survivors playing like the 60’s Celtics defense while one poor player is forced to just run/juke then die.
  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    The problem with tunneling and camping is the other survivors don’t take advantage of it. A SWF group with communication and smarts would know to leave the one person on the hook while the other 3 do the remaining 3 gens all at once and then all escape. People need to learn to cut losses. 
  • bl4ckhearts
    bl4ckhearts Member Posts: 40

    and most times by the time u get the one person hooked 3 gens are usually done so wa else can you do? risk losing the kill in hopes to get some1 else? or try and guarentee a least one kill

  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53
    Yeah, hi, survivor main here who doesn't really swf.  I can honestly say the amount of tunneling and camping I get is rather low compared to normal hook, find someone else.  However if it does happen it is my job to keep the killer as busy as possible.  Tunnel, I'm going to run you as long as I can.  Camp, you bet I'm going to drag that hook out as long as I can.  Honestly it's part of the game.  People choose that play style or for all I know they had a really bad game before mine and is taking out the frustration on me, had it happen and even got an apology after the match from the killer for that one.  When it comes right down to it, it is not changing therefore as survivors we adapt.  If my team can get out because of my sacrifice I feel like I still won.