Being capped at 1M bloodpoints is irritating

Like seriously, make it at least 1.5M or even 2M to the point where we could level up a character to 50 without further grind.
Well we all know how annoying this cap is, but hopefully with the new bloodweb change, it wont be as annoying lol
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Someone brought up the point that the cap is there so people can't hack bloodpoints. Anything above 1mil turns into an immediate flag unless it was compensated by BHVR. I agree though, it is stupid that we can't even hit level 50 with the current cap. Surely raising it to make that possible wouldn't hurt.
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Maybe its because you only need lv40 for the 3 perks
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The bloodweb change doesn't affect the amount of points to reach 40 for teachables, nor 50 for prestiging. It only affects how many perks you unlock after level 40.
Personally I'm annoyed that with hitting the cap, saving up enough shards to buy 3 perks on the shrine, and holding onto 3 high value dailies, I'll barely unlock one character's teachables, and perk slots on the other two to attempt adept.
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People used to cheat bloodpoints.
At one point the cap was 500K 😥.
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I just imagined Trapper, Wraith, Billy and Nurse wearing payday masks to rob the bloodbank for bloodpoints.
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I mean, if it wasn't for the bloodpoint cap, I would have easily reached 2 million BP at just by the way I used them. Seems strange that they might not be able to discern BP steadily increasing and a hard 0 to a million billion in a few seconds.
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I agree we need more!
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I'd rather they just remove the cap entirely.
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The cap is there because people were hacking to give themselves all the bloodpoints.
Blame the community on this one
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Agreed it is irritating. Its a gripe i have had with the game for a long time. I want to be able too save up my points without being forced to squander them simply because i am approaching the cap. It really needs to be lifted.
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It should be every time you hit level 100 it increases by 500K-1M blood points you can store
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This has been brought up so many times and yet we hear nothing from BHVR about it. I even tried to bring it up in a livestream and they glossed over it as "necessary" so when killers are first released they don't have every perk and steam roll. Which makes zero sense to me. Shouldn't we try and get every perk on someone so we can find what really works and what doesn't on them?
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Its important to test the early stages of a killer. With limited perks and add ons.
So I can see their point.
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If it's important to test early stages then we need ALL the information from every perk. Not just here and there. That right there is how characters and perks get nerfed far too quickly. At least remove the damn thing from ptb so everything can be tested and not just short bits of information from crap perks or tier 1 perks.
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Raise the cap to 5 mil
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I think it’d reasonable to raise it to 2 million.
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Thats the point of a PTB and Internal testing. Once it goes live the test phase is over.
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And yet we can still only "grind" to 1 mil BP so we still can't even test everything fully. If they wanna do it right then have all perks unlocked for PTB.