Different generators repair time for balance issues.

I was thinking about this and I think it could be a good way to make all killers viable, and is to change the generators time required to be repaired depending on certain factors.the main one is the killer you are facing.
For example if you are playing against the nurse, the current 80 seconds are fine. But if you are playing against a slower killer, let's say the trapper it becomes 240 seconds, giving him time to set traps and all that.
Also other factors might be play time, for example give new survivors, based on hours of play, specially as survivor if possible, a repair speed buff. while giving SWF a penalty based on how many they are and sharing the repair speed the highest hours playing ranking member, while giving the solo player some buff in the surviving capabilities (not repair speed because that would not really work)
Well, you could bet your ass I'd never run Ruin or Thanataphobia again on Trapper.
The first paragraph going to generally make what perks you bring in like the ones I mentioned, or others, to delay or destroy gen progress. If we had an extended time on a killer on top of these mentioned perks, it'd be a complete nightmare to get generators done.
The second paragraph is something I'd like to be possible, but would be very difficult to implement, not to mention that people would abuse this on alt accounts or in some other manner.
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4 minutes to do one gen? lmao
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While my math were kinda wrong there, i was thinking in 3 minutes, 4 minutes ain't that hard either. because
a).- great skill checks, tool boxes and all those speed increasers that right now have no reason to exist will decrease them.
b).- and most important, there are multiple people working at the same time, which is why 80 seconds is ridiculous, I bet you have had games that end close to 5 minutes against a coordinated SWF team.
but in the end the 3 minutes is just a number I tought of, to give an idea, not the final number.
That's the thing, people would no longer need to bring ruin or tanatophobia in order to have a chance to get some kills which as I repeat would only apply to less capable killers let's say the wraith, the trapper, Piggy, etc. while the best ones would have less time.
In the end 4 minutes might not work but another number would. the main idea is to give different repair time depending on the killer, to me this is the best option because it would not give power to the already powerful ones (nurse, spirit, etc) but it would give a chance to the lower tier killers to be viable in the red ranks.
About ruin and such, it is easy, even solo survivors can comunicate with othe survivors before the game, it takes just one of them running small game to hunt it down, or just run int it in the first 30 seconds of game like usually happens. So no, it would not matter, about pop goes the weasel, it can be reworked, but in the end, I think it's the same because 20 seconds of gen regression for the nurse can be deadlier than 60 seconds for the trapper.
First of all, survivors don't need any compensation. most people agree that survivors are overpowered against most killers. the extended time is the compensation for weaker killers.