Why disable the Dedicated Server Test??

my internet cant host games :(
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Because Australia and other regions/countries have gone to complete ######### because the system isn't quite ready yet. It will be, but they are solving important issues. Stay tuned.
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Problens happend, maybe. I was in a match that have 2 killers and 3 survivors.
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Now that is really good xD :)
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More than likely so issues with dedicated servers are not overshadowing issues/feadback with the new chapter.
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I agree with this.
But the truth is that dedicated servers are simply not going to work in DbD. I could type yet another wall of text as to why, but you can see for yourself in the feedback sub forum and it boils to more or less 1 thing.
Servers double the delay between Survivor/Killer interactions. Doubling the lag and making any problems people assuming blame on "hitboxes" twice as worse.
Vault a window in P2P, the Killer gets that in just your ping's worth of time. Vault a window on a server, and the Killer gets that data after you ping that to the server and THEN the server pings it to the Killer.
Killer lands a hit in P2P, the Survivor gets that data in his ping. Killer lands a hit on a server, the Survivor gets that data after the Killer sends it to the server and THEN the server sends it to the Survivor.
Any and ALL interactions between a Survivor/Killer on P2P happen on their pings to each other. K-S and S-K, a single link between the players. And as Killer is host. This is how it works for ALL interactions between the Killer and ALL Survivors! But on a server any and all interactions must go through the server first, combining both the Survivor/Killer pings together. K-Serv-S. It now takes 2 links in the data chain adding both pings into a total sum for lag between them.
Like it or not. But dedicated servers just do not belong in Dead by Daylight. They wont work no mater how much you want them to because of the laws of physics. You can't double the length of a rope without having it take twice as long to walk it.
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They work on R6S but people get like 12 ping... least I do - I have no clue why it’s so low and I don’t know if this is BVHR’s eventual goal. (Or atleast 50 ping is probably good enough) - on ptb I was offered 110 ping each lobby search or more :P but pretty sure on previous dedicated server tests it has been green/50 ping before.
Saying that deathgarden felt alright with no problems when I played it.
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That mean the dedicated servers are gonna be delayed again. issues with your servers are the hitboxes and i'm sure the tick rate is low.
@Chewy102 In a sense you're right but friday the 13th can prove that's simply wrong. Dedicated Servers are so poorly made on DbD.
Tick rate is low if don't know what is tick rate it's the ability for the server to refresh actions in a second, DbD servers have at least 1-2s delay even with green ping. Hitboxes is already bad on the live servers so i wasn't expecting great hitboxes on dedicated servers.
Friday the 13th had dedicated servers since launch (PC only) then added on consoles on september, 10 2018 after being announced being worked on may 24. He took them 3 months and a few days to bring them and work fine.
As a comparison DbD team is larger and 9 months later there are clearly bad designed and won't be launched with the new patch as planned on the roadmap.
Post edited by xllxENIGMAxllx on1 -
Yeah, you do in R6
I have a picture of someone with over 12,000 ping
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You still want to lagswitch to have easier games, don't you? Timeout punishments for DCs won't happen without dedicated servers either. P2P will always be the worst choice because it's too abusable.
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What about Middle East will we continue on hosts or will play in EU servers or what? Thank you
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RS6 is a shooter. Reacting to someone isn't really a thing when you die in an instant. Shooters are proactive games, where you predict the other players. You can afford to have those delays in a shooter as you aren't reacting to someone else. No need for an instant response and no need for very fast pings when you need to predict everything before they happen.
Plus in shooters you have lag as well. Getting shot after going behind cover is one massive complaint. But that isn't all that bad as it is a shooter. You couldn't dodge bullets anyway and you could have been shot from some odd angles, some games you can even shoot through cover. So you likely never notice any delays or lag until it gets REALLY bad!
The only real personal example I can give though is Planetside 2. A FPS MMO that clearly uses servers, but as it depends on clients doing work lag can be a real problem. Your lag leads to others rubber banding and easy kills, others lagging leads to your instant death as all their shots land at once before they round a bend.
DbD though is a melee focused game built on reacting to other players ASAP. Try using a melee weapon in a RS6 (if there is one) and you'll quickly find it hell or filled with massive handicaps to overcome server delays. Making melee attacks in a shooter overpowered to overcome how bad melee is.
Melee needs extremely quick response times. You aren't just predicting someone, you are more often reacting to them. Look at Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter. Those are prime example of melee focused games and in them you do NOT want ANY delays at ALL! Seeing the start of an animation and going for a block/parry. Seeing a brief opening and punishing it. Melee gameplay is all about reacting to the other player. Any delay at all makes reacting to the other player impossible and in turn makes the gameplay crap button mashing. So they use P2P to limit any delay as much as possible by making it as close to a direct LAN as possible.
Outside of Huntress, DbD is basically a 3d fighter. Adding a server makes it a middle man, adding a delay to every interaction. And any added delays makes melee gameplay all the worse.
Servers do have their place. But that place is for BIG projects. A lot of players needing data from everyone at once such as a shooter. The game having multiple background systems such as a MMO. An RTS with possible countless NPCs to account for. Servers work when you have a lot of work to do.
DbD is frankly a 1v1 game. 1 Killer going against 4 Survivors, but it isn't 1v4. It is 4 1v1s mashed into a single game. P2P is king for small games. Less delays, less costs, and as close to LAN as you can possibly get.
Bulls*** and you know it.
Killer attacks are client side. It being on a server wont do jack against a lag switch when the Killer's client still controls if he deals damage or not. Wont change anything, a server will just make normal gameplay worse as you can see for yourself in the PTB forums with how many people complaining of "hitboxes" being worse. It's client side processing, adding a server wont change that in the least without making EVERYTHING server side. Adding even more delays to everything.
DCs are already tracked in P2P. The devs know when you click leave game and they can tell the difference between your ISP kicking out or you pulling the plug based on game inputs and how often the events happen. A server would make it more easy to punish someone, but it is in no way required. The game already tracks your data and it already has a ban system in place. Everything needed is in place already. The devs just wanted to wait for "reasons". Likely not wanting to waste all the effort put into making dedicated servers, not wanting to add even more work for themselves by doing manual bans, and nor do they likely not want to make even more work on top of all that improving the ban system when
Finally, personally attacking me isn't going to do jack either. I just want fair gameplay.
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There isn’t lag on R6S... it’s just better... if i can que with people and we all have 10-30 ping... it’s just objectively better... and R6S is significantly more competitive than DBD by miles... they make hit-reg important in that game especially with there being no auto-aim.
DBD is far from 1v1... it’s mechanics vs mechanics... i.e. use bamboozle or borrowed time.
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With dedicated servers, when the killer starts lagging hugely the survivors won't be affected of that lag at all because all players have ofc their own connection to the server. In this case the survs have even an advantage because the killer won't hit anything mostly because of his higher delays and when the survs have lower delays they can react much earlier. Just watch a recent VOD of tru3 where he played as Plague and couldn't hit his pukes at all because he had more delay than the survivors.
And regarding servers and DCs that's only half the truth. Ofc they tracking all the stuff and saving your profile data in their backend. But the big difference is, with dedicated servers they have full control or rather full tracking abilities of all connections within the match (even still when you pressed the leave button) so they can already react and for example punish players while the match is lasting. That's pretty much impossible on a P2P connection or extremely limited at least. Furthermore there are much more things possible with servers like other game modes or event related stuff etc.
Don't pretend to be kinda intellectual if you actually aren't that much.
Post edited by Inji on0