BHVR... Why do you hate solo survivors so much?



  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I really don't understand your point. What are you trying to say now?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Indeed. This is ultimately a good thing for everyone including the Killers.

    Also Power role just means the individual members of one role is stronger than the individual members of the other role.

    So in this case the Killer should be stronger than a Survivor. That doesn't mean he needs to be stronger than their entire team at once.

    If this game is to be balanced then the Killer needs to be equal to the Survivor team in strength, since this makes him stronger than an individual Survivor this also makes him the power role.

    Using the "needs to be the Power role" makes sense when discussing the Killer having the advantage in individual chases or other 1v1 interactions such as the hatch endgame. But doesn't hold up when talking about making the Killer stronger than the Survivors in terms of more general actions such as Gen Pressure and saves via multiple Survivors working together at once.

    There are other arguments that could be used (for example he still needs to have Gen pressure even if the Survivors do still need to be able to make progress), but not the "power role" argument.

    This kind of ally tracking information is one such situation where "Power Role" doesn't work as a counter argument, since it isn't a 1v1 interaction.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Well, Idk what to say if I don't understand it. Bye then I guess.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 911
    edited September 2019

    The worst part is the mobile port literally has this feature in the game. Why can't we get it on the PC version?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    Why not though? Swf have that information, it's only fair for solo survivors to also gain at least some of the information that swf survivors have. It's the only proper way to balance this game.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    I really wouldn't call solo queue a free 4k though. You can still play quite optimally even when solo queuing. But it's in general much harder, so any information that solo survivors can get that swf have is very important. I mean, if swf have it already? And you can't get rid of swf.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347
    edited September 2019

    How should they nerf swf though? It seems much easier to buff solo survivors. And swf is very important to the game. You can't blame people for wanting to play with their friends.

  • liviu1911
    liviu1911 Member Posts: 150

    basically you want as killer to get all info about survivors. but survivors can't see even wich killer you are... :)) so, what's your point? :)) just because they are 4 ? :)) i would like , as main survivor , to see what killer you are, and to talk with you in that chat :)) but hey, not gonna happen :)) and also , by that image , to see characters perks changes everything ... because you can change your perks to have better build :))

  • liviu1911
    liviu1911 Member Posts: 150
  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    i can guess with good enough probability what perks people do and don't have by their appearances in the lobbies.

    you'll be able to also after enough games. it's almost as if the lobby looks just like your screenshot.. i dug it. props.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    The only thing you can ascertain by looking at a Survivior is that there's a minimum of their 3 teachable perks they have access to (okay theres a Claudette she likely has self care, okay there's a Meg so she probably has Adrenaline). You can't guess that the Jane has Aftercare or that the Dwight has Deliverance.

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    The devs only care about Steve

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2019

    I'm gonna be real honest, if that feature was added I would dodge my teammates if 2 or more had Urban Evasion. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be the only one either. That feature wouldn't be healthy at all for the game.

    Items are fine, not perks

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Why dodging them?

    Also killers can dodge survivors based on skins, names and items aswell. Is it unhealthy? No, not at all.

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    please don't try to correct others on what they can or can't do.

    when i look at people in the lobby (after thousands and thousands of hours in game), i can tell by their characters and appearance what their play style is.

    if they are looking like immersed survivors, that means they are objective rush & leave players. this means most likely no BT, no SelfCare, they probably have Adrenaline, Iron Will, quick & quiet maybe, and maybe even urban evasion. if you end up on a hook in their game there is a very good chance that is where you will stay until you aren't in the game anymore.

    if they look like non-immersed survivors, they understand the flow of the game a little better IMO and probably do have BT and/or other perks useful in helping them do what needs to be done, instead of just helping them "stay alive long enough".

    so, in recap, over time, you can guess pretty well what perks players do and don't have, relatively well enough.

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    because those players aren't conducive to team play, mostly. contrary to popular belief most people don't enjoy playing this game as hide-and-seek or king-of-the-hill.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    You have 50 seconds to chat.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2019

    Personally if I see someone Urban Evading around the map I assume they do nothing to help the team. They'll usually hide and do nothing. I'm not saying all Urban Evasion gamers are like this but it's the majority of them.

    I know that killers dodge for cosmetics, it's unjustified to me unless it's a Blendette.

    Items depend on the person. The only thing I'd dodge is 4 toolboxes.

    Names I don't really understand why.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited September 2019

    Yeah I could definitely see people dodging lobbies because one of the team is using a perk they don't approve of.

    For example dodging because somebody was running no mither

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    not any more. chat has been removed from the version of the game on PTB. post game still exists i think tho.. i remember saying gg a lot.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I don't agree. A lot of people just have skins because they like it or want and advantage. The skin doesn't represent their playstyle at all. I had "immersed" looking Claudettes looping the killer for minutes and helping everyone where possible and I hat neon "toxic" skin Neas who where urban evading in the corner of the map.

    And btw, I have over 2k hours, since hours is something to make a point more solid apparently.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    So, you rather don't want have that mechanic because you would dodge and instead... You want to go into the match and just get tilted by your team mates? That's some logic from another universe lol.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    What's your point? I can't force others to chat. The world isn't spinning around USA or whatever. Not everyone speaks English. So... Again... What is your point?

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Yeah alright, but what is the issue when 1 "e-sport" survivor main dodges the lobby because not everyone is running meta perks? The empty slot will get filled within 10 seconds. Why are so many people making big drama about that?

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    listing hours isn't good, because it isn't an accurate representation of skill.. as i say so frequently here, i have 5k hours, but i know people that have more hours than i do that have spent most of their hours in a closet or pretending to be a rock, which doesn't lend itself well to game experience.

    there are immersed claudettes that can loop, yes. sometimes they help people too, yes.

    that doesn't change the fact that they depend on stealth play, typically indicating a player who is at the very least slightly more likely to be playing greedily. anyone who consistently stops what they're doing to go blend into a shadow or a nook somewhere isn't someone i would ever want on my team, just saying. there are also "rambo" scaredettes that don't do anything but follow around the killer and watch what he's doing all game.. again, not someone i would ever want to have on my team. they usually end up just squatting in the middle of my loops & are overall a waste of a player slot in the trial IMO.

    in the same breath, i'll admit that loading into games with characters with bright clothing leads me to find out they're just standing in lockers a lot because their clothes are too bright and they don't want to be found.

    very generally speaking, i am much more likely to have a fun game with brighter colored players, and much more likely to watch immersed looking players squat randomly around the map watching people die for no reason.

  • chieftaco
    chieftaco Member Posts: 230

    i put some thought into this a long time ago, and what i came up with is it's a catch 22.. nothing can be done.

    the only way to "fix" it would be to provide separate queues for different play styles. the problem with this idea in general is no killer would ever want to load into the stealth queue to play hide and seek with a full group of hiders by "choice".

    that means those players would never get a game, bringing them right back to the "everybody" queue where it's just a whammy when a killer gets that 4 person stealth queue.

    hopefully in the typical game the stealth guys aren't the majority, or if so maybe the killer gets lucky and tries to bait another one out of their hiding spot.. either way it makes for a super boring game. there are a lot of objects to crouch behind and a lot of lockers to stand in. plus you can see the killer coming and see what direction he's looking in using your superior 3rd person vantage. it only takes the most basic of skills to pull off stealth play and it comes at the expense of a lousy time for everyone except those so hungry for an "escape" they're willing to skip as many aspects of the game as possible to achieve it.

    while some people think this is super fun because the killer is so blind or whatever they say these days, for me as survivor on your team or as killer, i'm just motivated to end the super boring game as quick as possible and let you guys stealth it out.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469
    edited September 2019

    lol ... LOL ... Sure, BHVR give this survivor what they want, no .. seriously .. hee heee heee ... I think .. AHAHAhahaha.. that this is a HAHAHAHAHAaaa -wheeze- awesome Idea ... -revs chainsaw- I mean ... ahahahaa -spirit whooshing noises- this will totally .. heee hee.. help their gameplay ... -watching random survivor disconnects- AHAHAHAhahah I love waiting 15 min for a game of musical survivor ...

  • Lx4_x
    Lx4_x Member Posts: 1

    What if a survivor is working with the killer? The survivor can spoil every perk/add-ons the other players have and then the killer can expect the perk/add-on and counter it. It makes sense on why this isn't a thing.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    This is bannable. Also, I versed only around 10 survivors working with the killer (they were friends) since 2016 with over 2k hours. This problem is nearly not existing. And a toxic survivor who wants to ruin the experience of the team mates by teaming with the killer doesn't need to know your perks. He will ruin it no matter what.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Cause Swf makes it hard to balance.

  • Chicken_Little
    Chicken_Little Member Posts: 1

    I haven't finished reading the rest of the comments but it works similarly on the mobile version so not sure why they couldn't implement it here. Currently on mobile you see the four perks as well as what item someone has + addons.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Mr_K actually, on console we don’t get a lobby chat and honestly, good luck making a strategy with three other survivors while typing with a controller.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,678

    It's a good idea that the OP is suggesting. Other things I would like to see include having hash marks by players names in the UI indicating how far along they are in the sacrifice progress. I would also like to see a totem counter pop up when a totem is broken. All these things are information that players already have access to. It should just be included in the game.

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    That's my point exactly, Swf is already op and you guys want to buff solo. This would make a miserable experience for the killer unless you start buffing them as well at which point there wouldn't be an issue.

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    Solo is a free 4k? You must be completely trash that depends on coms to survive cause i play solo survivor every day about 10 matches and escape about 6-7 times easily. The survivors are supposed to struggle to escape, that's the point of the game!!!

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Killers need a buff anyway to combat swf groups. Buffing solos to get closer to SWF will just make it actually possible

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    As a killer, I'd rather see the ranks beforehand then not. Not to dodge, but to know what I'm up against, because seeing 4 default Dwights can mean vastly different things if you presume one thing or the other.

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    I would have no problem with this, as long as the killers get buffes as well.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    That was the plan, phase 1 of balancing the whole game :)

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    @Peanits what do you personally think about that idea? And can you try to get this idea into the office and collect opinions to share it with us? We solos are really thirsty, give us some enjoyment please..

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    That's what arm flapping is for. Arms flap? Killer trap!

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    This is actually a pretty good idea to help solo coordinate during a match. @Peanits is this something discussed in the office? I really want that :)

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Wait how are you able to post threads but it says you're banned? Am I missing something?

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Ah, the lobby dodging would go through the roof. OP, no. First, BHVR does not hate anyone. They have a ton of development issues, and I give them grief all the time for it, but they don't hate a segment of their players.

    Information, like what you posted, would cause lobby dodging by you more sweaty, unimaginative survivor. You're not running DS or BT, I'm out of here.

    When I play survivor, which is less and less lately, I run no meta perks. No DS, BT, Adrenaline, or exhaustion perks. I rarely even run Blendette. Good old Jeff or Feng with DWM, and whatever build I'm going for. Imagine the horror!

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490

    why not show them in game? What’s the excuse for this?

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    You act as if 99% of the playerbase are sweaty af and would dodge. In reality under 10% would dodge, if not much less. And you also act as if it would take hours to fill up that dodged spot. But it takes 10 seconds to find a new survivor to fill in again. Your concerns are not reasonable and are not standing in any relation to the benefit this change would give.

  • Lanterns
    Lanterns Member Posts: 83

    Sounds like a grand time, getting cussed out because I have no meta perks. No thanks.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    This is plain laughable. This player base is one of the most toxic around. Keep kidding yourself. Have you played during any events lately?

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Yaah, I did?! What's your point? I haven't seen much dodging or complains in the aftergame chat about choosen perks. Get out of your bubble bud.