Survivor Rank in a Nutshell

Too many dumbass on Low Rank honestly, these people never learn and still hide in lockers, failing skill checks etc
once hooked instant suicide
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I’m Rank 14 and it was HELL trying to just get past Rank 15-18. I swear there is so many dumbasses on low ranks.2
I could be mistaken, but I believe that the formula for ranking up as a survivor is as follows: First fix 1 generator by yourself. Second, survive for at least 9 minutes. Finally, do 1 successful hook save. If this doesn't work try doing 1 and a half gens by yourself.0
You genrushed, thats the issue.
Be aware that if some of your mates farms another survivor on the hook, then you lose the bronze altruism medal. IN order to pip via genrush you need to at least shortly be chased by the killer or heal someone once0 -
In fairness, if you have no emblem in the Benevolent category you and your team must have done a ######### job at actually being a team. You start the trial with 35 benevolent points and need 40 to get silver.
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Literally all you have to do to rank up is unhook people. I've had games where I've touched maybe one generator (not even finished), but saved two people and I ranked up, almost double pipping. It's ridiculous-- altruism should be important, but right now it's HUGELY unbalanced. If I don't want to save my teammates after they make some super dumb move, I shouldn't be that penalized for it.