The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Queue Bonuses Based on Need

I think being an a-sync game, queue times are really harsh fairly often. I think there should be maybe a 10-25% bloodpoint increase (or something along those lines) for players who queue for survivor/killer depending on need. So if wait time for a particular side exceeds a minute, the bonus is offered to player who queue up for the needed role. Maybe even a tiered system; if wait time exceeds 1 minute +10%, 2 mins +15%, 3 mins +20%.

It encourages players who like to stick to just one role to mix it up. It also reduces queue times.

Another possibility would be a system where a player gets a bonus for simply not playing the same role over and over. For example, every time a player accumulates 4 survivor picks and 1 killer pick, they are rewarded with an amount of bloodpoints. (somewhere in the neighborhood of 2k-8k sounds reasonable to me)


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You mean asymmetrical game? A-sync is something completely different. Anyway, given that there are more Survivors than Killer by design alone, this would just be a constant bonus to Killers.

  • shade7x3
    shade7x3 Member Posts: 8

    Sorry, I meant a-sym... sometimes I don't pay attention to what I say/type.

    There would be thresholds, like if killer queue time > 1min, then activate 10% bonus for players queuing as survivors. I understand that there are more survivors than killers. Sometimes it feels like wait time is just TOO long. This would add incentive to queue as particular roles. Also, @Orion, by your response it sounds like you were thinking I meant based directly off of the number of players; the idea I have is based off of queue times.

    It seems like ideally there should be 4 survivors queuing to 1 killer, but when I do queue as a killer, sometimes the wait times are just long. One possibility is that the ratio is actually more like 3.8 : 1.2, so survivors get an instant match, while some killers wait a few minutes. It isn't always the case, I have had times when as a killer I have queued up immediately. I just think an incentive system would help reduce queue times.