Making the game better

I understand that killers need to be and feel overpowered, but not to the point were its unfair. I'm a high rank killer and survivor, I just feel too overpowered as a killer, yes I am a low rank killer now because all the good players are low rank because they dont like too be camped by higher ranked killers and it's more rewarding to kill the loopers and survivors who use DS, but killing in general is just way to easy, at what point will all you killers realize that its a 1 vs 4 and even though we killers are supposed to be overpowered, stronger and faster, if you have 1 killer vs 4 people the killer will always be overpowered by survivors. The devs are nerfing the survivors too harshly handing them to us on a silver plater and y'all are still not satisfied, while I agree some of their perks and buffs and debuffs could get nerfed or reworked, I definitely disagree with nerfing perks that prolong the inevitable chase. I belive some killers needs nerfs like doctor he's a brainless killer, way to easy. but almost all the killers need a buff from their current state.

Give killers 2 extra perk slots, so total is 6 for killers only.
Allow killer to see 1 or 2 of each survivors perks in preloading ready up menu.
Increase lobby timer from 1 minute to 2 so killer can see all perks and decide which one to use to counter survivor.
Allow surviors to get a hint of who killer is in preloading ready up menu by a single discernable breath.

Allow killers to close hatch but activates 1 generator, only way to open hatch again is by opening the second chest in basement that would spawn and get a guaranteed key to open lock or do 1 generator. Which then Killer can close hatch again. Killer would not be allowed to close hatch if survivor is 16 meters away to prevent insidious camping.

Self care nerf - if stop healing, progression will slowly regress due to being injured and losing blood(for both self care and being healed by others), just like broken generator.

Desicive strike nerf - one of two ways this could get a nerf/buff. 1. Once desicive is used cant heal to healthy again but survivor still runs at normal speed and unlimited uses when wiggle to 40%. Or 2. Just don't make it an obsession perk so survivors have to wiggle to 40%. For both cases you can increase the wiggle required to 50%.

Exhaustion rework - if running, exhaustion will take twice as long to regress and will decrease the speed you run at when exhausted E.x. if running after Sprint burst teir 3 it will take 80 seconds to recover while running. And running speed will go from 100% to 95 or 90% when exhausted.

Camping and tunneling - If killer is within 16 meters of hooked survivor after 4 seconds of hooking them, sacrifice progression is stopped, and if its survivors first hook, unlimited chances to unhook. If survivor unhook themselves and killer is within 16 meters away from hook, grants buff endurance or heal one health state.  If in struggle and being camped the sacrifice doesn't progress but you still have to struggle or you die.

Increase amount of pallets and Windows but decrease time required to get bloodlust tiers and slightly increase the bloodlust buff effect
Fix bug where it slow vaults even though survivor is running.
Fix bug where survivor is clicking "drop pallet" but it doesn't drop, either killing survivor or ruining chase
Slightly Slow down the trapper and clown.
Slightly speed up nurse to run just as fast as survivors, slightly speed up freddy, huntress and hag
Fix freddys hitbox, sometimes it will hit sometimes it doesn't.
Make totems harder to find, both hex and regular.
Let killer see which hex totem is for which perk it's for.
Fix bug where killer directly hits survivor but somehow misses
Fix fat shaming spots, especially on hadden field and the preschool
Nerf doctors treatment mode, make idle madness take longer to tier up.
Make it so survivors can use exhaustion perks when in madness
Buff wraith by making his reappearing time slighlty shorter.
Slightly Buff hag and trapper by making their trap set time faster.
Slightly Buff freddy by making dream transition slightly faster
Make borrowed time work for both injured saviour and hooked survivor.
Make boil over decrease wiggle time
Put pallet vacuum back

Add a survivor perk that provides survivor with a third health state but repairing, healing, and sabotaging is 70/60/50% slower, skill checks appear more often, and takes much longer to heal to third health state. Devour hope and no one escapes death will still instant down.

Add a killer perk that increases range of aura reading abilities and allows the abilities to last longer. For bbq and chilli it would decrease range to activate.

And just make all the perks that are useless, that nobody uses, and that have potential to be good perks like calm spirit, all of huntress perks, hex third seal, tinker, hangman trick, etc. Just make them better so killers and survivors have more options to use good perks instead of the same meta perks.

Bring "new" game modes
2 killers vs 8 survivors 7 gens. 2 obsessions if applied.
3 killers vs 12 survivors 9 gens. 3 obsessions if applied
With these modes you can have a kill with friends. 
Have a ranked and casual mode for every game mode. Instead of it all together. Have special ranked rewards.

Actually make the reporting system worth while, if too many negative reports either lose bloodpoints and/or iridescent shards or be banned for a day or more depending on how many negative, if you get many positive reports can be rewarded with auric cells, iridescent shards, and/or bloodpoints.
Make camping reportable, just camping not tunneling.

The lag, omfg don't get me started.

This game is losing a lot of players because survivors are being handed to killers on a silver platter yet most killers still complain and say survivors are overpowered. Which they are not, unless its swf which they bully a lot. Devs dont take into consideration campers and tunnelers. Not going to lie, if survivors gen rush and I finally get someone just cause they were good I will camp and/or babysit hooked survivor, its not fun but I still get points. Killers you have to open your eyes, just cause most of you aren't good doesn't mean you have to listen to youtubers who are also trash and be like "survivors are overpowered, doctor is underpowered, etc." I would love to see the killer mains go play survivor at high rank....I know 80% of killers who reads these suggestions will agree with anything positive I say like add 2 more perks for killers but attack me for saying anything like buff borrowed time or nerf doctor. I doubt many killers who threaten to stop playing if survivors aren't Nerfed would actually leave but devs are to afraid to take the chance on making a fun balanced game.


  • WarStRiKeR117
    WarStRiKeR117 Member Posts: 46
    I know but someone needs to point the obvious. And they are not going to believe that I main killer but who cares

    You have no idea what you've just started. Watch all of those Leatherface avatar people come and start a war.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    I really love these balance suggestions (Im both killer and survivor and killer is too overpowered right now)