We all play DBD differently and we all contribute.

Some of us are good loopers, some can loop for 5 gens in the game, that is awesome doesn't mean that makes you "good" at the game, that is just a strategy you play. Some do gens and that's mostly all they do, some flash light save throughout the game, some are good at pallet saves and some very much go for more saves and heals. What i am saying is we all play this game to our advantage and what we are good at to contribute to the game in our own way. Just because people who are red ranks (and i am currently) doesn't mean you need to loop to be on there and stay there, we all just very much have our own ways. Strategy is key and thing, or they wouldn't use a brain pic for the survs :)
Your profile picture...is that...no...it can't be...damn it's an immersed Claudette!
Jk's aside you're right about that. Keep up the spirit!
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lol! and i hope other spirits are lifted too ^^
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I have seen plenty of posts that say, "If you can't loop you are trash", or "if you can't hit great skill checks you are trash" but realistically, there are plenty of players in the red ranks that can't loop or can't hide, or can't flashlight save etc. It doesn't make them bad. We just have different skills.
I played a solo game where two other solos both got facecamped and both held on for the entire 2 minute duration to let me and Claudette do the gens and escape. Those are the players I have the most respect for.
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very true! also what is those pics? lol
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@DudeDelicious Hell, honestly, I just play DBD to get my Slasher horror fandom. I'm a kid of the 80s (born in '72) so I grew-up on these horror icons. I remember in the 80s on my uncle's massive farm where I spent the summers. I had a hockey mask and fake machette, and my younger siblings, cousins, and I would use the cornfields and two story barn and such and play Friday the 13th for hours.
I don't even worry about a 4k as killer. I just want to hook all four at least once for the BBQ stacks for the BP gain. After that, if they all escape I don't even care.
As survivor, it's the same thing here as counselor in F13: I just want to be hunted by the killing machine. For me, DBD (and F13) are the same thing as the 80s setting in the Stranger Things show: childhood nostalgia.
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This thread made me smile. :)
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I'll play with my survivors however I want!
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Mushwin is basically our vocal leader at this point. PREACH! RIOTITITITITITITITIT!! Haha... got a bit carried away there :)
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i am so very glad :)
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It's just that I contribute less than everyone else!
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I mostly play cause whether with friends or solo, I have a ton of fun. I love the lore behind it, it was a pretty different game than I was used to, and even if there are some things people complain about consistently, I think the devs do some really cool stuff with it!
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You play the game and how you do it is for you *s
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Keep up "The Spirit". Ahaha. I get it. :)
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Sorry, but I don't agree.
If your team is playing against a good killer, then everyone needs to be skilled in chases.
A survivor that sucks in chases is going to get bodied, which means one less teammate for doing generators.
Nah, if you're in red ranks you need to be good at looping and juking.
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What is this thread?! It feels like the OP intended to reply to another post and instead started a new thread. Who are you even addressing this thread to? The mere idea that "all gamers are created equally and have equal value" is heresy. Gaming is a meritocracy. The player that is only good at working on gens does not have equal value to a player who is good at working gens and also good at keeping the killer occupied. The entire premise of your argument is inherently untrue. It's like you are trying to convince all of us that 2+2=4, but also 1+1 can equal 4 if it's good at hitting skill checks.
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@JawsIsTheNextKiller Flashlights dont even work at red ranks, I see the occasional save but I've never watched someone just annihilate the killer over and over again with it
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*Prayer Beads intensifies*
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So do you just not understand wholesome intent or are you intentionally trying to start something?
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Mmmhmmm *anal beads electrify*
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*Fan himself*
Me: Well hello there stalky boy. How about you stab me tonight ?
*Myers walk away*
Me: Awwwwn...I really wanted to die...
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I'm sorry but I disagree.
I could switch tables and say if you were better at hidding no one would've needed to be chased at all.
I feel ppl who are thinking this way don't understand the game and how it's played. Like there's a huge world of difference between me counsciously trying to pick Up the killer to help you juke and you running to me with bonds hoping the killer goes for me.
In one case I was prepared and no objectives were broken.
But back to my point, if ppl like you were better at hidding you'd understand chases are extra bp. Yes it can help delay the killer but you know what helps more ? Everyone doing gens whilst the killer is furiously patroling a gen almost done but finding no one.
You know what doesn't help tho ? Trying to 360 a killer over and over, fail and get hooked twice before the first gen was even done.
Moral if my comment ? We both learn to be better at each others job but it is a mistake to think one contribut more or isn't has toxic when failing.
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@TheUnendingNightmare Your comment didn't sway me at all. A good killer is liable to snuff out hiding survivors very quickly, which means those survivors should know how to handle themselves in a chase.
If a survivor goes down quickly in chases, then they're a serious burden on the team. Because now the killer can pressure everyone else much easier.
Sorry, but sitting on generators or doing any other menial tasks is not good enough for red ranks. Knowing how to win chases is more important.
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I'll see your wholesome intent and raise you the truth.
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I see your truth and raise you the fact that this isn't a coaching thread. It's a "Being bad at something is the first step to being kind of good at something," thread. If you've got nothing nice to say, feel free to move on.
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The key is to have a good team.
Your TEAM decides what the outcome will be. It doesn’t matter if you can loop, if your teammates are too afraid to touch a gen, this will hurt any possibility you might have had to escape as a team.
Sometimes common sense beats any perk or looping ability.
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I am in red ranks, and been at rank 1, I cannot juke/loop very well, how did I get there then?
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It wasn't posted or intended at anyone in particular, i never said anything about equal, the whole point was that people play this game their own way. Some are good at hitting hex skill checks, they are great to be on gens, flash light savers are great to follow a surv grabbed.
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I have a friend, give him a flash light and he will save you, Ochido was great at it, still is, and Noob3.
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Thank you :)
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He may or may not, he’s only flashlight saved me once.
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You didn't deserve to be saved after dropping a fireracker on me LOL (jking) he has saved me a lot.
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And more firecrackers to come. Still have 191 of ‘em. >:)
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We need more of this in the community to be honest. I don't play survivor as often as I do killer (that might change with my boi comin in the new DLC), but seeing survivors that are good at something and bad at something helps the killer too in a way and makes it more fun in my opinion.
As a killer I can tell who's getting gens done faster sometimes, who's good with a flashlight and I should avoid or chase away first, and who's an insane looper who I should avoid chasing till later. On the contrary, if I see a bad looper, I know I can easily put pressure on them and/or scare them away so I can do something else, as they naturally will want to avoid conflict with the killer more than the others, because they're less skilled and thus less confident in that aspect.
Variable skill sets makes the game more fun for all five players imo. I find it a little sad there isn't more to really put differing skillsets in the spotlight for survivors. Killers are all varied in their abilities and thus require different skills, but survivors just become different skins at a certain point which deters me from playing them as oftem.
Overall, keep up the positivity and have fun above all else!
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I have limited respect for master loop-jukers. It can be impressive, but usually there's no reason for me to play along as the killer. I'll get way more licks in if I just patrol gens.
The teams that really scare me are the ones that can coordinate, whether it's all piling on one generator or splitting up to cover two or more at opposite ends of the map. It's the ones who bait me off the hooked survivor in endgame collapse while their buddies swoop in for the save, the ones who take hits for each other, etc.
Awareness of one's teammates, the objectives, and the killer are what make for threatening survivors to me. I tend to shrug off the t-bagging Usain Bolt types.
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Well you must be lucky because anytime I see someone with a flashlight they try to save me, miss and then continue to try and blind a killer looking up right by the hook that just slugs them, hooks me in front of them down and doesn't leave , those things have caused me to die way more than saved me TBH
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There's a difference between not being "dead weight" in chases and being someone that knows exactly how to play every tile in the game optimally. You probably want to be able to at least hold your own for a little bit regardless of how you're playing, but even then it's an option to be good at actually breaking a chase as well.
It's just another case of people assigning more value to a particular skill, usually a "flashy" and somewhat mechanical one. People can obsess over mechanical skills like raw aiming ability or actions per minute while sort of ignoring the mental skills that often put the player in the situation where they can use their mechanical skills effectively in the first place.
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Everyone is entitled to their own playstyle this is true, but people who choose to hide should be aware that there are people like me who see them as bait/a free down.
If I see a fellow survivor hiding, rather than doing a gen or a totem, when I run by being chased by the killer (I swear I'm cursed to be chased from the start of the match no matter what) I will almost always go out of my way to lead the killer to you because:
- If the killer chooses to swap targets to you, I can go do a gen and make it 3 people doing one instead of 2 and
- If you go down I can get a stack of WGLF, Deliverance, and some tasty altruism because I'm the closest person to you
In a similar vein, if I am killer and I spot someone attempting to hide while I'm in the middle of a chase I will always swap targets to chase the hiding individual because
- They will likely not expect me to drop the chase to swing around their tree, meaning I'll get a free hit
- If they're hiding they're probably not confident in their ability to handle a chase, meaning I can down them rapidly
Of course in both of these scenarios I'm referring to those who hide near a chase and are thus unhelpful to the team. If you're just good at hiding and the killer never finds you, good on you. If I run by and you're crouching a little ways from an active gen I'll feel bad and let the killer keep chasing me because I know you were trying to do your job.
This isn't me trying to discourage people from playing in a more immersed and stealthy fashion, I've just been harassed for taking advantage of their playstyle for my own gain multiple times and felt it should be brought up that you're wearing a target on your back when you play stealthily. A killer is much less likely to chase someone in the open over someone trying to hide because the person in the open obviously has a plan.
I hope I explained well.
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There are people who contribute to your loss too. Sometimes on purpose.
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I'm sorry but definetly not.
See the problem here is you THINK you are good bc you made it to red ranks when it actually means NOTHING.
Also, I've seen so many red ranks who can't even do 10s on a gen without missing a skillcheck...btw "menial" tasks ? Dude how do you think those gates open ?
The fact you can juke well means NOTHING if ppl aren't able to do gens.
Going back to my original statement. We need to get better at juking, you guys need to get better at sneaking around.
P.S There are perks designed to make it harder for the killer to find you but since most red ranks run the same exhaustion build...most probably don't know...
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no sorry if you can loop the whole game you basically can carry the team and gaurantee a depip for the killer. Lets not pretend that its hard to at least safety pip on a survivor because it is isn't - you can easily screw over a killer in terms of pips if he just targets you.
if all of you can loop 5 gens - that killer has to be a nurse or god tier player of another killer to stand any chance.
Also, rank 1 survivor is incredibly easy, and still not that hard if you solo queue.
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Looping takes no effort to learn and do and everyone can do it regardless of playstyle tho, especially on godawful maps like the game...
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I don't play spirit (EPIC JOKE)
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@Mushwin You probably played enough times to get matched with mediocre killers. Couple that with being on a team full of good loopers, and it's not hard to see how you ranked up.
Red ranks are full of survivors who shouldn't be there. Many of them get carried by other survivors who are good in chases.
If you don't believe me, record a match with you playing against Zubat and one of his top killers like Billy. Show me how to win without being good in chases. I'm going to guess you either depip or safety pip. A safety pip is getting lucky btw.
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@TheUnendingNightmare Let me try and explain my position better.
The most skillful and helpful thing a survivor can do is be effective in chases. That's the one aspect that carries the most weight in determining which side wins.
Pretty much everything else is easy to do (like doing generators). I don't believe I've ever met a god looper who wasn't efficient in all the other categories. In other words, if you can loop well, you can basically do everything else well too.
Yes, there is some gaming sense that is important to have. That gaming sense takes time to develop and can really have an impact on the match. But again, knowing how to run the killer is the best skill to have.
And finally, sneaking just doesn't have an impact like looping does. All of the good killers I've seen have been able to destroy survivors that preferred sneaking. Stealth is usually stronger when there are fewer survivors or during the end game when survivors can afford to be more patient.
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Not true, if i am carried by anyone i de pip or safety pip, i got to red ranks because obvs i deserved to be there, i did enouh to warrant my pips LOL
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also i never claim to be the best, i am saying we all contribute to the game, and those who are suer good have the time to do so and maybe take tis as too much or an obsession or maybe they get lucky too who knows
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Proof or it dint hapen, is easy for people to say this, but maybe people need to back up their words? if a killer is chasing someone through 5 gens, then that is not a bright killer, we all know playing a killer if there is that one constantly looping etc, we go after another