Ghostface is, sadly, weak.

bubbascal Member Posts: 316
edited June 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I played multiple matches on PS4 today at rank 9 as Ghostface. Gens would frequently get done because a 10 second chase would cause 60 to 70% of a gen to be done. I could not afford to NOT patrol gens and could only focus on just scaring them off. As taking 5 seconds to injure a Survivor and another 5 to down them causes gens to be done.

GF is too weak. You can't "take your time" as the devs said GF likes doing in a game like this. Especially since Survivors gen rush even MORE compared to after the emblem update. You have to get fast downs. Even faster compared to after the emblem update.

One chase = one or two gens done. It's insane on how weak GF is.

Or am I playing him wrong?



  • GhostfaceneedaNerf
    GhostfaceneedaNerf Member Posts: 30

    P2W KILLER has sprint from Meg survivor + run while crunching from The Pig killer and Nea the survivor + stalking from Michel Mayer but instant + kill in 1 stab from Michel Mayer but faster + watch survivors like bbq and chile from leather face + run more than survivors or Legion even withouth use the sprint + long weapon lunge from Freddy + his own habilitys like block engines = block the main target of survivors + learned habilitys from other killers, etc. lol just need teleport from Nurse right ??. Literally 90% killers switched to him, you dont even see the old killers anymore unless you play 24/7, i bought recently Michael Mayers and i feel scammed cuz he can stalk and oneshot in less than 5 seconds while i need the whole match to do the same with Michael Mayers, totally game breaking, all matches as survivor against him, he killed the whole party in less than 2 mins even with obiously noob player handling him. So yeah you are doing something wrong.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    You play a different game I guess, try civilization 5. xD

    After the obvious jokes were made:

    Ghostface in fact is weak, his power grants you stalking ability, but good survivors (red ranks) can annulate this power very easily.

    It's not hard to look at someone, if you have eyes in the head.

    A SWF or Object of Obsession completely ######### Ghostface up and there is nothing the killer can do about it. Their power becomes useless.

    In my opinion, you shouldn't be able to break ghostface out of his power without being NEAR him. I mean like near him 32 meters range at max and then look at him for 1.5 seconds with a clear audio cue for ghostface.

    And when being in a chase (which should only be possible when going after someone for more than 3 seconds) the power ends (or when you hit someone, NOT stab the air)

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316
    edited June 2019

    Thinking on it now, I may have exaggerated somewhat. Because of people running from pallet to pallet and abusing infinites, chases can take maybe 20 seconds. If I can even land the hit.

    Exposed don't do anything if it takes a while to apply and you can't hit the Survivor in the first place. You also can't afford to try and inflict exposed mid chase. Or after you get to a gen during patrols and you see that there was a Survivor there... now what? Activate your power? They'll know where you are and just detect you. They are also nerfing GF for that to be even easier.

    GF IS weak. No map pressure, getting hooks take too long, can't stop gens getting rushed without Ruin...

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    "In my opinion, you shouldn't be able to break ghostface out of his power without being NEAR him. I mean like near him 32 meters range at max and then look at him for 1.5 seconds with a clear audio cue for ghostface.

    And when being in a chase (which should only be possible when going after someone for more than 3 seconds) the power ends (or when you hit someone, NOT stab the air)"

    Oh, god. Please, no!

    You've literally said SWF groups beat up GF, yet you want him even easier to detect?

    And no, the only other use for his power outside of sneaking is mindgames at buildings and T-walls and L-walls. No terror radius and more important, no red stain. Something all loopers look for to figure out which direction the Killer is taking. He doesn't need a "insta break out of power because a Survivor got in your face".

    He needs buffs, not nerfs.

  • cwtfern
    cwtfern Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2019

    Ghost Face is painfully weak at high ranks. Even when I stack add-ons that supposedly make me harder to detect, I am broken out of Night Shroud pretty much immediately from half the map away. I also keep getting broken out of it even after I've broken line-of-sight, which is very annoying. They're seriously going to make it even easier to break him out?? I guess the first version of the PTB really was what they wanted...

    He's also highly exploitable. If you get Father Campbell's Chapel, the Asylum, Red Forest, or pretty much any map with a two-story building in the middle, you automatically lose. Survivors can stand at a top floor window/balcony and spot you pretty much anywhere on the map, completely denying you a chance to be stealthy. This happened to me multiple times, and it seems like a massive oversight on the devs' behalf. You can't really have a killer that relies on stealth when there are numerous, completely safe lookout points.

  • i think i maybe try civilization 5 but you should play Fortnite and forget about DBD, high rank players are the same than others, i have a friend that its rank 1 red and he dont know even how to infinite loop, you are talking nonsense, looking at him just break his stelth but not his oneshot power, ghost face literally dont give a crap you look at him, in fact i have that killer and when a survivor looks at me i get a visual and sound signal, cant be more automatized, its like spinie chill for killers. So the counter basically its an spine chill for him, you break his stealth mode and he just have to walk in the signal direction and oneshot you, he dont see you ? np just stalk randomly in 360º and since takes less of 1 sec stalk he sure catch someone. So keep looking at him lmao when i play as Goat face i m glad ppl likes you look at me giving me signals where to oneshot you. Goat Face its p2w, maybe the Nurse its nice at super high rank with super ultimate meta skills in the hands of a super skilled player, but goat face its p2w because withouth using 1 single skill i can literally oneshot a whole party of 4 survivors in less of 3 mins and i m very bad player as killer, even if Goat face has problems at high ranks in all the other ranks and lvls has no counter and its imposible to escape him, in the opposite of Nurse that if its low lvl ppl literally has to do friendly to her so she can stab someone.

    No matter how you say it, Goat Face its OP, he its overpowered because its a uncharismatic killer and ppl laughed long on him in Scary Movie franchise, thats why to sold it, they did it OP, he oneshot like mayers, run like legion, crouch like Nea, sprint like Meg, has spine chill signal when survivors look at his back, stealth when crouched or chase, crouch like the pig, black clothes by default (in other killers like the pig black clothes cost 10$), he has aura reading skill but to activate he only have to sit and waith someone make noise while Nurse need do a hit to activate Nurse calling, and Leather face its slow and need hook a survivor to activate BBQ, Goat Face has literally not weak points, his only counter its look at him for 5 seconds while oneshot you takes less of 1 sec for him, and if you do the counter and look him, he get visual and sound signals, jesucrist just need teleport like the Nurse lol. Goat Face its p2w, and ppl who pay for p2w dont care he struggle at high ranks, since p2w ppl has no honor or pride so they dont mind stay at low ranks as long they be OP against low lvl survivors, what a p2w customer wants its the opositte of a Nurse wich is extremly painfull to lvl up but free and only OP at super high rank.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited September 2019

    Well, he doesn't have a sprint, he just has a different animation for running while in a chase, he still moves regular killer speed.

    He's slowed while crouching, like Pig, with no ambush attack out of it.

    His stalking is far worse than Michael as it can be broken and only affects one survivor, and provides no benefit in a chase like Evil Within does.

    He also doesn't have aura reading without an ultra rare add on.

    Again, moves the same speed at most killers, slower than Legion's Frenzy.

    He (and Freddy) have the SAME LUNGE as EVERY killer.

    Thrilling Tremors blocking gens is literal garbage, it only lasts 16 seconds and doesn't affect gens being worked on.

    I don't know how you've managed to get this many misconceptions about one killer.