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General Discussions

It occured to me..Devs? How many of you actually play nurse..? start this I want to tell you all my story in this game..I got this game during the free ps plus monthly deal somewhere after clowns release..but I knew of the game even before then...back when I saw h20 delirious the youtuber play this game near its early days..when there were far fewer killers ..

Out of all the killers I saw, I immediately knew the nurse was my favorite..I had no idea if she was good or not because he was also new and no master nurse by any means , but her design was so creepy and her power so cool I knew she was the best in my eyes.

Fast forward to me getting the game..I watched videos around YouTube to learn about the killers as I wanted to figure out whom first to play..nurse was my first choice but then I learned she was a killer designed for highly experianced I started with doctor as hes cool as hell..but my goal day one was to master the nurse ,, the best and most difficult killer in the roster..being on console made that an even higher difficulty goal.

Fast forward again to now..finally..I'm reaching a point of mastery with the nurse where I can play her fairly well at red ranks..I'm still getting better but I've come a long way after hours upon hours of getting my ass handed to me..I now run her addonless due to my next point and the main reason for this thread..her addon rework approaches

I've stopped running addons with her as I dont know which addons will still exist after the rework..and then it hit me..I have never heard about any of the devs actually maining or even really being regulars on playing nurse..hag, huntress, and pig..but no nurses to my I you guys play her?

As I've learned her I realized that killers like her and spirit require so much thought..way more than it looks like from the survivor end..all they see is the end result , with nurse you have to know tiles and how they affect her blinks , mentally calculate distance ,.mentally project where the survivor will be..every time you blink at a survivor all this has to go through your mind in milliseconds..its actually quite amazing when you think about it.

But back on the rework..I'm excited to see her crappier addons get a face lift and her extra blinks make her less skillful as it allows extra mistakes, yuck..but I feel that the dev team wont comprehend how to take away the bs addons..while still giving her good addons to combat swf and bad maps for can they make a fair decision if non of them play fact..rumor has it devs have even showed contempt for the nurse..not a comforting rumor as a newly realized nurse main..

I think the most important thing the devs should nurse and billy..and now spirit as well..are the main reason this game is growing and surviving rather than dying out fast like other games whom trued to repeat dead by daylights success , because dead by daylight alone has allowed any of their killers to be strong as well as players a reason to play the killer..and even in the worst days of dbd..nurse was there to keep the ship I hope the devs see that I've put all my thoughts and experiences in this area to bear..remember these things..have a good day

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