It occured to me..Devs? How many of you actually play nurse..? start this I want to tell you all my story in this game..I got this game during the free ps plus monthly deal somewhere after clowns release..but I knew of the game even before then...back when I saw h20 delirious the youtuber play this game near its early days..when there were far fewer killers ..
Out of all the killers I saw, I immediately knew the nurse was my favorite..I had no idea if she was good or not because he was also new and no master nurse by any means , but her design was so creepy and her power so cool I knew she was the best in my eyes.
Fast forward to me getting the game..I watched videos around YouTube to learn about the killers as I wanted to figure out whom first to play..nurse was my first choice but then I learned she was a killer designed for highly experianced I started with doctor as hes cool as hell..but my goal day one was to master the nurse ,, the best and most difficult killer in the roster..being on console made that an even higher difficulty goal.
Fast forward again to now..finally..I'm reaching a point of mastery with the nurse where I can play her fairly well at red ranks..I'm still getting better but I've come a long way after hours upon hours of getting my ass handed to me..I now run her addonless due to my next point and the main reason for this thread..her addon rework approaches
I've stopped running addons with her as I dont know which addons will still exist after the rework..and then it hit me..I have never heard about any of the devs actually maining or even really being regulars on playing nurse..hag, huntress, and pig..but no nurses to my I you guys play her?
As I've learned her I realized that killers like her and spirit require so much thought..way more than it looks like from the survivor end..all they see is the end result , with nurse you have to know tiles and how they affect her blinks , mentally calculate distance ,.mentally project where the survivor will be..every time you blink at a survivor all this has to go through your mind in milliseconds..its actually quite amazing when you think about it.
But back on the rework..I'm excited to see her crappier addons get a face lift and her extra blinks make her less skillful as it allows extra mistakes, yuck..but I feel that the dev team wont comprehend how to take away the bs addons..while still giving her good addons to combat swf and bad maps for can they make a fair decision if non of them play fact..rumor has it devs have even showed contempt for the nurse..not a comforting rumor as a newly realized nurse main..
I think the most important thing the devs should nurse and billy..and now spirit as well..are the main reason this game is growing and surviving rather than dying out fast like other games whom trued to repeat dead by daylights success , because dead by daylight alone has allowed any of their killers to be strong as well as players a reason to play the killer..and even in the worst days of dbd..nurse was there to keep the ship I hope the devs see that I've put all my thoughts and experiences in this area to bear..remember these things..have a good day
Billy actually takes for time to master due to curving, also I think @not_Queen used to/does play Nurse.
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I'm still a decently better Billy than I am nurse..Billy has charm in his mastery of flicking but nurse has so much more to her skill cap
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I gotta disagree,
Here is what a master billy can do.
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Believe it or not i can do this too, it amazes me how few people know Billy can do this..and it's certainly badass he can
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I'd assume they have at least a bit of experience with all the killers, especially the killers they were working on/worked on. But at the same time we all have seen some of the devs stream (insert devs suck lul joke)
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Billy is very good, but he feels not rewarding against four decent survivors.
Nurse does. Easy like that. I am able to play Billy on red ranks too, but my nurse is able to destroy most teams without addons, so i go with her.
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That's kind if my point..there are plenty of survivor players among the devs, but I've yet to see 1 play nurse or even really mention playing nurse..I consider this a problem
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There is most likely one. If we are talking about PC nurse takes about 40-60 hours of practice to become good at her. The reason could be is many don't find nurse gameplay enjoyable as well. Why watch this guy who does the same thing every game just downing the survivors whilst blinking a few times to get a down. When I can watch someone who is more interactive plays a variety of killers which is more fun to watch since you don't know the likely outcome. I do agree it would be nice to see a dev play nurse. I have a feeling they'll do well on Nurse anyways because some of the Killer community would most likely get outraged if Nurse got a major nerf.
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Indeed..I know I would be..but its be nice to know they actually understand nurse and how she plays
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Both have high potential with what a skilled player can do with them. The difference is a relatively unskilled or new player can jump on Billy and still do pretty well, especially since he comes with 2 stackable training wheels add ons, where a new player nearly always suffers on Nurse.
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Fair enough
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I seriously doubt anyone on the dev team plays nurse at a high level. If they did, she would have been nerfed long ago.
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@GrootDude I play nurse. I am actually a nurse main. And I do the same as you @immortalls96 , I don't play with add-ons.
Lately I have been spending less time on live and more on test builds so my live rank is very low. As a result, I don't play nurse as much (on live) because it's just too hard for the players I am facing. That's why people assume I stopped playing her. But it's not the case. ^^
I can't talk about the future changes yet but you can be sure that when they come, we'll explain our design goals behind them. 🙂
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I'd just like to say thank you for that last sentence. I've honestly supported most decisions that you guys have explained your reasoning behind, only being genuinely confused and upset when nothing is explained and the change feels randomly tossed in without reason.
If at all possible I'd like to suggest using MOBA style patch notes where the devs leave some kind community note under each change that explains the thought process behind it. Thanks again for all the hard work!
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We only ever see a handful of the devs streaming now and again within the team. They also have lots of twitch players they speak too. Not_Queen is a great player who started off as a streamer and ended up being employed by BHVR and has done amazing work for them along as the community.
Take another streamer Hexy a killer main with thousands of hours in the game who actually hates to play Nurse as he thinks she is incredibly broken due to her ability to ignore in game mechanics and generally only plays her if someone asks why he doesn't just to reiterate his point.
Nurse has a love hate relationship with the comminity and while without addons I personally think she is fine that doesn't mean to say she is as thats just my opinion.
PC Nurse is also a lot easier to play than console and I mean a lot. If you are doing well with her on console i take my hat off to you as I for one can't do whats needed with a controller. Too many years with a mouse and keyboard.
Maybe the problem then is more to do with balance patches being all for one in that regard as the change will be primarily for PC players where she is strongest but it could hurt console players more.
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I didnt expect you to spill the beans but at least I know bare minimum one of you knows how it is to play her, while she can perform without addons she can still be hammered by doing so..but at least you understand what she needs and what she can lose without becoming less..I'd hate to see dbd without the nurse being as she is as I explained why before
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I remember hexy..while I respect him I can say i do find a lot of what he says illogical and frankly dangerous for the game..but I understand your point
Post edited by immortalls96 on0 -
can you at least tell us if its coming this year pls?
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In my opinion nurse power should be totaly reworked. No sense at all, no counters, pallets and windows useless. Thats why i dont play vs them but suicide on first hook
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Hah, I doubt any of the devs mainly play nurse and has over 1k hours with her. The thing with nurse is, it says it's "Hard" and I can agree with that. BUT, when someone master this "Hard" killer there is no way to counter her without a good amount of luck. I don't wanna sound like a whiny survivor main. All windows what so ever will be useless and just make the game even worse. If you vault a window the nurse will simply teleport to the other side, either slaughter you faster than you can blink or grab you off the window. Just flick your mouse and you're a pro nurse... I had this one time where 4 games in a row was a nurse, the killer was rank 17-20 since I had my beginner friend with me. Either the nurses were all smurfers or they had "skill".
I vote for rework... (Sorry for crappy English)
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@NMCKE is also a nurse main, albet on console.
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u seem new to the game. there is always some counter play to her. and she has a lot of bad maps what helps suvivors too. also u need to put time into her to be good with her. not like survivors who run in a circle. and when u complain about a killer being broken or OP then its spirit. every ape can just pick her up and be good with her, u just need ears and good headphones. she is a problem with almost no counter play if u dont use iron will.
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Oh yeah, I'm a Nurse main!
She's my bae! 😍
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I agree with others about adding in dev notes into the patches giving a brief explanation for why you guys have decided to make the changes you did. Doesn't need to be every change, but for instance, with how the new Dying Light works I don't understand why the obsession received an altruism speed boost. It made sense with the old version of the perk because that survivor was often the first to die. But now the killer wants to keep the obsession alive, so the boost for the survivor doesn't seem necessary. Not being affected by the speed penalties seems good enough.
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Is @NMCKE a dev? 😯
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You play nurse with a controller you madman?!
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Horrible idea
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What is with this forums need to have opinions only from players that "play this/or that etc".
None of the killer mains were running MoM, but they still felt (and very rightly so) that their opinion should be heard on the perk.
You do not need to play something to see how it affects the game, on top of that, she's ridiculously strong and they've only been nerfing survivors from what I can tell so she's certainly stronger than she was a year and a half ago.
Also this "hard to master" thing is always hilarious to me, you don't have to be remotely good at her just "average" to destroy most people at rank 1.
Slap NOED on, like so many people do and it doesn't matter how much pressure you put on in the game you'll end up on top at the end either way.
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See? This is the wasnt complicated..3 hits. Free invincibility , you dont need to use it to understand that if you have a was a free, no effort chase is league away from the nurse and shes far more have to play her to understand her , and "average" nursed get dont start winning till you master her to a semi high degree , which you obviously have not, and also..survivors are about to receive their largest buff ever before not only do you not know what your talking about you dont even have all the information
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MoM sure wasn't complicated.
But you know what else had massive implications that killers still whined about?
Pallet Distribution, Pallet Vacuum, Exhaustion (and they never even changed the addons to compensate), healing speed (which after getting changed just made matches quicker, oopsies killers didn't see that coming)
I have 3,700 hours in this game, I know more about this discussion than you do.
There used to be LITERAL infinites in this game and survivors still died, Nurse has been too strong across the board for the entirety of these nerfs, she needs changing, she isn't healthy.
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Theres a ton counter play to spirit... you can almost render her loop countering potential useless when you use your brain...
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You clearly dont..I dont care how many hours you CLAIM to have..its irrelevant..not to mention as maps get reworked the pallets are being increased, and the pallet vaccum was stupid and made no sense..exhaustion perks are still extremely powerful and only a few killers have addons against them..they still need counters after seems to me you dont quite understand anything at all here
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They dont want to accept that, they'd just rather pretend they play perfectly 24 7..they're used to just running pallet to pallet vs every killer
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I wouldn't run addons anyway tbh, the Nurse is all muscle memory, so having extra blink and stuff screws with your mind.
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No, but a man can only dream! :)
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Well it's nice to play with different styles..I'm only doing it to master her base as well as the fact I dont know which addons are staying and which are going
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Unsafe pallets are being increased, if you don't know what an unsafe pallet it, and how pretty irrelevant they are to game speed then I can offer you no assistance.
I mean, I don't need to "claim" anything, it's all right here
You have a habit of dismissing evidence so you can push your agendas, it's cute.
Nurse is boring af and OP, she completely counters everything survivors have as defences and needs tuning down, there is no reason she should have addons that she can use and hook a survivor and blink to any gen in the game within 5 seconds.
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Like I said I dont care about your hours, and I dont dismiss anything but your can have an opinion but your not stating any facts..I must be better than you at both sides which is sad considering your hours played XD course out of the two of us..I look at the numbers. All you have are hurt feelings
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What you said makes absolutely 0 sense what so ever, but you go off, sis.
Literally every good killer in this game knows how ridiculous her addons are, a lot of them dont even play nurse because of how boring it is.
There's a reason why every killer on this forum goes "If you're having trouble just play nurse".
I'm sorry that you don't have the necessary hours to see how broken she is currently, she's been the best killer in the game ever since the game was added, and still is, and almost everything survivors have has been nerfed, not major nerfs but windows have been nerfed, pallets have been nerfed, perks have been nerfed, addons have been nerfed, loop shapes have been nerfed, all to balance the game out, you know who hasn't been touched? THE NURSE.
So ontop of all these survivors nerfs the stongest killer in the game hasn't been turned down to compensate, sure she used to move faster and had three blinks by default when she came out, but that was quickly changed and she's still on top.
If you don't have an issue with that you're just biased towards killer and not trying to protect balance but simply want your favourite killer to constantly decimate at rank 1.
Tl;DR - With all the survivor nerfs and nurse not being touched there is major issues with balance, if you don't see the issues with that then you're simply biased and want nurse to always be on top.
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The hilarious part? You fail to see that any changes to windows and pallets didnt make nurse any stronger lol, you can live with your ignorance..I'll not humor it any longer
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Preach Senzu 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Preach what? Self indulgent nonsense?
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Wow way to achievement hack, noob 😉
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The fact that nurse is op.
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I'd hire you!
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I already conceded her addons do need updating but you took literally nothing from that exchange but that..?
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I took more but if you won’t listen to his “self indulging nonsense” then why would you listen to me?
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Because hecspouted the same crap about changes made that had 0 effect on the nurse..and I showed he clearly isnt thinking of the future of the game as he seems to know a lot less than he pretends and just throws " oh i got x hours so theres no way you can know" peanits said once..claiming you have more hours isnt a valid argument
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Neither is claiming that you’re obviously better than him. Pallet vacuum, DS, MoM and exhaustion nerfs affected her.