Barbecue and chili re-work?

BBQ and chili has been the same (except for it not working inside of lockers) for a long time now. As a survivor main I either run distortion or always go into lockers because I know that most killers run this perk because it is very strong. I think that the perk needs to be re-worked in a way that it either gets nerfed or be something completely different. I have an idea on what BBQ and chili can do, the perk will still give the stack-able tokens for extra blood points (so yes it will still be good for farming), but the aura reading of the survivors after hooks will be re-worked. The perk will still be about hooking survivors except right after the killer gets a hook the perk does nothing until when the killer walks further than 14 meters (tier 1,2, and 3) from the hook after hooking a survivor, the killer gets a haste status effect (exactly like the Hex: Devour hope perk), and that killer keeps the haste status effect until the killer hits another survivor (the perk does not get rid of the haste when the killer hits the survivor on the hook). This perk is basically Hex: Devour Hope but with no Hex to be destroyed and no Mori or exposed effect. This re-work does have it's pros and cons with killers play style. I do believe that it still has it's pro of promoting the killer to run to other generators instead of camping the hook, but the killer won't be able to see the survivors aura anymore.

Like I said as a survivor main, I do what I can to avoid the killer seeing me work on a generator 45 meters away from the hook BBQ and chili got activated on. Frankly I do mind when killers run this perk because the game is forcing me to get seen if I don't go into a locker or run distortion, which causes me to get into a chase if I am not super careful. I would like a re-work like this to come into the game in the near future. I really don't like killers seeing me across the map for a solid 3-5 seconds after getting that hook. I know that I sound like a whiny survivor main that wants all killer perks to be nerfed or reworked but this is the only killer perk that really bothers me when come across killers that run this perk.

Let me know if you guys think that there is a better alternative that BBQ and chili can get reworked or if it should be the same, or if it should be removed from the game entirely. All in all in my opinion I think BBQ and chili could definitely be reworked into a more interesting (but still good) perk that doesn't show where the rest of the survivors are (most of the time).

If I was wrong or said something that didn't make sense please ask me or say something about it. Don't be shy, there is no such thing as a stupid question.



  • noodelxx
    noodelxx Member Posts: 1


  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    I run it for bps.

    I don't run it if I want to win against high ranks. Too many other good perks, depending on killer.

    For some reason, I always run it on cannibal, but he's not my strongest killer (by far).

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    To everyone that said bbq isn’t strong, practically everyone runs it for a reason. The bps are irrelevant, but the aura means a LOT. After you hook someone knowing which direction to go is pretty strong and it’s useful at every part of the game

  • Vexauh
    Vexauh Member Posts: 8

    Yes, I would rather go against better killer tracking perks. BBQ and chili is the only one that really tickles my peach. If a killer runs nurses, whispers, or spies then there that a good chance that the killer would be running BBQ and chili with one of these because it still helps them track survivors. For instance, BBQ and chili can lead a killer to a survivor in a certain area when whispers activates the killer knows that the survivor is there and won't leave the area until finding the survivor. Sure BBQ isn't the best perk, but it's a perk that has both BP bonus and tracking. I say they rework the tracking part of it so that the killer doesn't have such a big advantage while farming.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Yeah sure, when every exaustion perk causes the broken status effect until they get a pallet stun on the killer while singing twinkle twinkle little star .XD

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Ok so i go search the whole map with my new cool and good haste?

    No thanks, i would change to Distortion.

    Infectious Fright is scary on fast killers. Spies is basekit, if you got a good monitor and...eyes. :) Thrilling Tremors is weird, because people will hide from BBQ and it just shows you nothing.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I didn't need to read past the title. BBQ is and will always be fine just the way it is.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t always catch the crows and it is actually pretty darn good on The Game.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I rarely ever pick up auras with bbq, you don’t nerf perks that don’t need nerfs. Bbq has counter play and needs no changes.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    We're Gonna Live Forever should have done what Babysitter is going to do.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    As a new killer main BBQ was the first perk I learned about and the first teachable I unlocked. It's perfect the way it is.

    It has some tracking and a very nice BP bonus, making it extremely useful on low level killers, both skill-wise and character-wise. Maximizing the perk requires the killer to avoid excess camping or tunneling, and if you unlock it early on a new killer it will make it much easier to level them up because you get BP and tracking in one slot.

    Everyone knows how to avoid it, there's plenty of warning to avoid it, and it makes survivors feel the way they should feel: the killer just hooked his last target, now he's looking for you.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    BBQ isn't an issue anymore; it was before the locker aura reading change, but now it's very quickly being replaced by Infectious Fright and many killers only run it for the BP in the same way survivors run WGLF (since it literally has no other use)

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Well in fairness, there is zero warning to avoid it if you don't know the killer has it. It isn't a problematic perk, though, except on ridiculous mobility killers. And even then...

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    It is easily countered, I rarely see auras revealed because people play smart and counter it. The bps are everything.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited September 2019

    Lockers exist.

    Get Closer to the hook.

    Try to hide behind a gen. (Least reliable)

    Go one way 5 seconds then turn around.

    I think the first 2 are the best.

  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    BBQ literally has the most counters of any perk in the game. Go in a locker, hide behind a gen, go within the 32m radius, or juke the killer by walking in one direction, waiting 4 seconds, then going in the opposite direction.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I really like your idea for that rework, but I would much rather have that as a new perk. BBQ and Chili really isn't op, I would say it's not even among the strongest killer perks. I think it's good the way it is now.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    His suggestion is actually insane. Could you imagine just running a killer that 1shots and having permanent haste until they down someone...then another permanent haste, lol.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    As a Survivor I rarely have any problems with this perk, it is way too easy to counter, go within 40 meters, hide behind a Gen, locker, Spine Chill, Distortion etc. It's only 4 seconds which is worse than Bitter Murmur and you don't hear anyone complain about that perk being oppressive.

    With that said I do like your perk idea, it isn't good enough to change the perk completely but it would be a sweet ass buff lol or a different perk as it does sound really good because Leatherface can then become a monstrous death machine with 3 stacks of PWYF and this, that's a whopping 20% extra speed WITH A CHAINSAW!

    If BBQ loses its Aura reading then Object of Obsession needs to get changed completely as well because the argument/counter for that is a LOT STRONGER than any argument for BBQ.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    BBQ is not strong for all killers its just extremely convenient. It gives you a nice generic detection range and easier BP farming. But the detection aspect is not that great unless you are using a killer capable of acting on it very quickly.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    TFW people use the perk more for bloodpoints than tracking

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    So if you only run it for The BPs... do you close your eyes as you hook someone? 🙃

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    This here. I'm at the point where I can usually make an educated guess without the perk and there's multiple different ways to just dodge the killer who uses it given they have to be really far away for it to activate and survs have plenty of forewarning before it actiavates.

    If I want to track people every time I pull off a down I'd run thrilling tremors. It honestly does a better job of it.

    The bloodpoint aspect makes it hard to put down and trade off though and I keep catching myself forcing it into builds that would otherwise be better just for that delicious bp. Same reason I have WGLF in literally every build I run for survivors and it doesn't even have another benefit (which is silly, it should get a small non bp benefit too)

  • gamer123
    gamer123 Member Posts: 10

    Lol ok, I hear you all saying the tracking is nothing and it's all about the bp. So you wouldn't be upset if they remove the tracking and it's just like wglf for survivors? No of course not. You'll cry your eyes out but want to down play the usefulness of the tracking here and now

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    TBH I know I wouldn't care in the slightest if they removed the aura reading, I like most people don't need it. Personally I'd prefer if they gave WGLF something similar though instead. I always feel like I'm wasting a slot with WGLF because it only does points but I genuinely feel like I wasted a game if I play without it because of the missed BP gain.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Wait a second. WHY do you want it changed? What's the issue for BBQ&C to stay the same as it is now?

  • SquidFacedMan
    SquidFacedMan Member Posts: 148

    As loads of others have said BBQ is only really used to get BP. It's really a bit rubbish. I'd like it to be reworked a bit to not be such an auto include. BP reduction and range reduction from 40m to 20m.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    If bbq didn't give 2x bp I'd use thrilling tremors over it 90% of the time.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I only use BBQ for the bonus bp (and only on some killers where I can "afford" to waste a perk slot). The aura reading is so often worthless. You should play killer more often, then you can see that nowadays most people are hiding their auras from BBQ. If you need a tracking perk, Whispers or Discordance are better choices.

    The last thing BBQ needs is a nerf.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    It's really the opposite. Since everybody hides their aura, there are way better tracking perks. Killers run BBQ for the bonus bp. If you don't believe us, start playing killer on a regular basis.

  • Epicsarah
    Epicsarah Member Posts: 3

    So i can agree with the more experience killers in here saying BBQ isn't a good perk. It's not IF you have experience. But people can't argue with it being the meta now.

    As a survivor main the majority (90%) of the games I play even ~rank 7 involved these (lets call them what they are really) wall hack perks. And people are starting to just stack them. With a bp bonus it's just further incentive to use it. It forces the game play into a pretty boring direction imo. I crawl into lockers constantly (because more hooks happen in a game then i have distortion ticks), or i'm forced to be sprinting into the killers terror radius. Last resort i'm counting out duration and changing direction when it's past. But none of it's very thrilling gameplay.

    I do have a suggestion though, add a draw back to it's use. To illustrate, siege has been smart about introducing wall hack abilities. For example pulse, has a gadget that sees through walls. But it takes a moment to bring it out and put it away, limited scope, and it makes him vulnerable when he uses it. Lion has a perk that shows where anyone is on the map to everyone when it's deployed, but it has a delay and a warning period, and players can just not move to avoid being exposed (instead of having to crawl into cover). Cavera's interrogation would be the closest to BBQ, but imo it takes more work to actually use it, makes her vulnerable, and the biggest difference, if you ran straight at the person, you can still be shot in the face when you get there.

    There isn't any draw backs or penalties for using BBQ. You can hook a survivor and immediately know how far players are, head straight there (which with some killers can be extremely quick) and are in no danger when you arrive.

    So some suggestions would be, limit scope to the field of view of the killer, allow players to hide from it by not moving, limit it even at top tier to not all survivors being seen, have warning it's happening (perhaps it reveals everyone's aura to everyone for the duration), or heart beats in that direction instead of a persons full outline.

    I would also recommend taking away the bp incentive, it just temps less experienced players into using it. It doesn't encourage variation.

    Other wall hack or survivor finding perks in dbd I believe are better balanced because they have limitations, most are more situational: two or more people on a gen, complete a gen and only that gen's area has aura's revealed, people are healing and has range limits, heartbeats don't show outlines (plus it's a status effect hit when you get there and other survivors are able to be aware it's happening), crows give notifications but no aura, whispers has no aura at all and is distance restricted.

    I think BBQ can be a good tool with some tweaks.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    I love how people want to nerf a perk that promotes a survivor beneficial playstyle from killers.

    The aura reading is there to make killers leave the hook unguarded, letting survivors get saved and have more fun games. Giving the killer a haste effect would mean that the killer would use it to be even more beneficial at camping. Easier to defend something if you move even faster.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    Like I said as a survivor main I dont want to adapt anything and want everything nerfed/reworked which looks strong to me bullshit

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    The aura reading isn't that good unless you are a killer that can close the gap easily, being Nurse, Billy and probably the Demogorgon if you place alot of portals, Huntress is also good with it on open maps to snipe people from afar but that's it.

    Most people use it to level up killers or farm add-ons , it's rarely for the actual tracking it gives, it doesn't need a change especially with how easily it is to counter it as a survivor.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I mean, wouldn't you be upset about anything that you like being nerfed in any way?

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I'm sorry but BBQ is not strong. There are so many ways to counter the aura reading that it's only worth running for the BP bonus.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Meh, I'd rather run BBQ than either of those perks. Can't play around it as effectively when you've got a Reverse Bear Trap on your head.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    As someone who plays killer and survivor just about equally, I think BBQ is perfectly fine where it is. The only killer perks I think need reworks (other than perks that are simply too weak) are Ruin and NOED.

    Ruin because I feel like I have to run it every game and I'm tired of using it and going against it. This really requires a rework of the game in general. I personally think the game should be slowed down some way and then we can put a flat nerf on ruin so killers can go without it but it could still help without being too strong.

    NOED isn't OP imo, but it's honestly just boring for me, so I never run it. I think it would be more fun without the insta-down and with a big attack cooldown reduction (much bigger than it used to be).

    BBQ, though, is fine. Killers run it very often, but that's mainly because of the BP. As someone who wants WGLF buffed, I think it's really annoying to have to use a BP perk that doesn't actually help you in the game. And it already has a pretty nice effect that discourages camping. As a survivor, you could also counter it by running one way and turning around when the perk deactivates. So you don't always need to find a locker or use distortion.

    If anything, I think more BP perks should be added on both sides (or perhaps some existing perks should be reworked?) that each have unique effects and don't stack with each other. This way, we don't see the same perks as often but everyone still gets more BP.

  • ignoredprayers
    ignoredprayers Member Posts: 42

    It's already been said but BBQ isn't that great, mostly good for the BP and survivors that refuse to play around it. Starting at purple ranks you get way less value out of it- survivors jump in lockers during pick up, get in range, misdirect, or lead you to a bad part of the map.

  • Nenkie
    Nenkie Member Posts: 43

    BBQ is fine, get good.

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250

    Run Distortion, hide in lockers, be within range, fake out a direction, hide behind a gen, stand still for 4 secs then move.

    Is 6 counters not enough for you? And even then, I can just loop the killer.

    This thread has got to be a joke.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Whispers + M&A is a good combo, do not get me wrong. I would just rather use the one slot for BBQ than the two for both of those. Or you can just use all three and have it all. Nothing wrong with that.

  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94

    If they nerf bbq or do what gamer123 says. They should penalize tea-bagging pallets or gates in game. Maybe don't let them interact with that pallet for set time and don't let them escape for set time.

  • Vexauh
    Vexauh Member Posts: 8

    They should do that. It's a goody way to punish toxic survivors.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    No BBQ = the killer won't have much reason to stray very far from you. It's kinda good for both killers and Survivors