NOED requirement change

Yet another NOED thread, yes...
A few days ago, i tried something.
I played Legion and my build was M&A, NOED, Ruin, BBQ because i wanted to try something. I facecamped the first survivor i downed with Ruin still up. Nobody really attempted to save once they saw i facecamped but they all still checked so i assumed they were solo. Once that survivor was dead it was 3 gens left. I facecamp the next survivor until he's dead. 1 gen was left and they managed to finish it before i arrive. I got lucky my Ruin was well hidden. I down the third one with NOED and slug to find the last survivor with success. Obviously did not expect them to destroy all totems in that time especially not on swamp. Of course this works better with one shot killers but i don't really play any of them. Dying Light would make this even better as well if you get to facecamp the obsession till death first.
Almost every facecamper i encounter has NOED which isn't surprising because it's great for zero effort kills in endgame and this "strategy" can only really be dealt with properly if it's a full SWF. Solo's almost always get screwed. Not to mention it's super unfun to face.
Adrenaline is completely fine imo since it rewards you for staying alive and completing your objective.
I think the instadown from NOED is fine but a requirement change would be so much better, for the game's health as well. I don't really have any good idea's atm. but maybe a certain amount of hooks before the last gen gets completed?
Not effective searching the whole map for totems for a perk the killer might not even have. Especially bad if it's in map's like The Game, Lery's, Swamp etc. especially when you play solo.
I think camping in general is problematic as well but that's a different story.
Or, you can just do all the totems by yourself. Run small game or something if you can't find them.
If the killer chooses to go camp his life away then just do gens or totems while he sits there and waits. And you'll get payed with your survival and he will suffer, with out a doubt. Whenever I play solo I just go and do totems and I manage to do them all most of the time, I pip and escape most of the time. It's really not that hard.
Noed has counterplay and isn't an issue if you just respect it and cleanse the totems. Noed does its job if you let it, and it does it well.
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Do bones.
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Double post :)
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jeez did you read this post? just do totems? if killer camp you dont have time for this you need do gens asap or youll never survive, 1 camped survivor = 3.5 gens, if you waste time on totems you screwed anyway
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I ABSOLUTELY LOVE when people reply with this ignorant type of response oh just do all the totems on the map like any survivor ever has time to. then using small game useless without a map my small game went off for like 5 minutes before i found the stupid totem. they need to rework a bunch of things but noed should be top of the list this perk has gone unchecked for too long. and honestly i wish they would put ruin back to the way it was because every killer and i do mean EVERY KILLER RUNS IT. i remember early game when killers were good enough to kill everyone without a perk making it near impossible to do gens.
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I'm starting to think I should join the mindbreaker squad...