Decisive strike adjustment

Decisive strike is extremely OP, and isn't anti-tunnelling. It's Pro-tunnelling.
Say everyone has DS. That's 240 seconds of free gen repair time. Say everyone stuns the killer. That's 20 seconds of stun time, but at least they don't get 60 seconds of invincibility. This compounded with other major time constraint issues the killer must overcome makes it beneficial to tunnel DS users. You could slug ideally, but lockers prevent that counter 90% of the time. You're almost always forced to take the stun.
However It still wastes valuable time, and it's no fun for the killer. It's down right frustrating in fact.
Simply telling killers to "not tunnel" just proves you haven't got a clue what DS really is. I'm also not talking about survivors that try to bait you into downing them. I love it when they do that. Saves time.
Decisive strike needs to be changed without compromising it's powerful nature, but also in a way that doesn't ruin a killers fun. And this is the change I believe would make everyone happy.
- When you're unhooked DS activates, and lasts all match until used. Once used it's gone for good.
- Starting repairs on a gen disables DS. DS reactivates 5 seconds after leaving the gen.
- When the killer hits the survivor DS is immediately used with no input from the survivor needed.
- The killer is only stunned for 0.5 seconds.
- Once hit (at any health state) the survivors running speed is increased by 800%, and Scratch marks are invisible for 8 seconds. After 8 seconds the survivor has deep wound, and must mend. The exposed effect does not effect DS.
- DS is disabled if you're unhooked with borrowed time. Once borrowed time is expired DS immediately activates. This is to prevent getting hit by a camping killer straight of the hook resulting in running the wrong way at 800%, or getting bodyblocked by another survivor wasting DS.
- While decisive strike is active the survivor suffers exhaustion to prevent dead hard, sprint burst, balanced landing etc stacking. Adrenaline is also disabled while decisive strike is active.
- After the exit gates open DS is disabled. You've won at this point most likely. No need to give toxic survivors more tools to troll killers with this perk. Just do your usual toxic exit gate teabag, and be happy with that.
- This does a few very good things.
- It doesn't waste the killers time.
- Survivors can't abuse it by doing gens, or entering lockers.
- Survivors won't get slugged anymore just because they have DS.
- The killer can just hit the survivor, and move on to the next survivor without it being a total waste, because that survivor must mend.
- Survivors get a 1 free escape unless they really screw up.
- It's now an anti-tunnel perk that doesn't anger the killer. IE chasing a good survivor for 30 seconds only to be stunned for 5 seconds when you finally catch them. This way they just disappear into the horizon, and it's over with.
800%!? Dude you could run 3 laps in 30 seconds around the map w/ that speed!
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Exactly. Wouldn't that be fun? I think that would be fun. I went with that extreme speed because of billy. And it only lasts 8 seconds.
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'Decisive strike is extremely OP, and isn't anti-tunnelling. It's Pro-tunnelling.'
Yeah, I'm just gonna stop reading now...
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This would make DS a 100 times more annoying for me. I get hit by it very rarely since I usually slug people that I hooked recently, so this would make it more like the original DS where it's impossible to avoid.
800% speed boost is way too much. For comparison, Billy sprints at 230% speed and nurse blinks at about 333% speed. The survivor would be moving faster than twice the speed of a nurse blink, which would be hard to control and just look ridiculous. Imagine trying to run through Lery's or Hawkins at this speed.
How does doing gens abuse DS, btw? They can't do gens if you slug them. And survivors should be willing to accept that they will probably be slugged if they run DS.
Exhaustion... okay, I'll give you that. DS seems like it could be an exhaustion perk. I'd be fine with that change.
You'd still probably have to chase them for a while before you hit them, only to get stunned and lose them. I don't see the difference here.
I don't think DS needs a full re-work (this is not an 'adjustment' btw, this is a complete re-work). It's fine the way it is, and the only really abusable thing with it is lockers, and that only works if the killer decides to tunnel the obsession.
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its already an anti tunneling perk since its only actvated after you get unhooked so if they do tunnel you get a chance to not get right back on the hook
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It's always better to just eat the DS early. Slugs will just be reset with minimal downtime, and you'll have to play around the DS again later. I've found it's better to get rid of DS early in games rather than try and build pseudo-pressure with slugs and deal with invincible survivors late.
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You shouldn't let your assumptions get the best of you.
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I am pretty sure this made it ACTUALLY op
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they made the smart decision. I read the entire ridiculous post.
- 800% movement speed would be ridiculous to control
- D-Strike IS anti-tunneling. There's 4 people on the map. If you're back on me, have enough time to down me, and then pick me up within 60 seconds of me being unhooked (when there's 3 other people you could be applying pressure to) you tunneled. There's nothing to argue about there. Call it what you want. That's a tunnel.
- That 240 seconds of "free gen-time" is a red herring. That's not even remotely true so idk why you said that. People with d-strike aren't invincible and if they aren't being chased, will more than likely use that time to heal up. They can still get downed or chased or whatever which is why most killers slug them in the first place.
- Reducing the killer stun to half a second? lololololololol that's a free hit like spirit fury/enduring
- I don't know why you think DS should be disabled because the survivor decided to work on a gen or do something helpful for the team.
Throw the entire post in the trash and try again please
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Hard pass
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I respect your opinion, but I'm not sure you fully understand what I was trying to say.
But you're definitely not alone so I will indeed throw this post in the trash.
My goal was to make everyone happy with DS, and I obviously failed.
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Chickenchaser: Decisive is OP
Chickenchase Later: Decisive is a pro tunneling perk
I think I understand why Chickenchaser thinks decisive is OP
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I've seen a lot of meme threads... but this one.... Touche.