Doctor’s “Illusory Heartbeat” buff.

I think if you’ve got Addons for the Doctor that make Survivors hear a fake heartbeat (Calm series+Iridescent King), then they either shouldn’t be notified or receive a fake alert when they’re affected by a Perk that causes penalties when within the Doctor’s TR. it completely nullifies the fake heartbeat.

“Oh, I hear the hearttbeat, but I’m not suffering from Coulrophobia, so I’m all good.” See what I mean? It’s counter-intuitive. Add the layer of irony that one of Carter’s signature Perks is one of said TR Perks. I think it should be buffed.

Either remove TR Perk notifs when Calm/King is equipped or give them false ones when the fake heartbeat triggers.


  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264

    They would buff killers, and so the devs can't have that.

    Just have it so that when against the doctor and madness is at 3 or above, you get NO such notification. As in you are too crazy/deranged to notice those things.

    It wouldn't affect other killers, it wouldn't make the doc OP, but with the spaghetti code who knows if it's possible to but that in the game without breaking something.

  • CottenBalls
    CottenBalls Member Posts: 3
    The DR is already powerful enough, if you suck so much that you are crying for a buff with him, perhaps try a killer more your speed.  He is already a training wheels killer at best and requires no perks or add ons to win your game as he can already see the survivors at any point during the match.  His madness practically provides a 5th perk and if I, and others can consistently kill all 4 without perks or addons, there really isn't anything that needs buffed.
  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @CottenBalls said:
    The DR is already powerful enough, if you suck so much that you are crying for a buff with him, perhaps try a killer more your speed.  He is already a training wheels killer at best and requires no perks or add ons to win your game as he can already see the survivors at any point during the match.  His madness practically provides a 5th perk and if I, and others can consistently kill all 4 without perks or addons, there really isn't anything that needs buffed.

    Okay, first off, at what point did I say I actually play the Doctor? I used to. I don’t anymore. I play Nurse now.

    Secondly, why the need to insult me? You’re just being a dick at that point.

    Thirdly, I’m not even suggesting a buff in all honesty. I’m suggesting a fix.

  • CottenBalls
    CottenBalls Member Posts: 3
    It was quite obvious you playe(ed) as the Dr. and what you asked for is literally what is called a buff.  You even called it that yourself.  If you play Nurse it seems like you took the training wheels off, my statement still stands that the Dr needs absolutely no more buffs.  He is more powerful than any other killer...not to say he isn't fun to troll with though.  Insidious is such a wonderful perk when everyone is in madness 2.
  • Kilrane
    Kilrane Member Posts: 89
    Doctor is more powerful than any other Killer?

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:
    I think if you’ve got Addons for the Doctor that make Survivors hear a fake heartbeat (Calm series+Iridescent King), then they either shouldn’t be notified or receive a fake alert when they’re affected by a Perk that causes penalties when within the Doctor’s TR. it completely nullifies the fake heartbeat.

    “Oh, I hear the hearttbeat, but I’m not suffering from Coulrophobia, so I’m all good.” See what I mean? It’s counter-intuitive. Add the layer of irony that one of Carter’s signature Perks is one of said TR Perks. I think it should be buffed.

    Either remove TR Perk notifs when Calm/King is equipped or give them false ones when the fake heartbeat triggers.

    I don't think perks should be shown to you at all.

    Let me clarify: If you are using Unnerving presence I as a survivor shouldn't be given a huge icon saying "LOOK WHAT PERK YOUR AFFECTED BY" but instead should have to come to the conclusion through trial/error.

    I also believe that if a survivor is using Boil Over the killer should not be notified by this icon either.

    It doesn't make sense that everyone is imediatly notified of these things simply by being close to someone.
    Also Lullaby should not show up as ruin does. Its ok that they show Ruin's icon because no other perk causes gens to act that way so its pretty easy to figure out whats causing it, but lullaby can't take you by surprise if on the first unaffected skill check it tells you they have it...

    As for the Doctor's fake terror radius it would be cool if it would also falsely trigger spine chill on occasion or proc premonition (don't induce the cooldown but the audio notification would be enough to startle some people).

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    @CottenBalls said:
    The DR is already powerful enough, if you suck so much that you are crying for a buff with him, perhaps try a killer more your speed.  He is already a training wheels killer at best and requires no perks or add ons to win your game as he can already see the survivors at any point during the match.  His madness practically provides a 5th perk and if I, and others can consistently kill all 4 without perks or addons, there really isn't anything that needs buffed.

    Uh huh.... the doctor is mid teir at best. He is however the most annoying killer to play vs I am told. So not powerful just a pain in the back end.

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:
    I think if you’ve got Addons for the Doctor that make Survivors hear a fake heartbeat (Calm series+Iridescent King), then they either shouldn’t be notified or receive a fake alert when they’re affected by a Perk that causes penalties when within the Doctor’s TR. it completely nullifies the fake heartbeat.

    “Oh, I hear the hearttbeat, but I’m not suffering from Coulrophobia, so I’m all good.” See what I mean? It’s counter-intuitive. Add the layer of irony that one of Carter’s signature Perks is one of said TR Perks. I think it should be buffed.

    Either remove TR Perk notifs when Calm/King is equipped or give them false ones when the fake heartbeat triggers.

    I don't think perks should be shown to you at all.

    Let me clarify: If you are using Unnerving presence I as a survivor shouldn't be given a huge icon saying "LOOK WHAT PERK YOUR AFFECTED BY" but instead should have to come to the conclusion through trial/error.

    I also believe that if a survivor is using Boil Over the killer should not be notified by this icon either.

    It doesn't make sense that everyone is imediatly notified of these things simply by being close to someone.
    Also Lullaby should not show up as ruin does. Its ok that they show Ruin's icon because no other perk causes gens to act that way so its pretty easy to figure out whats causing it, but lullaby can't take you by surprise if on the first unaffected skill check it tells you they have it...

    As for the Doctor's fake terror radius it would be cool if it would also falsely trigger spine chill on occasion or proc premonition (don't induce the cooldown but the audio notification would be enough to startle some people).

    I agree 100%. Mind games should be a big part of this, uncertainty giving way to fear. This is the kinda things we should investigate to bring horror back to this game of perpetual tag and time outs.