Tell us a possible killer from your country folklore

Everyone know about vampires, werewolves and leprechauns. But what are some of the hidden "monsters" from folklore that never reached outside your country for some reason?

I would say mine... but they are mostly animal based and dbd don't do those.

The best would probably be the "restroom Blonde"(literal translation). Who is kind of our version of bloody mary. But you don't say her name 3 times to summon her. You flush 3 times.

She's a ghost that haunts schools bathrooms. So...we would get a school map with her, which sounds cool.



  • TheRealHansGruber
    TheRealHansGruber Member Posts: 204

    Honestly I thought a Wendigo would already be in the game, now that we have the demogorgon hopefully we'll get dbd's version of a Wendigo (North american Native mythology)

  • DragonMaiden7
    DragonMaiden7 Member Posts: 20

    I’d love to see a Wendigo. Something that’s super popular around here is ‘The Hook’, obviously the guy that haunts teenage couples in the dead of night and leaves a bloody hook in the car door? It would be kind of cool for a killer to have some sort of hook, or how influence on hooks. I mean, this game revolves around hooks.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    As some have already stated I'd love a Wendigo but the devs said the Hag is based off a Wendigo so that's probably off the menu. The other two are either the Lizard Man or, of course, Mothman.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    I'm not really sure how the most famous Norwegian/Scandinavian-specific ones would work. You have huge hulking trolls which would be tricky, and many variations on the siren-luring-people theme like Huldra and Nøkken.

    Mara (goes by lots of names but that's what I know it as) would probably leave more room for creativity as it's more of a general Germanic myth. Sometimes it's a she-werewolf, most of the time it gives people nightmares, and sometimes it's an omen of death and a cause for sleep paralysis as it gave people and animals nightmares by sitting on them. I'm sure something spooky could be made from that, and as someone that has struggled with sleep paralysis in the past that particular aspect gives me some serious spooks to think about 😄

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I am from Italy so there are some creatures that could become killers. Keep in mind I don't know everything about all of the creatures I'm going to talk about, theyre just some I found online.

    The Borda. It is similar to hag, meaning that it's a witch, horrible looking and blindfolded, a personification of the fear of swamps and marshlands. So yeah, basically Hag but blindfolded.

    The Orcolat. Judging from the name it's probably some kind of ogre, a very common kind of monster in Italy, the Orcolat in particular is considered the cause of earthquakes in the area it resides in.

    The Maskinganna. Literally translated to "Master of deceptions". It is kind of like Freddy, meaning that it like to play with people in their dreams, terrorizing them.

    The Babau aka The Dark Man. Basically the boogieman, it doesn't have clear physical characteristics, but it's always described as terrifying

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    There's actually a lizard woman in brazillian folklore.

    Her name is Cuca, she's a witch and she kidnaps and/or eats children. There's a lullaby involving her telling the kid to sleep, because she's coming. And mom went to the farm and dad went to work.

    It's actually kinda messed up when you think about it. :p

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    Or to be fair, Donald Trump could be a killer. Neither killer would have any real powers (like any president). But Trump wouldn't distribute the BP's to unused accounts. He would distribute it to any account that has 999,999+ BP's...also essentially squandering it.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited September 2019

    Yara-Ma-Yha-Who. A red frogman, that drinks blood and swallows it's victims whole, vomiting them afterwards.

    Basically an Australian Vampire.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Hantu Kopek.. literally translate to "boob ghost." She takes people and hides them under the folds of her extremely saggy breasts.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    For a few lines I thought this was going to go into a completely different direction...

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    La Llorona.

    María was a poor woman who was known for her beauty. One day a nobleman entered the village she lived in and saw Maria. He instantly wanted to marry her and she said yes. Although Maria's family was happy that she was getting married by a wealthy nobleman, the nobleman's father didn't like that his son was to marry a poor woman. Maria would later have two sons with the nobleman. Later on as the years go by she started to age and lose her beauty and her husband was gone for longer periods of time. One day she saw that her husband had abandoned her for a younger, more wealthy woman. In raged she later drowned her kids at a nearby river and later committed suicide. In the after life, Maria was to go to Heaven but because she murdered and committed suicide she was not allowed in. Not until she finds her kids. Now she wanders around the endless night looking for her kids. She is known to kidnap kids she believes is her's and once she realizes that they aren't her kids, she drowns them.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    edited September 2019

    Not from my country that I live in but more from my background/culture

    La Llorona- basically a lady who married a man and had 2 children, but her husband loses interest in her and she proceeds to kill her own children and then herself but she couldnt enter the afterlife without her lost children so now she wanders the land looking for any children to take. There are a few variations of the story but this is the one I remember most

    El Chupacabra- the famous goat sucker, an untamable beast who goes to peoples farms and sucks the blood from their livestock, mostly goats from what I've heard tho

    El Cucuy (or el Coco)- this is basically the boogey man, no real appearance from what I remember but i just know that it terrifies children and drags them off to feast on them. Parents use him to like make their kids religious and stuff or they threaten that El Cucuy is gonna get them if they misbehave

    El Duende- basically a leprechaun/ elf/ gnome like creature who causes havoc in peoples homes and will clip children's toenails if they misbehave (sometimes they clip the whole toe!!!)

    There are others but I just dont remember them too well or they're too far from appearing humanoid basically taking away the possibility of them being a character

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    Loch Ness Monster- Sue me Xx

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    His power, if you look at him it's the loch ness monster, but if you look away and back again, it's a log. XD

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    You know what- I would happily have that as a main ability as ole Nessie ❤️

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Jersey Devil

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    The Hillbilly

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    Skunk Ape. He's basically Sasquatch, but he lives in a swamp instead of the woods and his terrible odor makes people sick.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    The Headless Horseman from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    The Florida man. Those people are so random that I cant even think of a power for him.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Oh yeah. He's cool.

    But where is the story originally from? Is sleepy hollow an actual place?

  • nunadventures
    nunadventures Member Posts: 198

    Loveland frogman (Ohio)

    just make a huge frog a killer lmao

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    Not quite on theme, but I really want a Mascot killer. Kinda like the Bunny Man from that one urban legend. Someone dressed up in a shoddy, filthy mascot costume like you'd see at a fair but slaughtering people with an axe rather than making kids laugh.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    The fair folk. There are many types of fair folk. including the banshee.

    And some are changlings. Pretending to be someone they are not, and then attacking, or punishing people that wronged them. The devs could have a field day with the artistic possibilities, and power options.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I'm not aware of any scary monsters, but we have the adorable Wolpertinger, if anyone is interested.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    Oh! There is also the Hodag from Rhinelander, WI (USA),.

    For real...It's a thing...we used to have a cabin there and we would hunt for it in the woods as kids.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I wish they would do some Aquatic type creature... like Yacuruna.

    Basically similar to creature from Black Lagoon or Abe Sapien from Hellboy.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    How bout "La Llorona"?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    This feels weird to say without context, but...

    There's not really any interesting Killers from my country, just some family murders & stealth poisonings.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    German guy here.

    As impersonation seems to be a rather popular killer concept, the "Doppelgänger" might fit. Although i dont really see whats scary about seeing yourself, as i am a twin lol. Sadly pragmatically/realistically, any type of impersonator/shapeshifter type wouldnt work too well in this game for obvious reasons.

    Apparently we got sirens in the rhine, another popular concept.

    Alps as in "Alptraum" are some fairy folk responsible for bad dreams. I dont say nightmare for this as those are some sort of spirit horses ("night-mare"). Could be wrong but alp might be used as a name for dark elves like drow sometimes in modern literature.


    That dude with the giant scissors from the "thumbsucker" short story (damn those "dont do that"-stories for kids are dark ), atleast clown would get someone to compare collections to.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452

    Wendigo Please :3 would make a great humanoid killer. That and/or a Lycan.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Someone commented a while back that hag is wendigo inspired, so we kinda got one already

    They really are dark, people just expect children to only think of the superficial stuff

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    That demogorgons shred ability would fit a lycanthrope quite well. (Not to mention the whole body animations)

    You chose a great picture btw as its not just that cliche "dog on 2 legs" halloween monster.

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142
    edited September 2019

    In my country (Israel) we have this folklore demon / killer that mostly kids are really afraid of.

    It's called "Ba'alulu". It looks like a big fat demon-ish human with rags, he mostly dwells in dark basements and eats trespassing children.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    The Pigman - a man with the face of a pig who put pig heads on sticks to ward off intruders. When some kids snuck onto his property, he beheaded them and kills anyone - particularly young people - that tries to summon him or goes near his property.

    It’s an urban legend that’s not entirely true but it’s my hometown’s claim to fame. Other than the grisly Angola Horror in the 1860s where a train crashed into a gorge and 50 people burned to death. Fun fact! Rockefeller was supposed to be on that train but was too late to get on it. Anyways, the train crash happened on/very near Pigman Road which lends itself to that area’s reputation for hauntings. It’s said that their spirits still linger too.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    edited September 2019

    I already have one.


    (Or two if you stop to thonk about it.)

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2019

    Lady Midday

    I think this "creature" is known in many countries in Europe, not just in mine (Czech republic).

    So the origin of this noon demon (usually portrait as an old lady in old damaged clothes - but I also heard she is somewhere portrait as a young woman so I guess it is up to the region where we live) is that she basically guards fields and crops during the hot midday summers and if she catches a worker on the field she will chop his head off with her scythe/or curse him with a heatstroke. (Kids are often being scared with this demon, because during summer kids want to play outside and their mothers want them home by noon - to have some lunch - so if the kids stay out they'll be kidnapped by this old lady).

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    The lizard man is around my place. No ######### syfy channel investigate it and all. Lizard man in South Carolina 😋

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    That's really cool.

    Also, the stuff parents say for kids to obey... "if you don't return by lunch you'll lose your head." XD

  • DustyDan31
    DustyDan31 Member Posts: 21

    The Skinwalker, it's a native american myth that no one in my family talks about, "it".

    My parents told me that they both saw it themselves and they both say it was a fast and agile black shadow and the little times they told me about "it" they say it made dogs ######### and run towards the skinwalker so that it can feed. Don't know how it could fit in the game but it sounds like a really spoofy myth.

  • SulfonicFaun52
    SulfonicFaun52 Member Posts: 63

    I’m from Arkansas so I would say the Clinton’s ( Bill and Hillary).

  • Jackikins
    Jackikins Member Posts: 66

    Jack the Ripper.

    Dunno if that counts as Folklore, but make of it what you will