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Fuse Boxes: Ultimate Solution

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm going to make this short, all killers have been gen-rushed at some point, and survivors definitely don't like how fun™ generators are currently. There has been many suggestions on how to add a second objective, but I thought about adding a second part to the game rather than increasing what we have already! :)

Fuse Boxes & Fuses

Fuse Boxes Appearance

Fuse Boxes are now the survivors' second objective, and will key to their escape. Their size and width is comparable to a city phone booth, but it's enclosed in a metal box with a opentable metal door.


There will be 5 Fuse Boxes in every Trial, and they will be activated when all 5 generators are completed. Survivors will see the auras of all Fuses once they complete all 5 generators, and once they pick it up, they cannot be dropped in any circumstance. Survivors must carry Fuses to a Fuse Box in order to start repairing them.

More Information:

  • Survivors can carry both an item and a Fuse simultaneously.
  • Survivors can only carry one Fuse at a time.

Fuse Boxes Activation

Upon interacting with a Fuse Box whilst having a Fuse will prompt a series of difficult skill checks. These skill checks are comparable to Brand New Parts skill checks, and they don't have any penalties when you fail them. Survivors must complete 2 skill checks in a row in order to fix the Fuse Box. Survivors must fix a certain amount of Fuse Boxes to gain the ability to open the Exit Gates, and completing more Fuse Boxes will speed up how fast they can open the Exit Gates:

1 Fuse Box Replaired: Both Exit Gates can't be opened.

2 Fuse Boxes Repaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at 25% the normal opening speed.

3 Fuse Boxes Repaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at 50% the normal opening speed.

4 Fuse Boxes Repaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at 75% the normal opening speed.

5 Fuse Boxes Repaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at the normal opening speed.

End Game Collapse Update

When the hatch is closed by the killer or an Exit Gate is opened, Fuse Boxes will change behavior:

0 Fuse Box Replaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at the normal opening speed.

1 Fuse Box Replaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at 120% the normal opening speed.

2 Fuse Boxes Repaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at 140% the normal opening speed.

3 Fuse Boxes Repaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at 160% the normal opening speed.

4 Fuse Boxes Repaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at 180% the normal opening speed.

5 Fuse Boxes Repaired: Both Exit Gates can now be opened at 200% the normal opening speed.

Generator Update

Good skill checks and great skill checks will now be separated from each other by a random distance, and great repair success zones are increased by 50% to compensate.


Fuse Boxes will change everything, and survivors will now have more things to do besides doing generators. Hopefully, you like this idea as much as I do, and if you have any suggestions, please leave me constructive feedback! :)


  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I don't have any feedback to give. I think this is a well balanced idea.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    Great thoughts, and also will give the devs more oppurtunities for perks.

    A potential worry for me is that with such slow gate opening times, Killers may be able to patrol the gates PLUS two fuse boxes close to the gates - thus rendering escape nigh impossible. It would take too long to fix the fuse boxes or to open the gate unless it is a Huntress on Lery's or The Game.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    So this is a thing that will make good nurse even more unwinable and have no impact on other killers?

    Second objective is meant to be alternative to gens, not another obstacle.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    On paper, this seems like an interesting idea, but I'd be worried about making matches take way longer.

    If this type of secondary objective were to be a thing -- that is, "find 5 things to make the gates open faster" -- maybe it could be something that already exists, like totems. Maybe they would take longer to cleanse, but you'd be able to get to them anytime during the match (in other words, you could cleanse them the same way you do now).

    The framing fiction would even support this. Something like "The Entity's wrath makes your escape more difficult. Cleanse the five totems scattered across the trial to push back against the darkness and hasten your exit from this place!"

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    I have a different suggestion since games take way to long.

    There is a fuse you have to find for each exit gate and 4 fuse boxes that power 1 of the exit gates. if a survivor manages to find a fuse and put it in, The closer exit gate to the fuse can be opened. You still have to do skill checks. Fuse boxes can be put in any time during a match. The killer can see the fuse boxes, but not the fuse. A fuse on a ground will sound like doctors electric shock and you get madness, but only when putting it in. Once it's in you no longer have madness. You don't scream during madness with this (Unless going up against the doctor) If you fail a skillcheck a hallucination of the killer will appear which the killer can see. When carrying the fuse for a certain amount of time without trying to put it in will cause hallucinations to appear. skill checks are like the doctors. If you drop the fuse survivors can see its aura. Maybe too much? Idk, but they only have one killer that can give madness so this might make sense.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Adding those as a second objective phase after the gens would work. Your idea is quite solid.

    But it Might be too much for our pampered survivors if both fuses and boxes are randomly spawned. Especially if they spawn after the gens are completed.

    while not sure where the fuses could spawn. I guess the boxes could either randomly pop out the ground or have certain walls they could spawn:

    • next to the doors (opposite side of the switch)
    • Inside the map-specific "big building"
    • The killer shack might be suitable
    • "The empty space where a basement could spawn, bit didnt
    • Backside of the basement or on the corner of the basement-stairs.
    • I know there are some maps with only 1 basement Spot or no shack, and that 2 fuseboxes might spawn in the shack, but these are just suggestions.

    These fuses might also work as secondary objective while powering the gens, but not dure if that still would extend game length.