Best ways to mess with killers

Here are some tips I've learnt to do over time:
Wraith: Go to a pallet or window when chased in stealth mode and do not use it (stand still) until the last moment before he appears, they'll be forced to chase you without disappearing the whole match, lol, repeat every time the wraith becomes invisible
Pig: Don't pop gens until you have 3 at 99% you'll mess with her without triggering the beartrap's countdown
Huntress: LOOK AT HER, you'll know when to dodge, never run in a straight line
Hillbillie: An experienced one (high ranks) have a localization build, hide in lockers every time he is going to hook someone or use disstortion.
Myers and GF: Run Spine Chill, that'll help you, also, if you're a good looper, follow GF around to reveal him EVERY time, they usually get mad AH, lol
The Hag: Crouch, I can't believe the amount of people at purple or red who still run and activate Hex totem's traps (closeby traps)
The Doctor: When he's trying to electrocute you run towards him, literally next to him, that's a dead zone for his power, they'll change to punish mode and chase you like that.
Freddy: Drop his pallets when you're away from him if you know they're fake, it will piss him off cause you just destroyed his gamestyle
Nurse: No looping, dodge her blinks, thats the only way
Bubba (cannival): Loop mid size structures and stay close to walls
Everyone: Run straight towards a window and change direction at the last moment, you have no idea how many missed hits I've seen from this, lol
> Myers: Run Spine Chill
breathes in scratched mirror
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My thoughts exactly XD
And to the op, you know pig can kick gens right?
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Yep, but in a SWF team we've managed to mantain them 90-99% lots of times
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Obviously, and then start running boyyyyyy, lol. The point is for you not to get grabbed or Tier3 downed so easily
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With the safer windows, sure.
But with Pallets, you'll only be feeding my Wraith's Spirit Fury. 😈
Also, in Soviet Windstorm, Wraith blocks you.
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Do gens if they camp. :O
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the epitome of fun. no killer interaction.
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best way to mess with killers? just gen rush
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Spine Chill doesn't work on Tier 1 Myers though.
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Nurse: No looping, dodge her blinks, thats the only way
No... don't run. I just want talk over a cup of tea.
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LOL, loved your comment
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Good luck when you are playing with randos and the hooked survivor suicides on the hook.
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Dropping Freddy’s pallets doesn’t bother me as much as you’d think. It means that there’s one less Survivor working on gens. If you’re chasing another Survivor, then you'll only have two Survivors at max working on a gen.
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When I see teammates troll the killer, I leave them to die. As killer it just means I throw the match to make sure you die, preferably by bleedout.
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Also, it takes almost no time to cast the ability and it doesn't slow freddy down
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That's great buddy.
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Also a pro tip: Trees and obstacles don't dissappear, when you look behind you.
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Wraith: Go to a pallet or window when chased in stealth mode and do not use it (stand still) until the last moment before he appears, they'll be forced to chase you without disappearing the whole match, lol, repeat every time the wraith becomes invisible
Honestly if you do this to me you're doing me a favour, I'm gonna chase you cloaked and in one minute the map will have no pallet left and your teammates will deeply hate you.
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Yeah except by then there will be 2 open gates.
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Blendette with Urban Evasion and Iron Will is the best thing to run at high ranks. It’s a good counter to Spirit, Hag, and occasionally Nurse.
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@White_Owl Nope, I have done this before and I stand still until wraith makes a move, it's hilarious, if you remain cloacked I do not move nor drop pallets or vault windows. You HAVE to chase me uncloacked EVERY time, or go for someone else.
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More general and not at all practical, but:
Get chased, point at a locker, wait for the killer to check the locker, thinking someone's inside. Then Quick & Quiet into the locker when you turn around.
Alternatively, quietly enter a locker, fast vault out, then sneak in after they check it. Only works if they're a decent distance away and can't hear the locker sound itself. Nobody checks the same locker twice.
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*Dies Laughing in the Serpent and Shadow Dance Add on combo*
Yes, go on my friend. Camp that pallet, just you camp it when I'm running those addons even if your good at prediction you will mess up eventually and then your going down
Plus your strat is also countered by Spirit Fury enduring, sooooooooo
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Just had some clever clogs 'messing with me'. Chasing this joker as Huntress...pallet marathon, tea bag fever etc. Didn't feel quite as ice cool with two hatchets in his back and a hook-up in the basement for his troubles...with two of his potato friends joining him shortly afterward. Closed the hatch, got the 4th guy. A totally unexpected but hugely satisfying 4k.
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Oi don't give the new guys ideas! 😂😂😂
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I actually do enjoy when survivor throw down fake pallets when I'm Freddy cause I can always gain more scoring due to deviousness while putting them back up.
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I hate it, cause I chase survivors and make them run towards where I want them to go, if someone used my pallets the chase mindgames are useless