This popped in my head while i was playing.
When you are the last survivor in trial you and the killer will enter "Showdown".
- It will automatically commence Endgame Collapse.
- The map will then fill up with heavy fog which will lower visibility.
Survivor side
- You get a 3% haste speed boost.
- The exit gates open at a 12% faster rate.
- The basement chest will now have a guarantee purple key.
Killer side
- The last survivor will be exposed for the rest of the trial.
- The aura of the hatch will be revealed to you at 32 meter radius.
- You have the ability to destroy one exit gate switch.
I'm done now...Here's a meme.
My criticism:
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Because a "handful" of people i heard complains that when you are the last survivor you pretty much can't do anything in the endgame collapse
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Question. Why buff both sides speed? Why not only survs side by 3%.
(also i feel this would be survivor sided. I do not know why i just have a feeling)
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Well, opening the hatch without a key is a definite red flag...
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No he shouldnt be able to destroy an exit gate he can just camp the other one
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I kinda like this
Basement has a free purple key
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if hatch is next to an exit gate you are definetley going to destroy the other one and if you are trapper then survivors big dead
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This is a really really cool idea. I've been playing since release on console and I would love this game much more if they had something like what you're talking about. I love this game already. But that would make it way more interesting