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Wanted skill check changes

connocep Member Posts: 14
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
*ahem* [i play ps4 by the by]
Now as a survivor, i've felt skill checks were too forgiving, and not at all difficult once i got used to them. As killer the only time i see skill check notifications is either when i'm running up on a survivor who tried to run away, or i'm running unnerving on doctor, [or the 1% who actually fail the skill check] so i propose a solution:

An [almost] entirely new skill check system based around more than just one button and sync

First: three types of skill checks
•The default skill check,
the same as the old one, but instead
▪15% slower gauge [the speed of the little white hair]
▪Random button rather than just the same L1 LB SPACE;
what i mean is instead of having the same prompt, It randomly changes
- from W, A, S, D, or SPACE [computer];
Y X a [lowercase for xbox] B, or LB [xbox];  
triangle, square, x[lowercase for ps4], circle, or L1 [ps4]
- so as randomly, *bam* [skill check] but it's not LB L1 OR SPACE OHNO, it's instead X, square and A
- This makes it so it functions as normally, but requires more focus [thus more "skill"]
- toolbox and unnerving act as they normally would, increasing/decreasing size of bar - overcharge as well

•second: quick time pattern
▪no skill check bar inside the guage, instead a dilect pattern of 4 random characters appears which needs to be pressed in the right sequence or else it fails
▪40% slower gauge [dunno actually just make it about 4 or 3 seconds]
- I hope this is self explanatory, but the gauge serves as a timer and does nothing otherwise
- example *ring*
Oh no it's not a single button, But rather multiple buttons i have to press in quick succesion 
- this makes a longer but more difficult skill check
- GREAT SKILL CHECKS would work as if the pattern was completed before the 70% mark on the gauge
- toolbox addons decreasing difficulty increase time and/or remove one button from the pattern
- perks and addons increasing/decreasing size of great skill checks would be less effective like 'This is not happening' would be half as effective, cause 30% of 70 is 21 so it'd be 91% with half effectivenes it'd be 80.5% 
- increasing difficultly *or unnerving* would slightly decrease the time and/or add one more button - as would overcharge
- as for the doctors random placement within madness, i'm thinking on wether or not it's ok as it is
-lullaby would act normally
-ruin would act the same aswell, but the bar would move an addition 10% slower

The reason i ask for this change is variety. As it stands now skill checks aren't a problem, which is the problem. I could close my eyes and have a 40% chance of hitting it if i wait for it to land some where around the center (and yes, i've accidentally done it before), and i'm almost guaranteed to hit it if i glance at it for a millisecond. Variety is complexity, which is what we need, no more of that "No-skill skill-check." 

•Third: probably the best one
I haven't actually thought of one, so if you guys could reply what you'd like to see, or have any feedback, please, wish as you may and reply.

Edit: forgot to add this but it would be random which skillcheck would pop up, like 50% default 50% pattern. Ect.
