Forget I said anything about this experiment.

I can’t pip. I try different builds, I still manage to win but continue getting safety pips. Please forget I said anything about this experiment.
I will believe you though
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Thank you :)
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Fair enough, I'll take your word, a spreadsheet would work.
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Awesome! :)
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I'll believe you.
No reason not to.
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Once I make it up to rank 1, I’ll start collecting the data. :)
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Depends. What kind of games are we talking about? Playform, the day you played (rank 1 two days after rank reset is clearly more valuable than at end season), the amount of hours of the survivors, if it was a swf...
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Just 1 question. What about you being 15 means you can't upload gameplay?
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Material, being 15 means he can't necessarily afford the equipment as someone with a full time job, making $20 an hour.
That's my guess.
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I’m on PS4 so I can’t see their hours, messaging everyone I play with to see if they were swf seems kinda psycho to me, I’ll probably be there in 5 days if I apply myself.
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Totally believe you no issue what's so ever tbh i would be very interested to see your findings!!
Also people might dismiss because console but please do this ❤️🐷
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Rules, I can only upload kid friendly games.
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Doesn't he play on ps4? The ps4 records everything with the share button.
Default is 15 minutes but you can increase that.
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I will :)
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That isn’t the problem, I have rules that I gotta follow.
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Fair enough.
But I don't know what isn't kid friendly about Leatherface chainsawing down several surviv..
Nevermind, I found the issue. XD
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I'll believe you. The Treeman never lies! :D
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To all those that may doubt.,
I have been reading alot of posts by groot honestly they are really unbias and very grounded I was sad when they said they couldn't stream due to age totally understand tho just really want a person with groots mind set to be giving us console people help advice and game play via streaming. Not alot of console streamers out there doing it sadly.
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I would believe you, everyone knows people like to play all Killers at Rank 1, a lot of streamers do it so the concept is already there. I mean sure, there will be people who will auto not believe you because no proof but meh if you don't have it there's nothing you can do.
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Totally agree with this and can't wait to see it.......also glad to see he plays on PS4 means I dont have to worry about a really good Leatherface. I already get destroyed LF anyways.
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People who would believe you would not need a video; and for people eho wouldn’t there is no reasonable amount of evidence that would help.
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Sadly, streaming from console is quite harder than with a pc.
But recording it is somewhat easy since at least the ps4 does it inately. (inately is a word right?)
I have been doing some for my own experiment with the survivor side of things, it's quite iluminating to watch yourself play and see where the issues are
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You're a pretty honest guy. I'd believe you. Only thing that sucks is that you have to play LF at rank 1 lol. But, thankfully most PS4 survivors suck badly
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LF is my main man so I think I got this. :)
Although I do plan on expanding past LF once I get every perk on him, I do play a lot of the killers but it isn’t nearly as common as LF. I’d also like to add that the highest I’ve been on both sides is rank two since pipping got harder, but if I play killer exclusively for a little bit, I can make rank 1.
I make red ranks commonly but rank 1 isn’t a place I’ve been in awhile.
Very true.
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When I asked you about your tier list, you put Leatherface as the second worst killer. So maybe even you don't believe that LF isn't as bad as people make him out to be.
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I put him there because his basekit isn’t that great, lately I haven’t quite felt he is the second worst after playing with his basekit more. He isn’t as bad as I originally placed him.
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So who you think is worse than LF ?
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I’ll believe you if the results back up my killer main opinions. If they don’t, you’re full of crap.
On a serious note, what’s the experiment?
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Clown is the worst killer, legion is before clown, doc before legion, wraith before doc and pig before Wraith. These killers are worse than LF imo.
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Clown is the worst killer, legion is before clown, doc before legion, wraith before doc and pig before Wraith. These killers are worse than LF imo.
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100 Rank 1 matches as Leatherface.
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I shouldn't have to ask this, but I do.
What metric are you using to determine a win vs a loss?
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3/4K=Win 2k=Draw and 0/1K=Loss
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I think you wanted to say "after", not "before".
Pig worse than LF ?! Big OOF.
Where is Trapper ? Literally the only killer who loses 2 gens to actually have a power ...
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I think Trapper is slightly better than LF.
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In that case just record the exact number of kills each game.
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I think Trapper is the worst killer in the game. Without add-ons, I have no doubt in that.
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I always thought you were telling the truth since I myself have hit rank one with leather face, its just hard
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Trapper, "worst killer in the game"...
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Eh I'd say 3rd worst.
I think Wraith is the 2nd worst and leatherface is the worst. Note that this is for basekit.
Trapper is totally crap don't get me wrong, but his power does shut down loops once set up, which is more that what Wraith and Leatherface can say.
Basekit Leatherface has absolutely nothing to deal with loops. Every other Killer in the game at least has SOMETHING, even if it's only just to get them injured or ultimately doesn't do enough.
For example stealth Killers counter looping by being able to catch you off guard before you know to go to a loop.
Mobility/Ranged Killers can bypass the loop entirely
Killers with CC can stop a Survivors ability to even attempt a loop
Leatherface is the only Killer with none of that. He lacks both range, speed AND CC
Trapper, Freddy, Doc, Clown have CC
Billy, Spirit, Nurse, Legion, Hag, Freddy, Demogorgon have Speed
Wraith, Spirit, Demogorgon, Myers, Pig, Ghostface have Stealth
What Leatherface has is the ability to capitalize, but DBD is such that you might never get something to capitalize on, at least not soon.
Things change when we get into addons. Leatherface has speed addons which let him use his chainsaw to deal with loops via speed, but this is about basekit. You have unlimited usage of perks, but not unlimited usage of addons.
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I mean, anything from you with LF is believable at this point. You are really confident with your LF, so no one is going to doubt your amazing play, but for other people who don't main LF, I would not consider it believable.
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If you're on Xbox, will show you your clips, so you can simply copy paste.
Otherwise, I'll believe you.
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Probably more legit than some of the other "experiments" some companies cite to sell products.
I say go for it.
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I’m on PS4
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Post it on Twitter or YouTube. I made a Twitter to post clips and funny enough I ran into two other forum users XD
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Why does your age matter in terms of recording?
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I am not the only one to think that.
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I wouldn't believe some random guy, but I think you're trustworthy enough.
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I trust you, just a spreadsheet would work nice groot!