Blocking Hooks

feffrey Member Posts: 886
So I want to know how do you counter survivors body blocking hooks?
 It makes it near impossible to hook a survivor that you're carrying if you have one blocking hooks and flash in you.
Just played a match on xb1 where they were blocking a hook and pushing me away from the hook canceling my animation meter


  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i hate it too.... BUT it is actually a strategy. i would say that you have no right to claim they can't block hooks. the problem i have is that camping and tunneling are strategies too. and they constantly complain about it.... so carry on, sir....

  • Mike_Steele
    Mike_Steele Member Posts: 22

    Just hit them. You might not get the hook, but you'll have at least 1 more injured person to deal with.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Lowbei said:
    feffrey said:

    So I want to know how do you counter survivors body blocking hooks?


    lmmfao. right on....

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Hitting them is what I do but the process of this gets dull as the scatter and repeat.
    Self heal with flashlight is a good set up
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @feffrey said:
    Hitting them is what I do but the process of this gets dull as the scatter and repeat.
    Self heal with flashlight is a good set up

    self heal is getting nerfed....

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    I don't mind self heal its a free kill if you have A nurses calling I usually get two downed

    But when you get to the good players all they do is body block

    I can get past the flashlight if I turn my back to it..
    Or don't pick up the down player if I see one coming with a light.

    Its just body blocking the hooks with 2 players and pushing you away..

    Honestly they should add in if a player is standing under the hook you can instantly down them or track them for 60 seconds
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    By standing under the hook for XX amount of time you get tracked(except when pulling a player off the hook)

    I would also like to see a penalty for standing up close to the killer for certain amount of time. Maybe blurred vision

    It would be a nice perk
  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    Drop the one you are carrying and leave them there until the blockers are all either down or running of to self heal.  If you still cant get it, just slug them.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Isn't it fun that killers can't block the hook anymore (aka face camp) but survivors still can body block the hook?
    Gotta love the double standards.
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    It's because there's counter play with survivors that body block.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    steezo_de said:

    It's because there's counter play with survivors that body block.

    There existed a counter play for face camping. Called doing gens.
  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    I’m fine with it being in the game because 90% of players that do it do it poorly and either get injured for no reason or ,even better, get knocked down and most of the time the carried person still gets hooked. It’s a skill that people see someone do a few times and think they’ll be able to repeat. 
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218
    edited July 2018

    If you're talking about nowadays, then sure. If you're talking about before, like I thought you were, then that was an exploit so people couldn't even click on the dude.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    I’m fine with it being in the game because 90% of players that do it do it poorly and either get injured for no reason or ,even better, get knocked down and most of the time the carried person still gets hooked. It’s a skill that people see someone do a few times and think they’ll be able to repeat. 
    Those low ranks must be fun to play.
  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    @feffrey said:
    So I want to know how do you counter survivors body blocking hooks?
     It makes it near impossible to hook a survivor that you're carrying if you have one blocking hooks and flash in you.
    Just played a match on xb1 where they were blocking a hook and pushing me away from the hook canceling my animation meter

    Iron grasp III makes it take almost twice as long to wiggle off a shoulder, combine that perk with slugging the hook blockers and they'll move away rather than get downed.
    Some people would recommend agitation rather than iron grasp, I would personally recommend iron grasp as it has way more value versus multiple hook blockers the closer to a hook you are.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited July 2018

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    self heal is getting nerfed....

    Self heal while in a chase is the only thing about it being nerfed.

    @feffrey said:
    So I want to know how do you counter survivors body blocking hooks?

    I play the Nurse on XB1 with Lightborn, Iron Grasp, Agitation, and Hangman's Trick. I call it my Over-the-Counter Nurse.

    I might not be able to track stealthy survivors, or BBQ my way across the map to where I need to be, but IF I do find and down a survivor Decisive Strike is the only thing stopping me from hooking them. Plus I get free hits on flashlight heroes.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    feffrey said:

    So I want to know how do you counter survivors body blocking hooks?
     It makes it near impossible to hook a survivor that you're carrying if you have one blocking hooks and flash in you.
    Just played a match on xb1 where they were blocking a hook and pushing me away from the hook canceling my animation meter
    Just keep swing and hitting them survivors. Trust me you can do a lot of damage within the 16 seconds you have before the carried survivor wiggles free. Sometimes I have injured all 3 body blockers and still got the hook!
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    I just tested this myself I squashed with 3 others and body blocked the killers way to a hook, then blocked the hook.
    Anytime he hit one of us we just healed fast with the others body blocking. 

    We got away every time

    The Nurse has slow movements so its hard for her to move. The only way is to bait them to basement hooks
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @feffrey said:
    I just tested this myself I squashed with 3 others and body blocked the killers way to a hook, then blocked the hook.
    Anytime he hit one of us we just healed fast with the others body blocking. 

    We got away every time

    The Nurse has slow movements so its hard for her to move. The only way is to bait them to basement hooks

    That´s why the whole "just hit them" is a joke. A coordinated team can negate a killer every hook. There is nothing he can do about it.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @feffrey said:

    Honestly they should add in if a player is standing under the hook you can instantly down them or track them for 60 seconds

    Uh, no. Bad idea. Much easier to smack them and this is unfair to the survs. We can block the stairs, they can block the hook. Till both are gone both stay.

    If you are constantly getting body blocked then you must learn to deal with this. Equip that perk, what is it called, unrelenting, if you are that worried about not being able to smack enough out of your way.

    I use agitation to get to the hook faster than they can. So many times when i pick up a surv i can hear another in the background running to the hook in vain as i am much faster.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Envees said:

    @feffrey said:

    Honestly they should add in if a player is standing under the hook you can instantly down them or track them for 60 seconds

    Uh, no. Bad idea. Much easier to smack them and this is unfair to the survs. We can block the stairs, they can block the hook. Till both are gone both stay.

    If you are constantly getting body blocked then you must learn to deal with this. Equip that perk, what is it called, unrelenting, if you are that worried about not being able to smack enough out of your way.

    I use agitation to get to the hook faster than they can. So many times when i pick up a surv i can hear another in the background running to the hook in vain as i am much faster.

    Most smart ones would body block you or just be a flightlight hero and stun you 

    Rush gens then once one get caught rush killer block hooks predict which one.

    More then likely they'll sabatoge your hooks in one area
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    I mean We hooked block a Clown with iron grasp,Agitation, relentless because we selected a map with narrow paths at every corner and turn 

    Body block , flash him and camp his hooks easy win.

    Then rush gens
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Envees said:

    @feffrey said:

    Honestly they should add in if a player is standing under the hook you can instantly down them or track them for 60 seconds

    Uh, no. Bad idea. Much easier to smack them and this is unfair to the survs. We can block the stairs, they can block the hook. Till both are gone both stay.

    If you are constantly getting body blocked then you must learn to deal with this. Equip that perk, what is it called, unrelenting, if you are that worried about not being able to smack enough out of your way.

    I use agitation to get to the hook faster than they can. So many times when i pick up a surv i can hear another in the background running to the hook in vain as i am much faster.

    Please don´t give tips like this. Unrelenting won´t help him, since it only helps for MISSED hits. But if 3 survivors are blocking the hook, you can hit all 3 and the survivor on your shoulder gets free. Unless you downed the survivor right next to it.

    Basement blocking is NOT the same as hook blocking. How often do you encounter a killer who blocks survivors in the basement? I´ve never been blocked myself. But i had tons of times where survivors blocked the hook. Hook blocking shouldn´t be even possible, since killers can´t block the hook anymore.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Tsulan said:

    @Envees said:

    @feffrey said:

    Honestly they should add in if a player is standing under the hook you can instantly down them or track them for 60 seconds

    Uh, no. Bad idea. Much easier to smack them and this is unfair to the survs. We can block the stairs, they can block the hook. Till both are gone both stay.

    If you are constantly getting body blocked then you must learn to deal with this. Equip that perk, what is it called, unrelenting, if you are that worried about not being able to smack enough out of your way.

    I use agitation to get to the hook faster than they can. So many times when i pick up a surv i can hear another in the background running to the hook in vain as i am much faster.

    Please don´t give tips like this. Unrelenting won´t help him, since it only helps for MISSED hits. But if 3 survivors are blocking the hook, you can hit all 3 and the survivor on your shoulder gets free. Unless you downed the survivor right next to it.

    Basement blocking is NOT the same as hook blocking. How often do you encounter a killer who blocks survivors in the basement? I´ve never been blocked myself. But i had tons of times where survivors blocked the hook. Hook blocking shouldn´t be even possible, since killers can´t block the hook anymore.

    I was not fully aware of the perk and should not have said that then. I assumed, wrongly, that you are able to just hit away. I dont use that perk at all and thought it recovered hitting cycles faster but i guess there are conditions attached. OK, fair enough. I stand corrected.

    Good intentions but bad info.

    However hitting them is one of the ways to deal with them if you combine with perk use. Seeing how i almost never have to deal with 3 BB i am not that versed in it. I run agitation 3 and almost always get the hook before they do. At most i have had to deal with two and once you smack one out the way the other gets the point or also gets a smack at which point they also run.

    A combined IG and AGi is a total waste but would most defo deal with 3 BB np at all. You would get to the hook faster than they could unless they are already waiting at the hook. You could even drop the surv at the risk of them healing the downed one but wouold most likely trad eone downed one for another. Healing nerfs coming in so that might help. You could do a fake leave and turn around having the time to do so using IG.

    For me though BB is not an issue at all. 1 is the norm for me with the odd 2 thrown in.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    @Envees said:
    If you are constantly getting body blocked then you must learn to deal with this. Equip that perk, what is it called, unrelenting, if you are that worried about not being able to smack enough out of your way.

    Unrelenting only reduces the cool down of missed attacks.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Nos37 said:

    @Envees said:
    If you are constantly getting body blocked then you must learn to deal with this. Equip that perk, what is it called, unrelenting, if you are that worried about not being able to smack enough out of your way.

    Unrelenting only reduces the cool down of missed attacks.

    Thanks. Somebody else informed me as well. Took it onboard and i stand corrected.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Envees said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Envees said:

    @feffrey said:

    Honestly they should add in if a player is standing under the hook you can instantly down them or track them for 60 seconds

    Uh, no. Bad idea. Much easier to smack them and this is unfair to the survs. We can block the stairs, they can block the hook. Till both are gone both stay.

    If you are constantly getting body blocked then you must learn to deal with this. Equip that perk, what is it called, unrelenting, if you are that worried about not being able to smack enough out of your way.

    I use agitation to get to the hook faster than they can. So many times when i pick up a surv i can hear another in the background running to the hook in vain as i am much faster.

    Please don´t give tips like this. Unrelenting won´t help him, since it only helps for MISSED hits. But if 3 survivors are blocking the hook, you can hit all 3 and the survivor on your shoulder gets free. Unless you downed the survivor right next to it.

    Basement blocking is NOT the same as hook blocking. How often do you encounter a killer who blocks survivors in the basement? I´ve never been blocked myself. But i had tons of times where survivors blocked the hook. Hook blocking shouldn´t be even possible, since killers can´t block the hook anymore.

    I was not fully aware of the perk and should not have said that then. I assumed, wrongly, that you are able to just hit away. I dont use that perk at all and thought it recovered hitting cycles faster but i guess there are conditions attached. OK, fair enough. I stand corrected.

    Good intentions but bad info.

    However hitting them is one of the ways to deal with them if you combine with perk use. Seeing how i almost never have to deal with 3 BB i am not that versed in it. I run agitation 3 and almost always get the hook before they do. At most i have had to deal with two and once you smack one out the way the other gets the point or also gets a smack at which point they also run.

    A combined IG and AGi is a total waste but would most defo deal with 3 BB np at all. You would get to the hook faster than they could unless they are already waiting at the hook. You could even drop the surv at the risk of them healing the downed one but wouold most likely trad eone downed one for another. Healing nerfs coming in so that might help. You could do a fake leave and turn around having the time to do so using IG.

    For me though BB is not an issue at all. 1 is the norm for me with the odd 2 thrown in.

    If the rumours are true, we´ll get an event like Howling Grounds. Then we´ll encounter a lot of hook blocking.
    Last time it was so terrible, i had to equip both IG and Agitation. Otherwise no chance to hook someone on a special hook.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    Hit them as soon as you can, free hits are always welcome. Dont wait till you reach the hook before hitting them because you will be too late. Especially with a clunky controller.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Nick said:

    Hit them as soon as you can, free hits are always welcome. Dont wait till you reach the hook before hitting them because you will be too late. Especially with a clunky controller.

    Obviously we are playing a different game no offensive kid but I want advise from actual players of the game ... 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @feffrey said:
    Nick said:

    Hit them as soon as you can, free hits are always welcome. Dont wait till you reach the hook before hitting them because you will be too late. Especially with a clunky controller.

    Obviously we are playing a different game no offensive kid but I want advise from actual players of the game ... 

    If you encounter this a lot, you can equip IG + Agitation or slug everyone (deerstalker + knock out works wonders)

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    I encounter hook blockers almost ever game in the high ranks around 5-10
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    feffrey said:
    Nick said:

    Hit them as soon as you can, free hits are always welcome. Dont wait till you reach the hook before hitting them because you will be too late. Especially with a clunky controller.

    Obviously we are playing a different game no offensive kid but I want advise from actual players of the game ... 
    you are clearly new and inexperienced “kid” so you need to be taking notes instead of having an attitude.
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Lowbei said:
    feffrey said:
    Nick said:

    Hit them as soon as you can, free hits are always welcome. Dont wait till you reach the hook before hitting them because you will be too late. Especially with a clunky controller.

    Obviously we are playing a different game no offensive kid but I want advise from actual players of the game ... 
    you are clearly new and inexperienced “kid” so you need to be taking notes instead of having an attitude.
    We just went over this kid didn't we lol