What do people feel about the Demogorgon

I personally feel like he is underwhelming to play. His lunge feels pretty short for having such a long lunge on his right click. His portals are also very underwhelming for me. I dont understand why you can see him come from a portal and not let him have a terror radius like it dosnt matter since they get so far away anyways specifically if they have sprint burst. I would love to make them either faster or give him pop up warning when they are destroying the portal and make his right click lunge have one specific length since you dont see how much its charged up. He is pretty fun tho not gonna lie.
Edit: Adept is impossible.
It feels like it has the same tier as Freddy.
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He feels clunky and I don't like hearing my own footsteps other than that he's pretty cute.
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He's actually pretty scary to play against. Like all the growls and howls.
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His abit underwhelming i hate how you need go through portal to activate it, its time consuming have to place it then tp to each of them to have his aura ability going through that can cost u gen
Also his soooo bloody loud his foot step his noise he makes are really loud where it hard to hear survivors
Post edited by DevourOfSalt on5 -
Freddy is currently very strong with Oblivious status effecting his dream world now
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He is ehhh imo honestly, Earns a spot next to the clown
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Feels weak.
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He's super loud and I can't tell if his animations on hits affect certain perks like save the best for last. Also as stated before he's pretty clunky in a complex way, he's sorta a much worse billy where he has a dash to punish survivors who move in bee lines, he's tall and has a huge terror radius, quite easy to spot on most maps and his portals are pretty..... underwhelming if I'm to be honest, I'd rather once again just rev across the map as billy adding a much more alert pressure and doesn't have to worry about them getting ripped down in what 12 secs.
No offense to the devs of course I think the new map 'Looks' great demo looks quite nice with his maw open or when howling. I literally cannot play him without enduring, spirit fury and brutal strength. And while people are getting used to him, I loop him so easily esp at the new map.
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Enduring + Spirit Fury is a must on him. But he actually can benefit from that combo better than other M1 killers because of his Shred.
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I am absolutely estastic
Also did anyone else notice they FINALLY fixed the killer fov? I was just playing the Doctor to farm and I realized my weapon was no longer gigantic, my fov was pushed in more like I was using shadowborn and the screen seemed to be wider
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Na they fixed how Doc sees things if I'm not mistaken
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Why do I feel like survivors are moving faster? I feel so SLOW as him. The new map seems like pure BS with a pallet every couple inches.
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yeah the devs have the tendency to replace long loops with short ones with A LOT of pallets. brutal strenght is just required esp. with mid and low tier killer (incl. demogorgon) it's not fun breaking pallet after pallet after pallet.
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There is a room and its like on my very first match survivors knew ALL ABOUT IT. Two pallets literally feet from eachother with a pallet outside the room ON EACH SIDE. A staircase with 2 vaults like that one on the Game where you vault from top floor to bottom. This room is a balance NIGHTMARE.
About to play 2nd match. I really felt like I was moving really slow for some reason....
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If this is true... I'll be so stoked!
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Adore everything about it, just wish they'd buff portals a bit.
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Not a fan. I know killer adepts are tough to get at the best of times with the silly new double pip system. But it was like pulling teeth trying to get his.
The surge of relief when I finally got it was massive.
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WAIT DID YOU GET IT ???? Iam trying right now and i swear its impossible.
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He is strong for me, slightly weaker than Huntress but doesn't stuck with the issue she has, she is situational, he is less situational. I feel like when people master his Shred we will see a lot of nerf Shred pls. Portals and addons tied to portals need buffs, that's all I can say.
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did anyone notice that the chase music as survivor has changed a bit? it was different on the ptb... or are my ears tricking me? it's almost like the synthesizers are slightly different
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He seems kind of fun to me. I have not played him much since he went live. I have faced several of them as a survivor and it is sad how many use his power to camp/tunnel. It is nuts. Unfortunately, I'm playing with my family, who does not play DbD often and are all rank 18-19 and a bunch of smurf killers with all tier 3 perks rank 18 using DG to tunnel like a mad man.
That said, I place him mid tier. I main Trapper, but could see myself putting DG into my off-main rotation of Shape, Doc, Pig and Hag.
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How are Nancy and Steve terrible ?
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I feel like at the moment, yes he is a bit underwhelming, but I feel that once the devs push the hot fix making it so that breaking pallets with his lunge is in his base kit, then he will be a pretty well rounded killer.
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You think so ? Alot of player are saying that his portals are really underwhelming and i agree with that
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Yeah I got it after much blood, sweat and tears.
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Ok that is kinda true their sounds are not the best but they look ok tho
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i got adept my first game. I stayed at rank 10 to get the achievement easily.
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Why don't require adept to be executed at Rank 1? Would make the achievement feel like you achieved something..
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If you are not spot on with the lunge and willing to take risks, underwhelming. Portals are a gimmick, at most. Even freddy has a faster / easier teleport.
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you are kidding right
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F tier
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His lungs is too easy to dodge and not long enough, and portals they honestly feel like a liability to use. Such a waste to time to activate them. It really makes you lose pressure I honestly think portals hurt me more than help me.
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I agree. Is there also no way to activate them once you used them all? When with other killers they can just replace one they have on the ground for a new one? So far I am not liking their use at all. It's way too time consusing for something that doesn't seem to see much use from me so far. So far he feels like a way weaker version of Freddy.
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Sure... add a requirement to play X amount of hours before you get an achievement. That will do it.
Reaching rank 1 requires time investment and basic game knowledge.
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i was about to ask if it mattered how long you hold the mouse 2 to activate the shrek since i thought it was the same distance no matter how long u press it but it is not? how do you know when the max is reached?
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he feels like wraite but a little better
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"adept is impossible"
Well..... I did get it on my first try.....
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Tbh I figured it out quickly.
It's when his hands are fully up and stop moving. That's your visual que.
It's also about when the hiss is at its highest pitch.
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Oh is that it? I've just got it instinctively down by this point, probably picking up on that without realizing.
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You just had to screenshot it 2. God damnit i can't give up now.
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Love the design. I think he's a high skill cap killer, but I'm not sure how big the upside is. Survivors are already starting to figure out that strafing makes it really difficult to land a Shred.
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I've been playing Demogorgon around rank 5 since reset. I consider myself to be a pretty decent killer, generally getting 3-4 kills a game, but with him, I don't know if it just needs time, but I can't seem to get anywhere. I only ever get one hook before 2-3 generators have popped, and by that point, its practically over.
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The Demogorgon definitely strikes me as a formidable opponent. I think it’s the best Killer we’ve received since Spirit. It’s also actually scary to play against because of all of the screeching noises it makes all over the map. It also is a little cute to see running around the map, until it starts trying to leap at me.
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He's just a worse version of Billy. He does almost all the same things Demo does but just better. If Demo's lunge was a 1 hit down he'd be about the same level as Billy.
Seems quite weak to me.
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I was able to waste so much time against a clown since there was a pallet around every corner and he didn't break them so you can turn 3 pallets into a pseudo infinite until bloodlust 2 allows you to catch up and that was without me using sb or lithe or dead hard i agree it's bs
Also on topic from what I've experienced he's kinda bad it all depends on if you can hit shred and if survivors bother destroying your portals since you can't replace them it turns into a huge issue later and the hitbox with shred is weird since you'll barely miss people sometimes
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I would describe him as a mid-high tier killer, one that you have to get used to. His shred attack is very unwieldy, but his portals give a high level of awareness at certain places.
Couple this with the ability to break pallets in the upcoming patch, and he'll be in a good spot.
He's one of those killers that it's easy to get Merciless on, at least for me. I got my adept two days ago against 2 rank 4s and a rank 5 and 6.
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Because not everyone can get to rank 1... that and the emblem system screws with killers at that rank, since Gatekeeper is essentially in the survivors hands. Same with all of them, really. It takes a lot of killer skill to be able to accomplish that...
...and survivor adepts are just to escape. Double standard much?
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Looking through this thread I feel that too many are too quick to judge. I was a little underwhelmed my first few games too. Then I started to learn. There are quite a few nuances to playing Demogorgon. The lunge is pretty straight forward, but still takes practice to learn when to use. The portals are the tricky thing.
I've learned that Demo is particularly good at tunneling survivors. Hook a survivor, drop a portal and walk away, then try to guesstimate when someone will go for the unhook and teleport back. With undetectable you don't even have to worry about borrowed time. More often than not, I get back just in time to tunnel the unhooked survivor. If you are smart and place portals near the exit gates at the beginning of the match then Demogorgon has an amazing late game.
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If you saw Otz' vid on his demogorgon basement build, you can tell just how strong he can be, especially with Make your choice.
A lot of people don't realize he can be absolutely brutal in the right hands.
However, he's also really good with STBFL since shred doesn't decrease the amount of tokens he can have. So you can use it at tier 1 and still keep 8 tokens. Most people don't realize you'd have that perk either.
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The next Hotfix is going to give that to Demogorgon already, but at the cost of an increased teleportation cooldown.