Q&A: Stranger Things and 3.2.0
Another update, another Q&A! As always, if you have any questions about the new chapter or any other change in the update, feel free to ask below. We'll take some of the best questions and get them answered as soon as possible.
- One question per person.
- Please keep questions on topic.
- Please check if your question has already been asked first.
- Only questions are allowed. Non-question posts will be removed.
Questions about balance will not be answered. It's been under a day since the release, we don't want to make any knee jerk reactions.
Questions & Answers
This list will grow over time.
Q: When will stealth killers gain the undetectable status effect?
We will be rolling out the undetectable status effect to other killers and perks in the following updates. We aren't able to give an ETA on this just yet.
Q: If a survivor is affected by the Oblivious status effect, will they be able to use perks that only function in the terror radius like for example Borrowed Time, Diversion and Stake Out?
No, they will not. For all intents and purposes, Oblivious means that anything with a terror radius stipulation will not work.
Q: Can you buy Nancy, Steve or the Demogorgan with shards?
Since they are licensed characters, Nancy, Steve, and the Demogorgon can only be purchased directly through the DLC or separately with Auric Cells.
Q: Why does the Demogorgon have to go through portals first in order to activate the killer instinct reading on survivors around it?
The portals do not appear for the survivors until the Demogorgon uses them at least once. It would be confusing to have a portal that you can't see reveal your location.
Q: What is the difference between a Survivor being Oblivious and a Killer being Undetectable?
Oblivious is an effect applied to a survivor, making them, well, oblivious to the killer's terror radius. They don't hear the terror radius, and they aren't affected by any terror radius perks. One survivor may be oblivious while others are not.
Undetectable, on the other hand, applies to the killer. It removes their terror radius, red stain, "stinger" sound, and prevents their aura from being read.
Q: Where did the pre-lobby chat and switch roles button go? Are they coming back?
With the 3.2.0 update, the lobby flow has changed, allowing us to automatically regroup survivors after a match and seamlessly go from playing solo to playing with friends. As a side effect, the switch roles button that would previously appear when playing alone and the pre-lobby chat that would appear in SWF no longer exist. These components would need to be updated to work with the new lobby system (e.g. Prevent someone from switching roles when playing with another person).
The pre-lobby chat should be returning soon. We recognize that it is an important detail when playing with friends without voice chat. The switch roles button may return down the line, but we can't guarantee that it will be returning just yet.
Q: What exactly is the advantage/buff of adding oblivious to sleeping survivors with the Nightmare?
This change is not aimed to be a buff to the Nightmare. Survivors already would not hear the terror radius, but the oblivious status effect was added for consistency. This has certain advantages and disadvantages. A perk like Coulrophobia will not work on a sleeping survivor, however, a perk like Borrowed Time also will not active if the rescuer is asleep.
Post edited by Peanits on16 -
Why is the Demogorgon unable to "Pick up" portals or otherwise destroy portals that have been placed?
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I've looked around but haven't found a straight answer yet: do you have an idea of when the Stranger Things DLC pack will be available? I want those cosmetics :p
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Why continue to make changes to Pig when no one has complained about her? There is literally no point to continuing this consistent nerfage on a Killer who wasn’t even A-Tier. Why have the mindset to continue and change her into being worse, when Killers like Spirit, Nurse, and Hillbilly exist? We all know Nurse is getting changes, but it seems like overkill to constantly change a Killer no one had any problems with. Spirit still has her beads, Hillbilly still has very little downside to missing or even using his chainsaw, and Nurse may be getting a rework, but it’s been 3 years and she’s only receiving changes to her add-ons. Why must Pig be CONSTANTLY getting changes that hurt her??
Post edited by Chaotic_Riddle on26 -
Will we see any changes to the new map?
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when will stealth killers gain the undetectable status effect?
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What Killers do you plan on adjusting, add on wise then power wise?
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What will replace The Demogorgon's ultra rare add on that shred pallets?
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Why doesn't Of the Abyss have a charge bar like other similar actions?
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Will we get any buffs to his perks ? They all have great ideas, but are so underwhelming it's ridiciolous ... We really want to play with a wider variety of perks, but you just don't allow us to :(
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If a survivor is affected by the Oblivious status effect, will they be able to use perks that only function in the terror radius like for example Borrowed Time, Diversion and Stake Out?
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Do you think we will see any changes to Mind Breaker in the near future. I feel that when you would want the Mind Breaker effect would be on the latter half of the gen instead of the first half. In it's current state it is just too situational; you would need to be a stealth killer and sneak up on a survivor at the start of the match and the survivor would have to have sprint burst to get any use out of it. Verses when a gen is 90% and you have multiple survivors running around it and tapping and you would get a lot more use out of your Mind Breaker. I think even making Mind Breaker work during the whole gen progression wouldn't be too strong at all.
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How was your day? Gotta be civil lol
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Why are dlc survivors uglier and scarier than the killer himself?
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Any chance of another Netflix crossover in the future?
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Why is does surge not have any direct synergy with perks such as overcharge, surveillance, etc.? Makes the perk significantly less useful.
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Someone already asked about mindbreaker, so...
Why does surge only work on basic attacks? Why not special attacks too?
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Can we get a weighted frequency/drop rate for the new map please?
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In the next update the demogorgon will be able to destroy pallets as base kit, whats the reason behind this change? And what will happen to that red addon? I suggest more distance for the lunge attack
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Can you buy Nancy Steve or the demogorgan with crystals I've saved up 18000 for this update to buy two characters but won't give me the option to buy
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Do you have any ideas on making the portals slightly better? :)
Currently, most of the Demogorgon's power is stressed on its shred ability. Therefore, is it possible for the portals to get some love?
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Any plans on giving older killers their own music theme?
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Any plans to buff dying light? it seems quite weak after its rework...
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Why don't Deliverance and Second Wind work together? With Deliverance 3 and Second Wind 3 you wouldn't be healed until 90 seconds after you unhook yourself? Is that really too strong considering it can only be used once and you have to fulfill 2 conditions before you are hooked to achieve it?
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Can mindbreaker last for 5 seconds after leaving a gen?
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Will you bring back the old dark map, lobby lighting or not?
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Why does the Demogorgon have to go through portals first in order to activate the killer instinct reading on survivors around it? That costs precious time.
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Will you look into Buffing Solidarity? Maybe having it remove status effects from other people you heal.
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Will you ever rework Pig's Base kit and Addons? She needs some love after all these recent nerfs she has that no one even complained about.
Her addons really need some love and looked at. The large majority of her addons have little to no use for the game at all.
Some ideas I have
- You should add rule set number 2 to her base kit. Many agree this would help her.
- Increase her crouch speed significantly and increase the fluid movement between actions.
- Look into her RBT making it last maybe 18 seconds instead of 12 or remove skill checks all together.
- Put the roar at the end of her dash not the start. Will make this useful in the game. I would say start it at the 90% mark.
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My question is will there ever or has ther been any talk about cross platform and mouse and keyboard support for ps4
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How does the new matchmaking work in detail?
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Can you buff Camaraderie? It's beyond trash and has the opposite effect for camping killers.
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Player rank, prestiges and characters levels are showing up in random lobbies. I like this. Can we keep this please?
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Q - How are you going to try to appeal to the influx of new players coming in for the Stranger Things chapter?
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will there be a hotfix soon to fix the game i really want to play it but swf doesnt work most of the
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Is there a reason the Demogorgon has to place the portals on flat ground? I could understand not being able to place them on steep inclines such as the hills or staircases, but even the gentle slopes on the edges of the swamp maps are enough to create large dead zones where you can't place any of your portals.
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Have you ever thought about killers having a "home-field advantage" maybe lowering the terror radius by a 1/3 for the killer on their maps. Nurse and clown/crotus penn and chapel, doctor treatment, etc...Something would be needed for Ghostface but it doesn't feel game breaking and can add another element to the game.
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What are the new "items" that were advertised, and when will they be released?
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Is there a chance you'll be removing the "Down with a Basic attack" requirement for surge? It didn't work out well for Infectious Fright, and it's not working well for surge either.
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Will Surveillance work with Surge? I tried it but i had no scenario where it could trigger. The Description of Surveillance says "All regressing Generators will be highlighted by a white Aura." (or similar. The text is logicaly linkable to "must not be kicked explicit")
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Is killers with an instadown ever going to get more points in brutality like you did with ghostface? Many killers are currently missing out on alot of juicy bloodpoints.
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Surveillance works with surge.
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Can we have any hints about Quentin's rework ?
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Why are we allowed to see Rank and Prestige Levels again?
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Will the Stranger Things characters continue to receive new cosmetics, and if so, will they be restricted to clothing they wore in the series?
For example: Scoops Ahoy for Nancy.
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Will you buff Surge?
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It is possible that in the future there will be a more cosmetics for Demo, Nancy and Steve? 😁
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Will the Rift be available for shards aswell?
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Do you think the new perks are good as they are right now? Do you think some perks still need to be tweaked/buffed/nerfed?
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Will you add more objectives to the game or at least add on to the current generators?