We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!


LegionOfWolf Member Posts: 1
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

My name is Tony, i play dead by daylight on xbox, my issue or request today, is that something is done about killer bullying: Running circles around the killer, body blocking, and crouch spamming at the exit gates. My proposition to fix this is that a feature similar to the entity blocking Windows is added, Eg: If people are taunting and messing around at the exit gate, its blocked, if people are running circles around the killer, the entity's tendrils come up from the floor and do 1 hit level of damage, no lesser punishment would suffice there as "deep wounds" would be ignored by the survivors, and body blocking can be handled similar, if multiple people are dirrectly in front of the killer for more than 4 seconds: One level of damage. I sincerely hope you consider this and i'm appreciative of your work on the game, Sincerely Tony G.


  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Look...you can either go crazy with it or learn to deal with it...

    This single truth may force you to change main killer or to work on killers you don't like to get good meta perks on your dream killer.

    I know it isn't a fun fact but if you want to have fun you have to be willing to put in the work required.

    (Red rank)

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Personaly I started with the Nurse and almost went crazy. Then I switched to the Hag and LOVED IT!

  • Aurien
    Aurien Member Posts: 3

    Toxic survivors are annoying but the same can be said of toxic killers. Lost count how many games I've played where the killer hooks someone and then just circles the hooked player. Or sits there and hacks at the hooked player just cause they can. Or how bout watching a survivor crawl towards the exit gate only to pick empty up and drop empty away from it. Wasting time just so the entity will kill em

  • Khaletsky
    Khaletsky Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2019

    We are calling teamplay and killer strats as a toxicity now, well. The only thing is toxic in this game is taunting with t-bag, spam flashlight click and facecamping with insidious, change my mind.

  • Pandamonium
    Pandamonium Member Posts: 77

    T-bagging is really unnecessary I agree (Unless the killer played very scummy like face camping and hard tunnelling, I don't do it) but to cost an escape is absurd, especially if they are reciprocating to the killer's playstyle and that just because you are upset about taunting. And t-bagging has no effect on the game, other than stalling the survivors except at the exit gates while face-camping and tunnelling can remove a player from the game (Given that the teammates are dumb and don't do generators, this can have a huge effect).

    Spinning around the killer is just a strategy to evade a swing from the killer if you are referring to 360s. Now I'm a very low rank killer and have little experience with killers, but from what I have seen when somehow versing rank 10s then is that to spin your camera with the survivor when they attempt it. I just don't get it when killers are complaining about a last resort that you can counter (Because why would you try to 360 when you are near a pallet or window where you can evade a hit).

    As for bodyblocking, one hit on the survivor just for trying to save their teammate is a trade that will see less altruism. Imagine if the killer got stunned for if they tried to tunnel. Yeah, it's basically that. It also completely destroys sabo builds (From what I see from streamers and on YT, you sabo when the killer has someone on their shoulder).

    So, I don't think punishing survivors for helping their teammates, evading hits and t-bagging (Which again, literally stalls survivors in all situations except for at the exit gates) is a good idea.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Patrolling is completly fine imo but face camping is bullshit has you can't do anything about it since the Killer can grab you instantly.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    T bagging = Extra Hits.... Body Blocking = extra hits..... Running around the killer = extra hits....

    Extra Hits = Extra Points...

    Lots of Bloodpoints = a good thing.

    Don't get upset about tbagging... they are just crouching in front of you... who cares.