Torment Creek spawned 8 Pallets - on the whole map

What in the actual hell is this patch guys? The entire map spawned exactly 8 pallets, including the 3 forced spawns on the pigtree, the killer shack and the side of the silo. Genuinely the entire middle "road" and hay stacks didnt spawn a single one, neither did the tree section behind the silo. This is completely broken
Eight pallets. On a farm map. What the F
Indeed, it's almost as if the game expected you to use juking and losing line-of-sight to win chases.
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I hope at least the god window was open.
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Thats RNG for you. Sometimes killers get screwed by having pallets spawned litterally everywhere, sometimes survivors get screwed by huge deadzones. Its how the game works.
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pallet spawns on the old maps are terrible your only line of defence shouldn't be rng based
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Oh ######### the Killer is an actual threat!
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yea good luck with that when i can see survivors just fine through corn. Also juking good killers and getting away is very unlikely.
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Not exactly like the Killer could be avoided - it was a Legion, so he had wallhacks as soon as he hit any of the rando's in the match 😅
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Well with certain windows on that map you can get a chase to last like 50 seconds longer every time
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Too bad then.
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It's not this new patch that caused this you just got unlucky. The minimum number of pallets that can spawn on a map is 8 so you just got really unlucky.
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Which would be good... if it were actually viable.
It works on low-skill killers who are not very good at tracking or prediction, but it never really works even in purple ranks and only rarely works even in just Green.
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As far as I'm concerned, you guys are not trying hard enough. I always go for old-fashioned jukes to lose line of sight. Yes it might be more difficult against an experienced Killer, that should not come as a surprise, but it's far from impossible.
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this is good, just get better at juking as survivor, youll get the hang of it eventually
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Yup jukes against killers who have a 6 foot reach.
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That is actually how it should be, learn to juke and hide instead on cheesing game mechanics.
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I mean it was a farm map, that's usually very survivor sided. And not because of the huge amount of pallets there.
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Pallet looping is cheesing btw! Guess that means a lot of things killers have is cheesing game mechanics too because it can go both ways. Again, hiding isn't fun at all, if people are forced to hide after having so many hours in the game where the game isn't even close to scary anymore then the game won't last another year lol.
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If only 8 Pallets spawned on Pallet Farm I mean Fractured Cowshed my jaw would drop! However 8 Pallets on Torment Creak sounds about right, that is probably the only Killer sided map (if you’re not Billy) out of all the Coldwinds. As Survivor if you don’t gen rush and mange Pallets well enough you’ll all eventually be screwed!
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I mean they can try, but let's not pretend like we don't have BBQ, whispers, Nurse calling etc to spot a survivor. Don't be so Biased dude lol
This is why I always said this game wouldn't be balanced, it has too many RNG factors. They have a long way to go before this game is balanced, and I'm sure they will just listing to the forum warriors as most games do.
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The actual reach is farther than that, but that's not the point, since all Killers have it.
My suggestion is that you stop blaming the Killer for your mistakes and instead improve your skill at old-fashioned evading instead of relying on Pallet-spawn-RNG. It'll make you a better Survivor in the long run and endgame evading with fewer Pallets still around not necessarily a lost cause.
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I think you underestimate and are under appreciative of hiding in this game. I can't count how many times I've just barely avoided being detected by a killer and how good it felt to achieve that.
I don't play survivor as much as killer so maybe it does lose its charm somewhere down the line. I also think, however, that we each have control over what things we enjoy and get that kind of rush from.
Either way, being stealthy at the right moments is usually very rewarding. If a killer doesn't think you're in the area, he won't come back there for a bit, allowing you to work on a gen and maybe pop it for your team.
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With all the neon skins released for survivors, lol.
Line of sight jukes only work against Nurse and Huntress. Another killer will keep pressing W cuz you know scratch marks exists. The only way to get more distance with line of sight jukes is when the killer is mindgaming himself on the 1st "loop" at the 1st tile. Smart killers will do this mistake once, very smart and optimal killer won't mindgame at all till they are sure you stay at that looptile
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Hawkins base borrowed them, sorry
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Are you forced to wear the neon-skins? No? I didn't think so either.
And I truly feel sorry for you that you think you can't lose line of sight against experienced Killers, that must restrict your play style quite a bit.
May you get better at juking in the long run, so you can lose line of sight also against other Killers than Nurse or Huntress, like us veteran players still can. It's really just a question of practice and experience.
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Having no pallets in a chase is like chasing a mouse in a maze with only dead-ends.
Neither one is fun, and overall is awkward for both the hunter and the prey...
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Well, you can't understand high level play when you don't verse the best, sorry for you mate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I kinda envy you, must be quite relaxing to play against mediocre killers most of the time, I wish I could play without looping aswell and just win lol
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Unlike you, I was actually being sincere. I rely on stealth and juking much more than looping, simply because when I learnt to play Survivor, looping wasn't a thing yet and I had to learn to actually lose a Killer, regardless of their skill and rank.
I'm not trying to belittle you or be mean, I simply stated what I think to be the case: you aren't very good yet at jukes and thus believe the only Killers to fall for them are Nurse and Huntress, which isn't the case if you are skilful enough at it. Getting skilled requires time and practice, for which I wished you good luck.
Your response was quite immature and rude. I tried to help by giving you the POV of a veteran Survivor player, stating that it's a simple matter of skill and experience, and not something that just can't be done, in hopes you wouldn't give up trying and give juking another go.
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You have absolutly no right to tell I'm bad at juking. I'm playing this game since release and nearly have 3k hours with a tryhard mentality as survivor and as killer. I have more experience than the majority of this Community. Also you never saw a single gameplay of me, coming to the conclusion of my skill based on a text is quite ignorant of you.
But hey, you seem very confident with your juking skills, so do you want to do 1v1 in kyf and show me your skills? I'm quite sure it's not gonna work.
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But considering the fact that you can't seem to juke killers with the aid of pallets, it DOES lead to the assumption that you arent a great survivor. Hours don't really mean anything if you do the same thing over and over again. try to adapt? cant say much else
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Wanna do a 1v1? Just to proof a point. Ofc I will record and upload it
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I mean, im at uni atm and cant play on a laptop, so no. But if you feel like your ego is damaged ill openly say your probably better than me, i dont play much anymore.
I can just see from your responses that you seem to be struggling at evading the killer etc. try to run the new fixated perk from nancy, it might help you. Not trying to say anything offensive, just trying to help you out.
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Well you can't accept a 10 minutes 1v1 in kyf. No problem, it's always like that. Some people are barking loud and throw assumptions into the room without seeing a single gameplay. And once you challenge them for a 1v1 they avoid it.
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Say what you want mate, but talking to people like that who are just trying to give you advice is kind of a scummy thing to do in my opinion. But ill leave it as it is as i can see you don't want a discussion of any kind, and would rather challenge anyone who disagrees with you,
good day.
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Just lose line of sight against Bloodlust 3. EZ.
Just "juke" and disappear by way of pure magic. EZ.
You must be one of those God Survivors. Can we watch some of your matches to learn your sorcerous ways?
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If the killer got to Bloodlust 3 then I'd say you've already done a good job at keeping the killer in a chase for 45 seconds. That means, your team, if doing gens correctly, got 2 - 3 gens above 50% and by the time the killer picks you up, hooks you, and then finds another survivor you can bet those gens are either really close to completion or are already done.
Once the broken maps gets fixed on here, Bloodlust wont be required anymore due to it only being a band-aid fix to infinites and really long loops.
Lastly, I've seen some survivors juke killers using different load-outs. Oh no you need to change your current meta? I forgot what YouTuber it was but he used Lithe, Quick and Quiet, Dance with Me, and I forgot the 4th. Point is, you can easily juke the killer and perks aid with that, you just got to change up your perks and not run the casual DS, Adrenaline, DH, etc.
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No its not scummy, it's called proving a point.
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I have nothing to prove to you, neither does anyone else here.
Fair enough if I misjudged your experience, but what you tell me here actually makes it worse. I assumed a low-level of juking experience because I don't expect someone with 3k hours to have such difficulties with it (unless they never properly practised it, which is probably the case here), but rather someone who is "relatively" new and wasn't around when juking was all you had to lose a Killer.
I remain with what I originally said: improve your juking skills and you'll see that it works not just against Nurse and Huntress. Having a lot of hours does not equate being skilled at everything. I have just as many hours and still think I have room to improve my skills here and there. To assume otherwise would actually be arrogant, since you no one ever stops learning.
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Putting aside your exaggerated scenario (you make it sound like Killers constantly get Bloodlust 3), if you let a Killer get to Bloodlust 3 in the first place, then you have done some major mistakes, for which you'll pay by getting downed. The chase mechanic is so fickle these days that unless you run around in open fields, line of sight gets broken often enough for Bloodlust to not accumulate past Level 1.And you are definitely not supposed to evade Bloodlust 3, so I'll disregard that point as an argument.
And juking is far from being a "magic trick" that'll allow you to go "pooof and disappeared". It's a particular set of skills with mind-games and using line of sight blockers to your advantage, and I'm not sure you are aware of that, otherwise I can't imagine you making such a remark, as that would be telling of a lack of knowledge about juking.
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Are you going to accept the challenge now so I can show you that it only works against bad killers or are you going to keep talking and talking? I'm more a person of factual evidence and not "poetics"
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The game doesn’t expect certain play styles. This is certainly a bad bug that needs fixing.
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No, because I'd just waste my time. If I'd take every request to a 1v1 just to prove a point with someone, I'd be doing nothing but that.
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That was so not the point of my comment.
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So far I've seen...
- People l claim that pallets are the only defense in a game where staying hidden is perfectly viable against most of the killers.
- complain about neon clothes they are NOT required to wear
- ask somebody to "1v1 me" in a game that is 4v1.
Typical day in DbD then.
FFS, love this game to death. But the player base.... sheesh.
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you literally said that word for word
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Bro you'd be wasting your time he's a EZ clap my dude 👌
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Yes, and it's not my problem that you obviously took it literally.
I know the game doesn't expect anything, it was meant as a jab at OP's inability to survive when they don't have tons of pallets to loop/throw down.
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I have absolutely no idea who you are or what you want, but trying to discredit others with dubious claims about their supposed skill levels that you were able to deduce from a supposed game you played against them is extremely dishonest.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
As I said, I would record and upload it. So you only have to do this once. But keep searching for excuses big boi.
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The Depip Squad recorded and published hundreds of games to prove a point. What did people do? Tried to discredit them and their point nevertheless.
Again, I have better stuff to do than to 1v1 you in a 4v1 game and there is no need for you to get insulting.