Killer pickup time

What do you say on that change? I find it completely unnecessary and terrible, why making such change?
Does't help much honestly saying, it just made the animation look terrible and already very nerfed flashlights almost unusable atleast for now
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@Nashtyx said:
Does't help much honestly saying, it just made the animation look terrible and already very nerfed flashlights almost unusable atleast for nowWell, if it is too quick for you, then you can just drop the survivor and pick him up again, making the stun in animation 2x longer!
You will thank me later.
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I think new pick up animation is too fast and this is not 3s (I played on ptb and this animation was slowly) - look like max. 1.5s or 2s.
I hope fix that soon because now flashlgiht is useless and I must uninstall this game. Bye 2000h playtime...
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@Nashtyx said:
Does't help much honestly saying, it just made the animation look terrible and already very nerfed flashlights almost unusable atleast for nowEven if flashlight saves were impossible now (they arent), you still have a guaranteed blind after every pallet and dont try to tell me that this isnt strong
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@BlueArga said:
I think new pick up animation is too fast and this is not 3s (I played on ptb and this animation was slowly) - look like max. 1.5s or 2s.I hope fix that soon because now flashlgiht is useless and I must uninstall this game. Bye 2000h playtime...
You uninstall just because you can't adapt? Okay bye
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This looks stupid and audio is just sped up. Masslave and what if no one wants to bring flashlights?
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It isn't, if you got ears you know exactly where the survivors are
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It's a band aid change to help the killer with time anagement.
It's a simple small thing that the Devs can change easy, but the impact is very very small.0 -
@CallMeRusty420 said:
@BlueArga said:
I think new pick up animation is too fast and this is not 3s (I played on ptb and this animation was slowly) - look like max. 1.5s or 2s.I hope fix that soon because now flashlgiht is useless and I must uninstall this game. Bye 2000h playtime...
You uninstall just because you can't adapt? Okay bye
I don't akcept stupidity of developers. Actually all my friends have stopped playing it now. DBD [*]
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It helps and stop Killers from being Bullied
I love the new changes. It creates actual survival horror atmosphere. The BNP nerf is quite harsh, as it is an ultra rare... other than that... maybe the pickup time should be 3.5 seconds? I don't know.
Overall this is a A- balance change. Very well done.
Excellent. Thanks!
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@Someissues said:
It helps and stop Killers from being Bullied
Flashlight SAVE NOW IMPOSSIBLE, PROOF stop posting the same clip. You dont scout the area before picking up the survivor nor face a wall. Making two huge mistakes and then still complain about flashlights. You have to literally be in position ready like that Feng was which only a bad killer would allow.
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Necessary considering the vacuum removal on killer's grab. It makes grab saves to be actually risky, and to put yourself, as a survivor, as a risk, to pretend to be able to do them. Which is fine. You shouldn't be able to oppose a "threat" to the killer by being 20 meters away, hidden behind a rock.
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@Nashtyx said:
Does't help much honestly saying, it just made the animation look terrible and already very nerfed flashlights almost unusable atleast for nowHaving played with the new pick up times I can tell you that you're wrong. It may not help a ton, but it definitely does save time. And flashlights are still usable. I would know with how many times I've already been blinded into dropping a survivor.
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@Tombstone218 said:
@Nashtyx said:
Does't help much honestly saying, it just made the animation look terrible and already very nerfed flashlights almost unusable atleast for nowHaving played with the new pick up times I can tell you that you're wrong. It may not help a ton, but it definitely does save time. And flashlights are still usable. I would know with how many times I've already been blinded into dropping a survivor.
I did flashlight saves too, but the pickup time is bugged anyways, that's not 3 seconds, after doing some scouting it was slower in PTB (correct 3 seconds)
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dude stop posting the same clip. You dont scout the area before picking up the survivor nor face a wall. Making two huge mistakes and then still complain about flashlights. You have to literally be in position ready like that Feng was which only a bad killer would allow.
Wait what?! You can't just run up and flashlight? It's actually gasps SITUATIONAL? Poor babies.
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@White_Owl said:
@Nashtyx said:
why making such change?Probably because killers struggle with time, and having long ass animations contribute to that.
I agree with this most.
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if you're dying for flashlight saves, use Empathy. head towards the survivor thats just been hit. be in the general area when he goes down and don't waste time getting there for the pickup.... stuns are still entirely possible. even more so now because less ppl use Lightborn now....