Your reason to use mori as a killer?

Cheats with Friends.
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Not really a reason.
When i'm out of good BP Offerings, i just use whatever Offering i randomly click.
Cut Coin or Ebony, i don't really care.
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For me its if I have a daily. I used to use green mori if I ran Dying Light but that has changed now.
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I don't. If I wanna kill someone by hand I use Rancor or Devour Hope because at least then it's fair.
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If i want to see the mori
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i just like the animation. thats really it.
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good one :>
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When I'm really desperate for bloodpoints.
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Dailies are the only 'reason'
Mori offerings are irritating. If they only were usable on third hook, I'd say make ebonies a common offering, but as they are they promote stagnant and bad play.
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There ARE still kill Dailies?
I haven't had one in multiple months!
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If I know it's a swf com squad I'll use one to even the playing field a little.
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Yep, I constantly get one for spirit.
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Daily ritual, if it pops. I will bring an ivory if they bring three or more toolboxes, though.
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If i see 3 or 4 toolboxes i'll bring one.
They're going for a sped up match so i bring a mori to counter it.
Even then if the gens aren't flying i won't mori until death hook.
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Daily, though I never am able to do a Mori daily cause the game decides to give me those dailies for killers I don't have moris on.
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So I don't use Moris but I do use Devour Hope because I earned that usually 2 Moris, more fun that way.
Moris are fun for me only because I exclusively use Devour Hope for them, it gives everyone a chance to play the game and I know it terrifies everyone once they find out I have it. If I actually get to 5 stacks then that Mori is deserved and everybody wins, the Mori is to me more fun than killing someone on a hook.
Hooking people is boring to me
Actually KILLING that Survivor is cool and fun
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Daily or if it's a new killer, I tend to try to avoid having it spoiled and seeing it for the first time done by my own hands. Rarely otherwise as I don't really enjoy using them or going against them.
Even if it's a daily I tend to just put on rancor and stalk the obsession when the gens are close to being done, as I'm a hoarder that likes collecting rare items/add-ons/offerings 😄
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I use moris if I had a bad game where everyone escapes or I feel like a jerk lmao.
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Daily otherwise on a toxic survivor that entered my lobby again.
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If I'm bored I don't use mori's because it makes the game way to easy
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Mori if I see a single clan
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I don't use moris, It's boring
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Same. Or if I get bored -shrugs-
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The mori daily rituals are worth 60k BP. I'll take an Ebony so I can get any of the Survivors, but I only do one. Usually. >:)
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If I can tell it's a swf or someone with ttv in their name, they get the mori
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Green Mori. I usually sacrifice thisi n the case I need to immediately remove someone from the game, whether because I need to turn the game around or I need to remove someone who's doing worse for their team. If I don't kill anyone with it I'll do it to the last person just so it's not wasted.
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I mori streamers.
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Because they are fun
Or for daily
Or if I am trying to burn high end offerings before I prestige a killer.
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Daily's mostly. I find using them to be so boring
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My reason is because I keep getting someone with decisive strike.
I don't like decisive strike.
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Good one, I don't like DS either when there's noone around to chase besides the one with DS, but that would be a good excuse for slugging.
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Squadette and daily. No other reasons because it hurts the killer for some reason.
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A daily worth of 60000 bps is the only reason I use a mori
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Am I the only one who just uses moris (about once every few months) to see the neat mori animations? Bubba's mori is so intense people sometimes report me for using it haha.
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I have been using Rancor to see Legion's animation, cuz it's cool. I don't use the offerings though because they're BS and encourage jerk-like gameplay.
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If I want a challenge while running BBQ, having it instead of death hook denies the aura reading, and costs you time.
Or, as @Attackfrog said, use them up before a prestige.
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I either use moris for daily rituals or if I feel like it
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Ill bring it if I see SWF running identical outfits and I don't wanna eat a DS cuz I mixed them up. I'll bring an ebony, but that doesn't mean I'll bother using it.
Also... Sometimes my GF wants me to be "toxic", so I'll bring iri heads and an ebony.
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I only used them to get the achievements. That's it. I never use them otherwise.
Also, ebony mori have been so common on my nurse bloodweb that I have about 45 of them. There's always one in every new bloodweb.
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I really only use a mori for dailies or to blow off some steam. Personally, moris are very sweaty imo.
That's why I don't really like them.
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I usually only use cypress or ivory moris. Cypress ones don't have any effect on the game really and are the most fair to me. Ivory can get me some headway if I think I'm really going to struggle against a group but isn't too sweaty. Ebonies are just a feel-good blow off some steam item.
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For Daily Rituals and toxic survivors that trash talked in previous games.
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I'll use moris for dailies.
I'll sometimes use a mori on certain killers just cause they have cool mori animations.
But I always try to not make it unfun for the survivors and just go ''Okay hooked you once. Let's get you out of the game right now."
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The only reason to use a mori is the Daily Ritual. Of course i only use it after 2nd hook so technically it is not gamebreaking or anything. In my opinion Moris should be changed or even removed. Whats the point of getting less bloodpoints, less playtime and less fun?
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I'm not for them being removed. A lot of them are great animations that clearly were well thought out. I do think they just need to make the conditions to achieve them harder though.
And get rid of or change the yellow mori completely. It's pretty useless.
Hell, I find the animations of most moris so cool? I wouldn't be opposed to if they just were removed but put into base, so you feed the Entity's power twice and it in turn feeds you and the next time you down someone? You can kill them outright.
You get the points, they get the points, everyone has fun and everyone gets a cool little cinematic element to the game.
Then BHVR can get in the business of selling new ones on the store for all the killers.
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I've never used a mori except for daily rituals, even then I only mori on last hook or if there's 1 gen left, just to make sure that I get it done.
Personally hate moris when I play survivor so when I play killer I never use it. Just been hoarding them in case of dailies.
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whenever I don't feel like trying and want an undeserved win
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This isn't the main reason for me, it's for me more like an swf group of the most sweatiest and tryhard survivors (like legacy 3k hours with insta heals) when I decide to use a mori. Usually I block those people. Not because I don't like them, but just to know when I do a quick check on their profiles and I blocked them already I know it's one of the sweaty teams or simply dickheads so I will 100% pick Nurse and maybe a mori aswell
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Why aren't you using moris on a regular basis?