What should penalty be for DCing?

They should do a punishment similar to Overwatch, where you get less XP or in this case it would be less bloodpoints maybe 75% for a certain amount of games without a DC, that or give them time-outs before they can start a new game. I dislike DC'ers as much of the next person but the talk of straight up bans is a bit too much. This is a very expensive game to play and I challenge anyone to say they have never DCed during a bad day.
Just deduct BP. Make the balance go negative if they already have 0. Some people won't care but eventually most people would.
Timeouts are mostly pointless, bans/suspensions are obviously ridiculous.
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Think it matters how long the time-out is. If they increase with the amount of DCs they will certainly make an impact.
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Rework moris and penalize camper and tunneler killers. Easy solution. Killers want moris and camper, they get DC. And I'm not promoting DC, but when a surv DC I know immediately that the killer is a camper.
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Putting the blame on the killer for the survival dc'ing is ridiculous.
"I don't wanna play against your killer/item/strategy of choice, so I'll leave and ruin the game for 4 people"
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@ProfessorDunwich The XP penalty in Overwatch is only for QP. And once you get to an account like mine, which is near Level 900, we laugh at it. XP only grants a lootbox when you level-up, and I already have 90% of the cosmetics with near 30k coins still banked to buy any new ones as soon as they come out. XP means nothing.
Same as BP here for those that have played long enough.
For Competitive, it is a time-out ban and then eventually a season-ban. Too many of them and it's a permanent ban from the gameplay mode.
Given that DbD has a rank ladder, and we know DC punishments are coming with Dedicated Servers, I imagine they will do escalating time-outs, then temp-bans that escalate in time, until finally a perma-ban for the really stupid offenders.
@joan As it stands right now, Moris, tunneling, and camping aren't going anywhere. Behavior has gone on record and stated that all three of them are viable strategies. I try not to camp or tunnel myself, but if you want Moris gone then I want Instaheals and BNP gone.
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nothing. everyone would just die first hook instead of dcing and won't even have the risk of being banned
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I've had people disconnect because they were the first person down and they couldn't use Deliverance so please get off your high horse about Moris and camping
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@joan LOL. That is pretty one sided solution which would only serve to make the rift between killers and survivors bigger, and eventually probably be killing the game or its longetivity
Also why assume that the killers are camping if a suvivor DCs. Ive had survivors DC just from being hooked for the first time, some DC the moment they get downed, some DC after the first 2 situations but its obvious that its because the killer i choose to bring into the match.
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Reworking Mori's, alright fair enough. Penalizing Camping Killers? No, there is a time and a place to camp. Tunneling Killers? No, do we punish Survivors for rushing gens? No, we do not. I have had Survivor's screw up on their first loop and immediately DC, does that make me a camper.
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Big brain.
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Very few people have accounts with that amount of investment. Even taking that into consideration they could decrease bloodpoints for 99% of players and increase the time-outs for those who have very high level accounts.
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@ProfessorDunwich You have a point. Overwatch has been my primary game since launch day. Only reason I am not higher than I am in account level is because my play time is generally limited.
But, yeah, sometimes folks like me forget not everyone plays it that way. Just like not everyone in DbD is a forum member with thousands of hours (well, I'm certain not in this game).
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You don't understand, the killer was basicly asking for it, his skirt was to short
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I think all the players in game should get a BP compensation, then to balance the map, atleast 1 generator should be removed (guaranteed) this will avoid others to DC as well for getting annoyed
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Camping and tunneling sadly is part of the game, mostly performed by ranks 16 and above due its inexperienced in the game, meaning they wont get enough BP to even rank
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This is a game, everyone wants to have fun. I can't understand why devs says camping is a strategy. Camper killers make new player to uninstall the game.
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Salt. Mines.
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Well it can be tagged as strategy, but it is annoying I can agree on that, makes you want to DC, I guess they should place a timelimit of 15 seconds for a range within 5 to 15 meters after that they should start penalizing with BP or, repairing/healing speed increases