How fast are heals with We'll Make It and Botany Knowledge?

Also is a Self Care heal now 36 seconds?
I don't expect seeing a lot more BK user though. What's the point when you have WGLF
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i have always used bk and am very happy with the upgrade4
BK is a solid perk to have tbh. I only run it with SC though, otherwise it gets switched for empathy.
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@George_Soros said:
Fast.I don't expect seeing a lot more BK user though. What's the point when you have WGLF
I think you mean we´ll make it.
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We can have healer builds now :
We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, Streetwise (if bringing a medkit) or Autodidact, and Selfcare.3 -
Can anyone confirm if we'll make it and botany knowledge stack here in 2019? Cant find anything recent and cant test it myself as none of my friends play anymore.
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does a medkit give you further extra speed to the we'll make it and botany knowledge perks?
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We'll Make It and Botany Knowledge stack, but it doesn't make a huge difference and you'll never feel like the two perks together allowed you to save the day. If We'll Make It doesn't do it, adding Botany Knowlege isn't going to fix things. It's very noticeable on its own when you don't have We'll Make It active however.
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Check this video out:
Pain reliever has a lot of good dbd vids...
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BK is better than We'll Make It in my opinion.
You can use it on yourself along with Self Care and/or a medikit for some really fast heals.
We'll Make it is much more limited.
There's a hardcap of 100% increase so you can't stack too much of these perks and bonuses together.
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Are you 100% sure on this? I remember someone saying healing bonuses are capped at 100%.
And I just realized this is a big thread necro.
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Why did you bring me back from the dead?! Just let me die! 😂
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Hey it wasn't me! Someone else brought out the dark arts.
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That I didn't know. Good to know!
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The way the game does percentage based things is additive for buffs and multiplicive for debuffs. So a 24% perk and a 12% perk will give a 29% debuff, not a 26% debuff. This is done so you will never reach 100% debuff which literaly stops all progression. Additives stack and don't have a cap. A 100% buff with 2 33% buffs and a 15% buff will stack to 178% due to being additive.
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Really? Damn guess I better start using those because I never do. I rarely if ever see BK or WMI tbh... Thanks for the tip 😉
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They don't, because We'll make it says it doesn't stack with anything else.