Possible Touches for Halloween? (Thread for Halloween ideas)

So this is probably something asked before but can we have soem changes to these things in theme for October?
1. Totems to be changed into pumpkins. That way a normal pumpkin is like a dull totem, and a hex totem is a jack o'lantern.
2. Haddonfield should have a red sky or something that looks bewitching in theme, because of the Halloween movies or at least have another map/street with the Myers house like Lauries.
3. Possible Left 4 Dead witch skin for hag? It would be a good cosmetic to go with Bill and the other cosmetics that are supposed to be Ellis, Rochelle, etc.
That's all the idea's I have that I really would want for DBD this Halloween. I hope the devs make more stuff or consider these ideas. Please comment what you guys would like to see, I really wanna know what everybody else thinks for Halloween in Dead By Daylight this year.
I think they should have a Spirit cosmetic that looks like her body is all ember-y and glowing, and her hair is straight up fire. Her sword could also be on fire.
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i love that totem idea. thats kinda cool.
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Really cool, something like "Ghoulish Girls" for a cosmetic pack for Spirit and Hag or Plauge
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I figured it could work seeing as Jack O'Lanterns are lit and normal pumpkins aren't like totems to a hex.
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I am hoping for another 5 hallowed blight skins, some more lore, Myers and Laurie cosmetics, and a Benedict Baker killer.
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I highly approve of Myers and Laurie cosmetics.
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For Laurie I'm guessing the Laurie Strode we had in the recent Halloween Movie, older looking. Not sure about Michael Though, the only thing I have in mind that is close to being in the cannon movies as a cosmetic change is him being in a sheet with glasses like the first movie. As for Benedict Baker, I have the feeling the devs are working that out in later chapters
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Michael's aged gritty mask from the latest movie;
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I want hallowed blight skins for the other killers that haven't got it yet
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If they do the event again then they’ll probably make 2, 5, or 6 more. Nurse, Hag, Clown, Spirit, Legion, and Plague are the ones missing skins that aren’t licensed. 2 bc age gap prior to clown, 5 bc they did that many last year, or 6 to finish the set lol.
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They'd have to get permission from Valve to make a direct Witch outfit for the Hag. But as the others have said I want more killers to get Hallowed Blight cosmetics. And Michael and Laurie cosmetics would be amazing.
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Give Ghostface a Ghostface costume plz!!!
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Nurse should get a medieval witch cosmetic. Like with a hat, a long black robe, and a broom as weapon.
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I thought of one more idea, its kinda weird though. A there could be one of those glowing skins for the Plauge, but her weapon is like a candy bucket.
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oh my gosh, i love that idea. a little pumpkin full of candy as her weapon? thats silly but i love it. i'd buy that instantly.
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l4d skins?
Legion gets a hunter skin
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I like the totem idea. I Hope to see something different this year instead of just skins.
@Peanits @not_Queef@not_Queen @Patricia share this feedback thread with the team pls
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funny i had kinda the same ideas just today ! when genius brains meet ! :)
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i wish Legion could get a halloween outfit
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I will slowly add sketches of the decoration and cosmetics on my suggestion ;)
I started with the totems since we both suggested it ^^
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That's great, and I love it.
These sound good to me.
I'd like to throw in a suggestion of locker decorations. Whether they're all Hallowed Blight-y (covered in glowy ooze and wrapped in Entity plant tendrils) or they just have standard Halloween flair (a few Jack-O'-Lanterns around the base of the locker, or bats sleeping inside by the hatchets, or Halloween masks stuck on the doors, or maybe some cobwebs with colorful spiders) I wouldn't mind; as long as they get something cool.
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- Each Map spawns with 2 Happy faces Pumpkin-generators and 2 Sad faces hook by default.
- Completing an event generator lights up the pumpkins on top / As long as a survivor is hooked on an event hook, the pumpkins are lit.
- Two new event offerings to add more hooks or generators ("Special Treats" for the Killer and "New Tricks" for the Survivors)
- Lighting up pumpkins award you bonus Bloodpoints are awarded post-trial during the tally screen IF YOU USED AN OFFERING.
- Lighting up enough pumpkins (Survivor and Killer combined) give you access to exclusive cosmetics
- On every maps will be added 15 destroyable pumpkins heads and decorations ones.
- Survivors will be able to destroy the pumpkins heads after hitting 3 tremendously difficult Skill Checks
- Destroying a pumpkin head reward the survivor 500 Bloodpoints
- Every survivor get to choose a mask (4 differents monsters : Vampire, Frankenstein, Zombie, Witch) to wear in the trial when they enter the lobby
- After a survivor is hooked, the killer can interact with him and collect his mask
- A survivor that already got hooked can loot a new random mask in an already looted chest
- The killer is rewarded 500 Bloodpoints for each masks he collected
- The obsession mask reward the killer 1000 Bloodpoints
- The Killer can get a bonus Bloodpoints of 1000 BP for collecting at least one of each mask type
Every maps will get decorated with :
- lighted up pumpkins faces replacing the fire barrels
- fake skeleton in lockers
- tombstones replacing garbage can
Totems skulls will be replaced by pumpkin heads :
- Dull : not lit
- Hex : lit
PART IV : COSMETICS (Unlocking 3 max)
- Head : Bloody versions of the event masks for all non-licensed characters
- Laurie Strode : Top cosmetic "Tattered Shirt" (from the original Carpenter Halloween movie)
- Michael Myers : Head "Dirty Sheet" (from the original Carpenter Halloween movie)
- The Plague : Weapon "Pumpkin Face"
- The Huntress : Head "Big Bad Wolf"
- The Spirit : Head "Momified"
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omg instead of the bones, the pumpkins could be sprouting from the ground, nice sketch!
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oh i see what you mean i'll try something ^^
[EDIT] Something like that ?
Post edited by Adeloo on0 -
Halloween Key. pretty much a dull key, but lasts 15 seconds :D
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I got another idea, a grim reaper skin for Wraith, like a scythe with a small blade. It kinda goes with his scarecrow skin though.
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I also believe it would very fitting for a Halloween party feel for Haddonfield. How awesome would it be to see a nod to Halloween III: Season of the Witch and have Haddonfield with special Halloween decorations including some based on the pumpkin/witch/skull masks.
Or...if they could pull it off...have those three memorable masks as unlockable alternatives for Michael Myers. Doubt that would happen though.
As I've mentioned before, It would be brilliant to have skins of Halloween 2018's Myers and Laurie.
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i suggested the sheet Myers as a head cosmetic and the torned up version of Laurie's Shirt from getting attacks by Michael from the original Carpenter Halloween.
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Ever thought of sheet Myers. That would be pretty cool.
Also bandaged up burnt Myers from the start of part 4.
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the thing is the Myers we have is only based on the first movie this is why there is not a lot of cosmetic option ^^
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Correct. The chapter is based only the original and not any other part of the series unfortunately.
But what with the most recent timeline only including Halloween 1978 and 2018, it would be great if we got the modern versions of Myers and Laurie. Would be a nice surprise.