The Spirit is Not OP



  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    It really doesn't. The amount of people who have extremely good headsets on full blast is at an all time high.

    You can just watch Tru3 or any above average spirit catch people with Iron will and call Iron will as they down them.

    I'm not here to say if Spirit is broken or not, but people need to stop pretending Iron will is a hard counter to Spirit at higher ranks. It's a guessing game for the most part and each side trying to see who can cause the most damage to their hearing later in life.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549
    edited September 2019

    You've contradicted yourself. "A good spirit only needs a headset and no skill" how is she good if she has no skill?

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    While 80% of my hours in game are on killer, I have to say that prayer beads need to be completely removed from the game, there should not be a way in game to be completely 100% undetectable.

  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    Huh, strange. Well I know that I have heard her footsteps before.

  • Pigster
    Pigster Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2019

    I love playing spirit and experienced if you want to counter her use iron will. Try to turn her mindgame to yours. Prayer Beads can be difficult to play against, but you can hear her footsteps! On generators it doesnt really help, but if you use any prediction perks in your loadout and you realize she has it, you can be prepared for her move. I think so too, shes not op, shes a really good mindgame killer.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    thats the real problem they should buff solo survivors to swf level than buff every killer so they all can have equal chance btw spirit is not broken she is just strong there is a huge difference between broken and strong

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    You make it sound as if she could see survivors by default.

    She cant see survivors. Every usage of her ability is a mindgame to herself.

    People who want to add yet ANOTHER weakness to her kit dont want to learn how to mindgame or how to adapt to different killers.

    So if no other killer can rank up, doesnt that make those too weak instead spirit too strong. Didnt take long after the nurse "adjustment"-announcement for certain people to lobby against on the next best killer.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    I didnt contradicted myself anywhere. Like i said you need a Headset. If you dont have one, youre not good. But i think this was too easy for you to understand.

  • ChezAndQuakers
    ChezAndQuakers Member Posts: 189

    Yes especially when perks like Spine Chill, Lightweight, Quick and Quiet, Dance with Me, and Iron Will can make Spirit suffer

  • fahad0595
    fahad0595 Member Posts: 57

    her hair always standing still. they should make it that her body turn into red or something this killer IS OP. i bet the devs show somechart of the 4k with spirit is almost as playing with nurse. she is op and beyond fixing. you simply cant just run away from the spirit while phasing unless if she did make a mistake... you said you should never heal or standing still next to a pallet which is very obvious versa a spirit. however a good spirit would just hold her phase to locate your footsteps or breathing if you are walking or running so escaping her could be impossible. everyone in the community agree that she is broken and OP .... unless you prove it to me otherwise ..

  • Gayce
    Gayce Member Posts: 14

    The only nerfs she deserved are : remove collision while phasing + add an visual animation when the spirit start phasing. It wouldn't remove the stand still mindgame, just make it a REAL mindgame, and the remove collision is just a necessity : how many time did you get a free hit on a survivor (that you didn't know was here) just because you bump into him while phasing? It has to go.

    Other than that, I think she's fine.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    If they implement any sort of indication that shes using her power she'll be the most boring player to go against in the game.... evey survivor will just start walking/crouch walking away and that's when it becomes a true 50/50 guess for both sides.... and the stupidest part is that survivors can already do this.... like run away and crouch a bit.... she forces you to think unlike a doc or clown... ya cant take collision away from her either...

  • Gayce
    Gayce Member Posts: 14

    She's already the most boring to go against lol.

    Adding an charge-animation won't change much about her : I see tones of survivor that already start crouching / walking away when I stand still. As spirit, you could still start charging your phasing, release M2, see how the survivor react, and then really charge your phasing ; maybe not as powerful as the standstill tactics, but can be pretty efficient too, and at least, you give the survivor one piece of information about what's going on.

    And the collision should really go away : I don't mind collision when the survivor is repairing a gen or unhooking someone, but when you just bump into a walking survivor, it's just dumb.

    I played Spirit since her release, prestiged 3 her within one week. I used to play her every match but got quickly bored after easily 4k-3k every game. I just had the feeling I didn't have to do much in order to 4k, and just stop playing her. Adding at least some difficulty to her would be cool, maybe you don't share that opinion, but she needs some change (I didn't say massive nerfs!)

  • fahad0595
    fahad0595 Member Posts: 57

    finally someone say it ... just wait for oh .. survivor main wining

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    No she isnt when compared too a wraith or legion or doc.. she actually forces you to think and try different strats rather the run a circle to win.. manipulating scratchmarks towards pallets or windows, running then backtracking are 2 examples of what can be done against spirit... a lot of the players that complain about her are players that dont really understand and lose and therefore complain.... just like killers complaining about gen rush...

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Prayer beads needs to be changed. Sensible people agree with that.

    Normal spirit...there is a reason why she is always one tier below nurse. On some maps like blood lodge, yeah, Spirit is kind of broken, but other maps with more cover and LOS blockers make it not impossible to avoid her.

    One caveat though..if you aren't using Iron Will against a good just lose. That's a bit troubling.

    Against a good nurse it doesn't matter what perk you use, what addon, nothing matters. The nurse nerf can't come soon enough.

    Against a good spirit you still have options. The best spirit players say Iron Will makes tracking quite difficult. The difference is quite noticeable. Spirit is definitely on the very, very strong side. But, I really fear the dev team touching her. Maybe giving a small indicator that she is using her power, so only if the survivor is really paying attention will he/she notice? I'm not sure. I really like her concept and style and power. It does feel quite easy when I play spirit though. I'm conflicted.

    Ultimately, I've never faced a spirit and at the end of the game thought 'there was no possible way we could have won'. There is only one killer that makes me feel that way.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    As I mentioned, she does have a visual animation. Her hair stands up and the glass on her body shines. It's not as obvious as people want, but it is there.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    edited September 2019

    On my Community Response Forum the Nurse was the one who everyone stated needed a nerf (Killer or her Addons) by alooooot of votes.. Spirit was like 5 votes..


  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I can still track through Iron Will easily. It's not that hard of a counter.

    Also, your tone is quite condescending. Just saying.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    If she has a cosmetic hair on, ie. the short schoolgirl headband hair, there's a glitch right now that makes her hair swing around really wide (similar to meg's ponytail) when she starts phasing.