Questions about DbD for Nintendo Switch.

The Nintendo Switch version of DbD launches in 3 days and I haven’t seen much coverage on it yet. So I’ve got a couple of questions regarding it.
Is the game releasing with the same killers as the Xbox/ PS4 version did or is The Clown, The Spirit, The Legion, and The Plague and their survivors all part of the base game?
Will the Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Saw, Ghostface and Stanger things chapters, as well as Ash, and Leatherface characters be available for purchase right away?
Im going to say thanks in advance if anyone knows.
To answer this question:
All base killers from (PC or Console) should be Base.
All DLC killers will still have to be purchased.
All Licensed Killers should arrive on the platform at a debatable date. (Mobile has Myers available.)
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I’m a bit concerned about the lack of coverage, like you mentioned. Hopefully we’ll get enough players to enjoy the experience... :P
I never remember my ID but leave yours here and I’ll add you :)
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We'll know for sure when it drops but from what I've seen the Game is going to cost $40 but it'll come with Spirit, Clown, Doc and Hag's DLC to compensate.
I'm not exactly sure but I've heard that some of the Licensed Killers wont be available to begin with but you'll still be able to Buy the likes of Plague and Legion.
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Thats exactly what i wanted to know as well! there is not a lot of information out there... I do have a question of my own. Does anyone know what time the game will be release on the 24?
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I got the game this morning from amazon. 1 day early and I cant find a game so they must havnt activated the servers yet...
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Wait, you could go in already? I will try at midnight
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Btw, add me - SW-6977-5031-6701
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How come you’re already in the game? :(
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He is on menu because he got physical copy but he can't play
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Ahh I see... let’s see when Nintendo makes it available