Most satisfying moment as a Killer?

Doccy Member Posts: 103

Just had a game where I managed to grab the last Survivor as they tried to jump through the hatch. God, that feels absolutely amazing to do.

That got me thinking, are there any other moments or aspects of playing Killer that you personally find really enjoyable? Like getting that clutch 4K, immediately catching someone who DS'd you or something along those lines?

I figured it was time to start talking a little more about what keeps us coming back to playing Killer, what makes it fun for us.


  • OXY
    OXY Member Posts: 68

    That moment you get your hands on that little s*** who's been pallet looping, flashlight spamming and teabagging you all game. Camp him so hard your lips are puckered up against his when he's on the hook.

    That'll teach them, pfft.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336
    edited July 2018

    I was playing Leatherface and it was a hatch standoff. The survivor walked away trying to tempt me so that they could run back before I could catch them, but walked a bit too far. I ran up to them and the structures were just right so that I was blocking their closest route to the hatch, and they stupidly tried to run past me just as my chainsaw started swinging. Needless to say, they did not end up getting the hatch.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    I have a few too many.
    Hitting that teabagging Meg through a window with a Huntress Hatchet a while back was probably one of the best things I've done.
    Or the Trapper game where they finished the gens and had a door open, I hooked Bill for the first time, and they all swarmed to their deaths (I've repeated this one WAY too many times on this forum, so this was the VERY short version of a game that could take about ten sentences to explain).
    Or the very recent Leatherface game where someone got saved from the basement, ran to the open gate on the other side of the map, I took a shortcut and chainsawed her where she stood. The two others that were alive got away, and I already triple hooked her SWF buddy (I checked their profiles), so I used my Cypress Mori. Pure satisfaction.
    Or my stupidly good luck finding people in closets. That also exists.
    Yeah, I have too many.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    My most satisfying moment as killer is when I visit my PS4 photo collection of all the survivor who's bodies hang in the air after they rage quit. Brings a tear to my eye.

  • CptainPotato
    CptainPotato Member Posts: 31

    Just had mine.

    Was playing Myers
    Game starting, 2 "No Mither" Player (david/billy), one with a toolbox, the other with a flashlight, others with saboteur
    The David king with flashlight was clicking it 2500 times a second, run to me and started taunting me
    Followed him, got pallet looped, well that happens
    Got him down, the otherno mither ent to me and started teabagging, I grabbed david, he DS me
    Went for the other guy, killed him, david coming for me, flashing me, both teabagging me
    Got david down, went for a hook, the guy ran through me destroyed it, and destroyed every other hook, but one that I spotted before him
    Hooked david, billy went for me, teabagging me, I ran for him, the others unhook david, I got both david and billy down
    Billy was beneath david's hook so that I couldn't reach him, waited for david to die, so that I could grab him
    Grabbed billy, he DC'ed
    Had my revenge, let the other two escape peacefully
    Got trashed as hell on my profile because of bad manners. L O L.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    When you chainsaw snipe across the map through a pallet and break the pallet at the same time (with hillbilly). Yes, I have done this before. 
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Whenever I pull off a hatch grab 
    When you make a Survivor waster their Decisive Crutch
    Whenever Survivors are overaltruistic and turn a 0k or 1k into a 3k or a 4k.
    Whenever I kill a toxic/entitled Survivor and they either DC or send rage messages. Or better yet, when they get their SWF group to try and back them up. 
  • Der_Schatten
    Der_Schatten Member Posts: 82
    1. See the DS icon while hooking a Surv.
    2. Hitting a T-bagging Surv. in the Exit-Gate with NOED and Kill him
    3. Hitting a Huntress Hatchet on long Distanz with BBQ
    4. Long distance one shot Sprint with Billy
    5. Hitting a Surv. with your first Blink Combi, while BBQ with Nurse
    6. Multi Chainsaw hit with Leatherface
    7. Grabbing a Surv. from your Hex Totem/a Gen/out of a Locker
  • Kale
    Kale Member Posts: 61

    When survivors got trapped or a survivor dies by the reverse bear trap.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Entering a lobby as a Pig with four SWF all with toolboxes. Three of them with BNP's and getting a 4k. My GOD that was a fight and I hope I remembered to have OBS open to record that but knowing me I did it off stream >_<

  • Angrypug shitted talk me on stream. i got him four games in a row after this and made him rage Quit :)

  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    Getting any map that isn't Shelter Woods, Cowshed, or Wretched Shop.

    13 FPS on those maps is like going through a slideshow.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776
    edited July 2018

    floating around as nurse giving easy games without ruin while not taking bs from anyone, because if they do i can just kill them. A good way to relax after playing any walking killers.

  • Koziiina
    Koziiina Member Posts: 14

    Reverse bear trap kills.

  • Crazy_John
    Crazy_John Member Posts: 18

    That moment when a newer group of survivors are hiding in the basement after a hook rescue, and you get three of them onto the basement hooks and chase the fourth one down.

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    edited July 2018

    Had a guy using a glitch that caused me not to be able to reach him... It wasn't far from where the hatch was. He sat there half the match and I knew after the others left he'd have to move. Ended up catching him and hanging him beside the hatch ❤
    I uploaded a couple videos of it... But here's the glitch in action:
    And the revenge:

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    2:30 - 2:55 Sweet Revenge.
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    2:30 - 2:55 Sweet Revenge.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568

    As Hag, teleporting into grabbing someone out of a vault, especially if I get that front-side "grab them by the throat" animation.

    As Billy or Bubba, chasing someone into a dead end or corner where I have the only way out blocked.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited July 2018
    I was playing Amanda and I managed to get three really altruistic Claudettes in a survive with friends group who switch to flashlight in the last 5 seconds so I'm already pissed off before the game even starts. Anyway they kept trying to run into the basement for a save which allowed me to practically get all three on struggle stage with bear traps on before the first generator had even popped.

    Out of nowhere the solo Feng Min pops and runs in the basement for the save * insert Agent Smith evil laugh* So I allow it, I mean to be honest I was planning on camping their dumb asses anyway. After seeing the conga line run upstairs I managed to block the basement entrance with my thicc Piggy body at which point I began the most satisfying 2 minutes 30 seconds of butt dances session of my life.

    After all the Claudettes were dead by bear trap I just farmed with the Min and let her escape I'm pretty sure she even managed to take one of their flashlights.

    I love lone wolf/solo Feng Mins.
    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    When a swf abuses you all game and then after exit gates are open they get themselves killed trying to save one survivor.
    That stuff is my peanut butter and jam
  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    survivors running to the exit gate when i have blood warden

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    When I was trapper and I got a 4K and all four survivors had DS and they all used it on me!
  • Oink_Oink
    Oink_Oink Member Posts: 79

    when you only have 5 seconds left on "make your choice" and hit the one who has it. beautiful

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Downing that last guy just a couple steps into the exit area, then having a reverse bear trap left to put on his head... then stepping back to let them choose their fate.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    Downing that last guy just a couple steps into the exit area, then having a reverse bear trap left to put on his head... then stepping back to let them choose their fate.

    I like your style.

  • MemTheDurgen
    MemTheDurgen Member Posts: 4
    Was playing Hag and put a trap next to the hatch, figured “Why not? No one would be dumb enough to trigger it but I have ten of them.” I got into a chase with the last survivor near the hatch and in their panic immediately tried to jump though while I teleported behind them and grabbed them.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Oh, I got another one.

    Was during one of the events and this survivor team had been particularly bad. Last guy tried to get me to let him farm one one of the Lunar generators. I refused and he decided to try and "punish" me by going into full stealth mode.

    This went on for about 20 minutes before I finally downed him. I then returned the favor by letting him bleed out.

    Waste my time? I'll waste yours and still kill you.

    I entertained myself playing "I Hate Everything About You" from 3 Days Grace while waiting for the twirp to bleed out.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    when all 4 run in your traps next to the basement. (or 3 run in the traps while one is hoked)

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  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    @Doccy said:
    Just had a game where I managed to grab the last Survivor as they tried to jump through the hatch. God, that feels absolutely amazing to do.

    That got me thinking, are there any other moments or aspects of playing Killer that you personally find really enjoyable? Like getting that clutch 4K, immediately catching someone who DS'd you or something along those lines?

    I figured it was time to start talking a little more about what keeps us coming back to playing Killer, what makes it fun for us.

    When a 4 man SWF rushed the basement while I was playing Hillbilly, and I downed all 4 of them. Deerstalker helped me find them and hook them all, since they all took DS and Bond over Unbreakable. Only one of them got to use DS in the end, and that was when all but one was dead. She hit it and with Enduring I swiftly caught her before she was able to get the unhook.

    It was a good, happy day when that happened, really cheered me up after a few prior matches which went poorly.

  • Suddenly_Josh
    Suddenly_Josh Member Posts: 11

    Cross map hatchet downs on Huntress

  • HunterLovesDBD
    HunterLovesDBD Member Posts: 16

    When I brutally murder and mori my brother.

  • TheScarletPotion
    TheScarletPotion Member Posts: 46

    I do this quite often but when I get someone in the basement as hag place a single trap in front of the survivor go about doing my business then end up getting a 4k because the other 3 survivors fell for the same trick teleport to them drag them off the survivor hook rinse repeat 4k in first 3 minutes

  • ZarStocher
    ZarStocher Member Posts: 59

    When I was playing the Nurse with the new tinkerer and grabbing someone from the gen twice because I had no terror radius. :D

  • DeathSpark
    DeathSpark Member Posts: 41

    -Last night i played with the new trapper in the hag map, and i had placed a trap in front of the stares of the makeshift house(where is a gen upstairs and alot of windows).during the game i got someone in it and i chased him around the house until i hit him, as soon as i hooked him in the upstairs hook a survivor tryed to bodyblock me ,and as soon as the animation ended he started running to the stairs and back to the initial bear trap, wich activated again because of the iridescent stone.I havent felt so good in this game in months.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited July 2018

    This #########, probably

  • ArcaneMantis
    ArcaneMantis Member Posts: 29

    For me.
    1. Hitting a long range hatchet
    2. Completely mind gaming someone into submission in a chase
    3. Basement parties on overly altruistic SWF