For people who have used the support forums recently how long did it take for your request to get so

And is it 24/7 support or do they not anwser requests at night. Edit....technical support
Best Answers
It varies depending on what type of ticket you submit and how many other tickets are in the queue at the time. A report would go to the ACMs, for example, while most other tickets will go to the actual support staff.
It isn't quite 24/7; we have people answering tickets around the world at different times, but it's not live support. Your ticket goes into a queue and get answered once any older tickets have been dealt with.
Not a single request I made since last year has been granted.
*** EDIT oh wait you are referring to Technical Support and not Suggestions.
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Yeah sorry if that wasn't clear enough i was asking because i had someone say that they were going to give me bp but then never ended up doing it im not saying they need to hurry by any means i know theres way more requests and more important ones but i was curious if its just a back up of requests from the new patch or its they don't anwser them at night its been 3 days since they've said anything and i want to know if they'll anwser it or not im not rushing them i don't want to be mean to any of the support people just a question
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There's going to be about 6 hours waiting for an answer because I lost my progress.
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Exactly the same to me.
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Why did you agree to your own comment
Edit. Nevermind im dumb
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Recently I lost cosmetics, result was I got them back, then I lost them shortly after, then took them about 2-3 days to get them back
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Just started using the forums recently getting used to it xd
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They replied to it 12 hours in and then it was awaiting reply i replied with the info they asked for and now its been 3 days Since is this normal i just started using the technical support too im kinda new to all this most technical support teams I've interacted with never cared about me but with dbd its different they actually care about all of the playerbase
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Yeah, no problem at all. It was just funny your edit.
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Thanks for the vote up btw you were my first vote up i hope to see you in the fog
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I've never ever seen a response or even heard of anyone getting any... But that's not to say it didn't work that's just *my* experience.
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What do you mean
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I think I literally just said it....
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So you had a bad experience with the support team was this recently or did i happen awhile ago
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Ahahahaha hope I see you. You're funny.
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Thank you for taking time to anwser my question i hope i didn't come off as being needy or rushing you guys im glad you're helping with the support requests and i understand im not the only one with technical problems i hope you have a great day
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Which platform do you play on if we play on the same we could maybe play sometime
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I play on steam (PC)
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Damn i bought it on pc and i was trying to play it but i think my computer is too old or something because it wouldn't load i had the 64 bit thing the 8gb hardware and the graphics card i think but it wouldn't load so i just gave up and refunded it i normally play Xbox but i wanted to try pc and get to talk to people after the match but no luck
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Well, RIP then. :(
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If i can find out why it wont work on my pc ill rebuy it so i can play with you i have money on steam im not using anyway
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I found the problem i think my computer has a 4gb ram and it needs an 8gb so i need to check if i have see if i can find a 8gb ram or if i have another 4gb that i can use
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People have conversations with the support team?
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I don't well i asked once if they were still looking into it and i was sorry if i came off as pushy but never a full on convo
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No I meant like, they have full blown conversations? Cause from what Peanits wrote it sounds like some people submit tickets to have one lol.
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Some people are weird I'd assume they'd get some mean comments if there ticket didn't go there way i hope that's not the case though
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Who knows...
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I've always tried to be very kind to the devs mods and the support people because its just there job to try their hardest to help us and some people are rude to them
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Some people will always be rude to others, its just their nature. Especially in customer support, these things tend to happen.
Its good you're keeping that in mind when talking to people that deal with literally thousands of issues a day.
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I just think about it like if i was one of those people just trying to help people and i wouldn't want people to get mad at me because it didn't go their way
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You make the best of every situation. If some people can't accept that than well... Maybe this game isn't for them I suppose. Not everything gets fixed or goes their way at the snap of two fingers.
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They'll learn eventually that not everything will go there way and i hope they'll realize how rude they are being and they stop
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Only time will tell my friend.
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Time will tell it always does and i hope you have a great day today thanks for taking the time to comment on my post
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No problem, you have a good day as well!
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They'll learn eventually that not everything will go there way and i hope they'll realize how rude they are being and they stop
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I wrote a few tickets to them. When the queue is not full, or at least high, you can make some short convos with them like.
Example: I lost my progress 2 months ago. The problem got solved and then I asked a general question, they also answered the question. But it was just 1 simple question. Submiting a ticket is the place to get help in need, not to answer questions, for that, we have the forum.
Either way, maybe you don't get answered by a bot (in some occasions there is no need to have a person answering you) and they answer you (they're not obligated to).
This is my experience with tickets.
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How do you know if the queue is full or not and i thought penits said sending multiple tickets won't help you
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That's not what I mean, what I was talking about is a full blown conversation about many things besides questions. I'm guessing they don't answer those because they have better things to do and other problems to solve for people and their tickets...
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You know that the queue is full when they take time to answer you.
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No, that they don't answer, as i said above " But it was just 1 simple question. Submiting a ticket is the place to get help in need, not to answer questions, for that, we have the forum."
They are the support team, who answers questions is the community team Ex: Peanits
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I know i was saying that someone told me that submitting more tickets about the same thing is something you shouldn't do i understand the difference between peanits and the support team
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They actually do answer questions if your problem is solved, they ask if you have anymore issues when the main issue is resolved. They've done it in the past and i'm sure they'd do it again if I had an issue to submit.
A random conversation about nothing, and a question isn't the same thing. I don't think you understand what i'm talking about for some reason so never-mind.
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I've never had them ask me any questions after but my ticket was about a loss of auric cells not a loss of progress
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It varies between tickets, I suppose if the ticket was a question about something, they'll ask again if you have any other questions.
If its a loss of progress ticket, that's different.
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I also varies who helps you.
I've lost progress 3 times during my time playing this game. The first 2 were solved quickly and efficiently by the same tech support person, this last one though I was required to resubmit a lot of screenshots that were originally in the ticket, have unneeded emails back and forth while waiting 6 hours+ for a response each time, all that just for the tech support to say "See I cannot verified on my end you lost the progress with this particular characters (didn't mention the other one I did lose progress on too) therefore I will give you jack diddly squat. Good day sir, thanks for spending 12 bucks with us.
BHVR isn't known for good standardization processes that work, you can see it updates, you can see it in balance, you can see it in support.
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I haven't had much problems with the support i actually think its one of the best tech support teams ive had the pleasure talking too they helped me fast when i lost auric cells but now its taking a lot of time but its understandable because of the new patch so theres probably more important tickets then mine i just keep telling myself that they'll get to mine eventually