Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Community Poll - Do YOU like the new matchmaking?



  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Clearly you care enough to comment, and people do care because they are in here saying they would report it.

    I'm not in here justifying it, but I do understand why people will do it. That's all I'm saying.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Survivors are complaining that their low-rank friends are gonna go up against high-rank Killers in SWF, and yet when people explain that Killers already had to do that without any say in the matter, the response is that they could learn from facing higher-ranked Survivors. That is a pretty straightforward double standard.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited September 2019

    After getting "merked." I don't know what "merked" is.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749
    edited September 2019

    I am saying I don't care because in terms of what your de-ranking for. They only care that you are de-ranking in the first place, so they report it.

    I didn't say I didn't care about my opinion on this.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Worst change ever.

    Really long queue times, and even if you get a lobby half of them is unplayable due to ping. Then, SWF is tied to die, cause low ranks dont want to play with their higher ranked friends anymore, cause its overly frustrating (just being redrank surv is already a pain in the ass). So they will stop playing the game, cause no coop with their friends possible.

    Those who justify this change are just breeding hate on their previous situation looking for revenge, What's overly stupid and short minded.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    They are reviewing my post, but here we go again with the double standard.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    It is logic but gets in the way of them easy kills and on the path too "omg I faced REAL rank 1's and its soooo hard" and then folks whine. They don't belong there to begin with...

    I am just gen rushing to my depip and as a killer going to do *just enough to get outta red ranks - f* this bs.

    I can't find a lobby with killer and per chance when I finally do everyone DC's.... Waiting 40 min. for NOTHING is not my idea of a good time.

    PS4 not only has fps drops, crashes, broken lobbies now DC's are a new "feature".

    Fix this. It's not enjoyable and really not fair on either side of the spectrum. Besides the wait time and poor optimization, we now aren't even given an opportunity to play due to DC's.

    TL;DR it's not worth playing killer on PS4 because that ishhh is B R O K E N.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That was referring to low-rank Survivors playing against other low-rank Survivors as opposed to jumping all the way into the deep end by grouping up with a high-rank Survivor. They have the choice as to how they want to approach it. A Killer would not have that choice because they don't get to choose if they play against a SWF group with one or more high-rank Survivors. That decision is thrust upon them.

  • HanaCraft
    HanaCraft Member Posts: 7

    No! Not at all! Red ranks on PS4 is absymal, it’s a 10min wait time! And just before the bloodhunt! BHVR once again breaking their game .-.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Ahh. In that case, I would just play against people my own rank for some time in an effort to improve.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    Wait times are terrible for survivor

    If you play swf lobbies often lose someone

    They implemented this right before 2x bloodpoints

    I'm gonna say the new matchmaking is terrible

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Sort of... If you just stand there then yes. Instead be a gen jockey - you get no pips but can help out your team.

    Even if you are chased and did gens you still won't pip and depending on how many gens and how long the chase you will waaay more than likely de-pip.

    It's better than DC because at least you get *some* points. Now if you gotta pull somebody do it, you'll safety pip - like I'm not ever gonna advocate for being a jerk or breaking the rules.

    You can also not play for a few months and the system auto derank you so there's that.

    Just don't DC or harm your team do something, anything really. Besides as a killer DC'ing is infuriating and bm to your fellow teammates.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    No level 10-20 gameplay will prepare them for the sweat Nurse, spirit at red ranks. They will just get instantly downed and be turned off by the game. The same way some killers were turned off by SWF, but killer queue times have always been long. Now both are long.

    Like I said before some killers will never be good and some survivors will never be good. That's why there needs to be a casual mode to mess around in.

    It takes one killer to launch a lobby and four survivors at the end of the day. People want to play with friends and this change is gonna hurt more than help as you can clearly see by some of the posts in here.

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2019

    I like the SWF change because I don't get as many green ranks in my rank 20-19 killer lobby and so far haven't gotten higher ranks than that since the change. However, the queue times for killer have increased slightly and are now around 10 min. It also takes longer to find a lobby as a rank 13 solo survivor (5 min instead of seconds) but I don't play survivor much lately.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    If they keep practicing and working their way up the ranks, they can eventually prepare themselves for the higher ranks. That's how ranking systems work.

  • Haddonfield40
    Haddonfield40 Member Posts: 6

    Yes & No. I seem to still have trouble finding matches when I want to play Killer. I do love that I can invite friends and still level up etc. with them. Finding matches still seems to be a problem for me however.

  • Brunofb3
    Brunofb3 Member Posts: 6

    In a specific aspect: Waiting Time Queue (SWF) is simply impossible. I'm not saying it's bad, it's impossible. Half of the matches the killer closes the lobby, giving host error to the group, the other half can not be played 'cause latency. w/e... thank you very much for ruin the game just before the launch of the Double BP event. My sincere congratulations

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    I know how a ranking system works, lol. The roles just switched for people trying to play with friends. And no amount of time will help some people get better. This change won't help those killers struggling to get to red ranks, and those new players playing with red rank friends will learn very little.

    I've been playing this game for less time than most and reached red ranks with no problem on both sides. As mean as it might sound, some people have their limits and no side should be forced to deal with it. This is why I keep mentioning a different ranking system, but w/e, I give up on this topic.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited September 2019

    New players playing on their own ranks, however, could end up learning properly. That is the part you are not really addressing. If they cannot properly improve this way and would end up being not very good players, then it wouldn't matter too much what ranks they ended up facing with SWF, would it?

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    @TAG and @Regionlock

    Here I made a discussion so you guys stop plaguing this thread.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    I do address it, but you can't pretend like there isn't a huge playerbase that only plays with friends. This is why the queue times are insane on both sides now.

    I get your point, but you refuse to understand how much it hurts people who have friends and aren't sitting all day in killer Queue. Just look at the multiple people in this thread struggling to find matches now. It's w/e tho this is going nowhere and we are just spamming this thread at this point.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited September 2019

    If those friends who are of a lower Rank work to improve themselves, then the impact this has on the group lessens considerably. If they choose to go into the high ranks by joining a friend at high ranks, then they should understand what they are signing up for.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Other thread if you want to continue discussing. it's turned into spam here at this point " the they should know what they sign up for" isn't a fix.

  • CrazyShot
    CrazyShot Member Posts: 3

    Playing on PS4, I think this change to finding killers is a disaster. Why did they make it so if you have one rank 1 in your swf lobby the game will look for a rank 1 killer? I think that’s stupid. And not only that this hotfix introduced a glitch that makes it so 1 or more survivors in your party will get left behind in the search lobby. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED. Another thing I think is dumb is that if you have a full team (4 survivors) it shouldn’t take 5 mins or more to find 1 killer, what was wrong with they Way it worked b4 the stranger things DLC where it would search for the AVG RANK of your survivors? Taking that out seems like a sign of pure laziness to me because I think it was the most balanced that way.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    It could be better...

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    On PS4 absolutely. As a pretty new player and rank 18 killer are was getting amazingly balanced games these last two days. Where as previously I was getting survivors as much as 10 levels better than me, now they're all at least within 4 levels of me and I can actually play some good games. previously I would get stomped and a couple games as killer and just switch over to Survivor. Today for the first time I was able to stick with killer all day and even got a couple of 4 K's. It was incredibly satisfying.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    Yes I think it's amazing. Forces people to not be able to bully lower ranked people all the time. Also, for once, SWF have something bad happen to them. Win/win in my book!

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    I knew this would happen, a majority of my games are people just running into me to get one hooked. At this rate purple rank killers can finally reach red ranks cuz they don't got to learn anything about the dam game. Gj

  • PotEtU
    PotEtU Member Posts: 44


    I really like the Change so the survivors can't abuse the swf system. But solo ques i still get matched with almost red rank only as a green rank killer, so i have like a 10min que to find a lobby as killer, just to be gen rushed to ######### even with Ruin, wasting a perk slot, just for the rank ones to bully me for a little and leave through the gates.

    As survivor I'm glad, always getting ranked with my rank (or otherwise no more then 2 ranks higher/lower then me) quetimes are still questionable

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    No killer lobby times have always been good it’s the survivor side that’s been ruined by this hot fix

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    No. Getting into lobbies as a solo with other survivors several ranks lower that are also in swf. Therefore the killers in those rounds have significantly lower rank compared to mine since the matching was based on the swf group I got paired with.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I would... but this is getting completely out of hand now.

    4/5 of my Killer Games today were Survivors INTENTIONALLY DC'ing to "DERANK"..

    That is not fun, and its a complete waste of time, I don't have all day to play just to let others derank. Also I ended up losing a bunch of pretty good Addons because of it and all I wanted was to play one normal match.. which finally I got on my 5th game. At least Killer ques are fast for the first time in forever.

    On Survivor right now on the other hand I am 5/5 on playing matches against PRO (Insanely Good) Killer's WAY Above me and my teams' skill level and each match we got 4K'd in under 5min literally. The games barely last at all, and now Survivor que is SUPER long like Killer Que was a while back..

    I don't mind the short killer ques, if Survivor's wouldn't just DC intentionally constantly. And the new Survivor ques really do suck, so I can't blame them ALL that much, but I can't even play Survivor right now I guess because I'm purple rank and somehow that means every killer I face is going to completely wreck my whole entire team at the speed of light lol..

    I've never faced this difficult Killers before in my 300+ Hours playing this game, seriously. Not sure who the hell I'm being put up against now. But it is WAY above my skill level. I've also never faced this many DC'ing Survivors that just end games to derank it's extremely annoying both ways... so I suppose that even though it was a good change in attempt to make it "FAIR" balancing for the game, it turned out to be even worse than before for me lol.

    I really wish that DBD just had a Damn "CASUAL" Play game mode (without Ranks) like other games do... and before everyone tells me how that would be horrible for DBD, I don't feel like explaining myself right now but there ARE certainly ways that could make it work and not be so bad, perhaps be even better.

  • PullTheTrig
    PullTheTrig Member Posts: 6

    It doesn't do anything. Still have to que for over 20 mins to play killer. At this point why even play killers?

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    and this one wasn't? I'm confused as the only reason I mentioned it was because of your double standard, but proceed to live in your bubble.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Yes, i'm getting matched with people of a similar rank as opposed to getting stomped on every match!

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,542


    Waiting Times are really long for me. And the change does not really stop bullyilng. I mean, some people seem to define bullying as everything which makes them lose, but if someone really wants to bully new Killers, they are still able to do so. And well, also Survivors can be new to the game because of ST.

    But if a friend of mine would like to try out DBD again (he has played 2 games so far, just in the case he decides to give it another go), I would need to make a new account for that to play with him. Which would not make it fair for the Killer again. But it would not keep him in the game to play his first games in Red Ranks, he even had troubles hitting Skill Checks (and I am not talking about Great Skill Checks here).

    And well, the problem was not the SWF-MM, it was the general MM. My SWF-Friend and myself were Red Ranks, played with yellow Ranks vs a yellow Rank Killer. And neither of us was causing it, because we were not SWF with the other two.

    And even now, it does not work perfectly. Yesterday: 3 Red Ranks and a Rank 5 vs a Rank 8 Killer. This is almost Green Ranks.

  • 2Khours
    2Khours Member Posts: 158

    no not really

  • FlamingTurd
    FlamingTurd Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2019


    I have never had such long queue times. Before I was able to quickly get into games with SWF groups and now it takes a few minutes each time we queue up. Over time this is very bothersome and I even have friends saying they don’t want to bother due to the queue times unfortunately.

    On top of that, it makes it extremely frustrating when playing with my friends newer to the game when they’re literally forced to play against much higher level killers. This kills the mood and they end up not wanting to play with me which is forcing me to purposely derank, which I don’t like having to do.

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453
    edited September 2019

    I am rank 12 currently started playing after rank reset.

  • snick
    snick Member Posts: 50


  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    yes. best matchmaking we ever had so far. pls keep it.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    What now needs to happen is a reason to rank up... incentives, rewards etc..... an actual reason to get better at the game and to complete the grind..... the community had a big discussion about this awhile back and rank rework with rewards is coming but if they were in place now I dont think this would be as much of an issue as the certain players are making it out to be......

    Overall this is a much needed change that improves the health of the game.... survivor noobies will get better at the game and loop most killers till daylight when they do..

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    This change wasn't to make que faster. It was to fix rank disparity in matches with a SWF group.

    It didn't touch solo disparity or que times.

  • pAncrop900
    pAncrop900 Member Posts: 44

    As solo survivor matchmaking is awful. Red ranks with green and yellow ranks.

    As killer... Well, i used to be a killer main until it takes 7 minutes in average to get in lobby. Very very bad

  • Pokerface303
    Pokerface303 Member Posts: 110
